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Первый брак по возрасту и полу

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Все возрасты , до 15 лет , 15 - 19 ,

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Австрия , Азербайджан , Албания ,

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

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Источник: Статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН, сформирована на основе национальных и международных (Евростат) официальных источников.

Определение: количество первых браков согласно полному числу лет (возраст в последний день рождения).

Общее замечание: данные из регистров, если не указано иное.

.. - данные отсутствуют

Страна: Албания

- Change of definition (1990 onwards): Data are for the total number of marriages instead of first marriage.
- Reference periods (1990-2016): The data for the 15-19 age group refer the age group up to 19.

Страна: Бельгия

Change in definition (2000-2015): both spouses are single before the marriage. In the preceding table, each spouse was selected separetely.

Страна: Бельгия

Since 2003, marriages between persons of the same sex are included.

Страна: Кипр

- Data cover only government controlled area.
- Reference periods (2004-2009): Data refer to marriages of residents of Cyprus only.
- Reference periods (1990-2003): Data refer to all marriages conducted in Cyprus (residents & non-residents).

Страна: Грузия

Territorial change (1995 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region

Страна: Германия

From 3 October 1990: data refer to the Federal Republic within its frontiers.

Страна: Израиль

As of 2008, data included cases that were not included in the past.

Страна: Казахстан

Change in definition (1995 - 2008): Age group 0-14 refers to age less than 18; age group 15-19 refers to 18-19.

Страна: Мальта

From 2001: data include foreign residents.

Страна: Республика Молдова

Age group 15-19 includes married at the age under 16 and 16-19.

Страна: Республика Молдова

Territorial change (2000 onward): Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Страна: Российская Федерация

Additional information (2011 - 2012): Age group 15-19 includes married at age less than 15

Страна: Сербия

From 1998: data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.

Страна: Таджикистан

Data refer to registered marriages.

Страна: Турция

Change in definition (2002 - 2012): Age group 15 - 19 refers to 16-19.

Страна: Украина

- From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.
- Change in definition: Age group 0-14 refers to age less than 16; age group 15-19 refers to 16-19.

Измерение: Человек , Страна: Соединенное Королевство

Reference periods (2014-2017):
- Figures are for England and Wales only. They are not directly comparable with figures for earlier years in the table which are for the United Kingdom.
- Figures represent opposite-sex marriages only. They exclude marriages of same-sex couples which have been possible in England and Wales from 29 March 2014.