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Graduates by type of programme and sex

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Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (Eurostat and OECD) official sources.

Definition: Graduates from an ISCED level are individuals who entered and successfully completed an education programme which is classified as ‘level completion’.

A new version of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011) was adopted in 2011 by experts on Education Statistics. According to ISCED-11, the graduates refer to those who successfully completed levels 6, 7 or 8 of tertiary education. Programmes at ISCED-11 level 6, or Bachelor’s or equivalent level, are often designed to provide participants with intermediate academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies, leading to a first university degree or equivalent qualification. Programmes at ISCED-11 level 7, or Master’s or equivalent level, provide participants with advanced academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies, leading to a second degree or equivalent qualification. Such programmes may have a substantial research component but do not yet lead to the award of an advanced research qualification. Level 8 in ISCED-11, or doctoral or equivalent level, is reserved for tertiary programmes leading to the award of an advanced research qualification.

According to ISCED-97 (previously in use), the ‘level completion’ programmes include levels 5A and 6. ISCED-97 level 5A corresponds to tertiary programmes that are largely theoretically based and are intended to provide sufficient qualifications for gaining entry into advanced research programmes and professions with high skill requirements. However, these programmes do not necessary distinguish between a first and second academic degree. Level 6 in ISCED-97 corresponds to level 8 in ISCED-11.

For most countries the data on graduates in this table are shown according to ISCED-97 up to 2012 and according to ISCED-11 from 2013. However, for some countries the data were recalculated by the National Statistical Organizations according to ISCED-11 for earlier periods and provided both for ISCED-11 and ISCED-97 . In these particular cases, the sum of graduates at ISCED-11 levels 6 and 7 equals graduates at ISCED-97 level 5A, and, to avoid duplication, the data for every year are shown according to ISCED-11 only.

Differences between ISCED-11 and ISCED-97 may affect time series data for some countries and result in breaks in series.

With some exceptions, data on graduates refer to the calendar year.

General note:The joint UOE (UNESCO-UIS, OECD, EUROSTAT) 2005 data collection on graduates by fields of education and training was changed to include graduates who were awarded more than one degree in different fields (not within the same field). In previous years, these graduates were reported only once and pro-rated over the fields. This change affected data in very few countries as multiple graduations in different fields for the same reference year are negligible in most countries.

.. - data not available

Country: Albania

Advanced research programmes do not exist.

Country: Armenia

The transition to ISCED-2011 is from 2013-2014 school year. From 2012 backwards, the data have been recalculated by the NSO based on ISCED-2011.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

From Y2014: ISCED-2011 classification has been applied.

Country: Bulgaria

Break in methodlogy (2000): Since 1997 the three-cycle degree structure (bachelor ? master ? doctoral) has been adopted following the Bologna process (due to changes in the national legislation)

Country: Bulgaria

Break in methodlogy (2007): The programs for training of medical nurses and maternity nurses have completed with qualification degree &
39; since 2007 (due to changes in the national legislation). Medical nurses and maternity nurses education has moved from ISCED 5B to ISCED 5A since 2006.

Country: Canada

Reference period (1995 - 2013): Data refer to calendar year. e.g. data for graduates 2004-2005 refer to calendar year 2005.

Country: Croatia

Data refer to calendar year.

Country: Cyprus

Data cover only government controlled area.

Country: Czechia

1980, 1990, 1995: data refer to graduates of full-time attendance only.

Country: Estonia

Up to 1990: advanced research programmes were not included in regular education.

Country: Georgia

- Territorial change (Y1980 - onwards): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.
- Primary source: Census; Survey of higher educational Institutions.

Measurement: Graduates , Country: Georgia

Territorial change (1980 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Georgia

Territorial change (1980 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Country: Germany

1980-1995: data refer to ISCED 1976 classification.
1980-1990: data refer to the former Federal Republic of Germany.
From 1995: data refer to the territory of Germany after reunification.

Country: Hungary

Change in definition (1980 - 2000): data refer to ISCED 1976 classification

Country: Iceland

2001-2005: data refer to calender year.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Change in definition (1995 - onwards): Data refer to state and non-state educational institutions.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (2000 - 2012): Data refer to the beginning of academic year.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (2013): Since 2013 data refer to the end of an academic year.

Country: Latvia

1990, 1995: data refer to ISCED 1976 classification.

Country: Lithuania

Data refer to calendar year.

Country: Luxembourg

Data refer to population aged 25-64.

Country: Republic of Moldova

As of 2005/2006 school year, higher education, except medical and pharmaceutical, is carried out in two cycles (Licentiate and Master‘s). Students downcast to 2005/2006 academic year completed training on the rules according to the Bologna Declaration. In number of the graduates at the level 5A in 2008 includes those who received a diploma of higher education (before the adoption of the Bologna Declaration) and licentiate degree, and in 2010 and those who got master‘s diploma. Before 2009 data excluded foreigners. From 2012/2013 data are classified according to ISCED-2011.

Country: Republic of Moldova

Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Country: Romania

Data are not available for advanced research programmes.

Country: Serbia

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has no available data on the AP Kosovo and Metohija.

Country: Slovakia

1995: data do not refer to ISCED 1997 classification.

Country: Slovenia

Data refer to calendar year.

Country: Spain

2005: Provisional data

Country: Sweden

1995: data refer to ISCED 1976 classification.

Country: Switzerland

Break in methodlogy (2005): Break in series due to the growth in some fields of studies for women such as teacher training or health in Universities of Applied Sciences.

Country: Switzerland

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1997

Country: Tajikistan

Reference period (2000 - 2013): Data for advanced research programmes refer to end of year. Data for theoretical oriented programmes refer to June-July of reporting year.

Country: Turkiye

Change in definition (1990 onwards): Data for theoretical oriented programmes include open education graduates. Data for advanced research programmes include medical interns and doctorate students.

Country: Turkiye

Reference period (1990 onwards): Data refer to end of year.

Country: Turkmenistan

- From Y2011: Doctoral graduates (ISCED-2011/Level 8) include postgraduate students.
- From Y2020: Compiled data based on ISCED-2011. Bachelor&
x2019s degree students are counted together with specialist&
x2019s degree students.

Measurement: Graduates , Country: Ukraine

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Ukraine

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Country: Ukraine

- Y2021: Primary source - Administrative data: ''Data of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education on the Network and Activities of Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Institutions for the Training of Postgraduate Students.''
- Y2020: Primary source - Administrative data: ''Data of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education on the Network and Activities of Institutions of Higher Education and Professional Higher Education.''
- From Y2014 data cover the territories under the government control.
- From Y2012/2013: Transition from ISCED-1997 to ISCED-2011.
- Y2010: Primary source - Survey of enterprises: ''Report on the work of graduate studies.''
- From Y2000-Y2009: Primary source - Survey of enterprises: ''Report of the higher education institution at the beginning of the academic year and ''Report on the work of graduate and doctoral studies.''