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HIV/AIDS Treatment (Target6B): universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS

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General note on the UNECE MDG Database:

The database aims to show the official national estimates of MDG-indicators used for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Data is shown alongside official international estimates of MDG-indicators (as published on the official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators: Besides the international MDG-indicators, other indicators and disaggregates that are relevant for the UNECE-region are included.

At present, the tables include data from the latest official MDG-report of each country. Currently, data from official dedicated MDG-websites and previous official national MDG-reports are being added. Additionally, more detailed metadata is being added to the footnotes. Additional indicators might be added if they are used generally across the region.
Please note that some indicators are also available in the Gender Statistics Database of UNECE. Figures might differ due to the use of different sources.

Definition of the indicators: Explanations on the indicators are listed below. Deviations from the standard definitions provided here are specified in the country-specific footnotes.

Definition: This indicator is defined as the proportion of adults and children with advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection currently receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 2007: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Source in Reference: 2007: National HIV/AIDS Program;

Country: Belarus

International Series: 2009 to 2011: Country has requested that no coverage be published, or only a range.;

Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: AIDS Center of Min. of Health;

Country: Latvia

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2003: AIDS Prevention Centre / NSO;

Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 2005 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2005 to 2008: NSO;

Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2009 to 2011: Data not available.;

Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010;