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Exchange Rate (XR) by Country, Indicator and Quarter

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Albania , Andorra , Armenia ,

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1990Q1 , 1990Q2 , 1990Q3 ,

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The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacts the production of statistics and may limit available resources and data sources. This may impact the quality of statistics for 2020, and could lead to later revisions.

Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (CIS, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, World Bank) official sources.

General note: The UNECE secretariat presents time series ready for immediate analysis. When appropriate, source segments with methodological differences have been linked or rescaled to build long consistent time series.

Country: Albania

Currency: Albanian lek (ALL)

Country: Armenia

Currency: Armenian dram (AMD), replaced the Soviet rouble at 1:200 in 1993. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Austria

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Azerbaijan

Currency: Azerbaijanian manat (AZM) redenominated at 1:5000 in 2006. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Belarus

Currency: Belarusian rouble (BYR) redenominated at 1:10 in 1994, at 1:1000 in 2000, and again 1:10000 in July 2016.
All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Belgium

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Currency: Bosnia and Herzegovina, convertible marka (BAM).

Country: Bulgaria

Currency: Bulgarian leva (BGL), redenominated at 1:1000 in 1999 with a peg to the Euro (1.95583 :1). All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Canada

Currency: Canadian dollar (CAD).

Country: Croatia

Currency: Euro (€), from 1st January 2023, all exchange rate statistics for Croatia (including the historical series) are expressed in euros.

Country: Cyprus

Currency: euro (€)
From 1st January 2008, Euro has become the legal tender currency in Cyprus. As a result of this change, all exchange rate statistics for Cyprus (including the historical series) are expressed in Euro.

Country: Czechia

Currency: Czech koruna (CZK).

Country: Denmark

Currency: Danish krone (DKK).

Country: Estonia

Currency: Euro (€), from 1st January 2011, all exchange rate statistics for Estonia (including the historical series) are expressed in euros.

Country: Finland

Currency: euro (€)

Country: France

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Georgia

Currency: Georgian lari (GEL), replaced the lari-kupon at 1: 1000000 in 1995. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Germany

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Greece

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Hungary

Currency: Hungarian forint (HUF).

Country: Iceland

Currency: Iceland krona (ISK).

Country: Ireland

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Israel

Currency: New shekel (ILS).

Country: Italy

Currency: euro (€)

Country: Kazakhstan

Currency: Kazakh tenge (KZT ) replaced the Soviet rouble at 1:500 in 1992. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Currency: Kyrgyz som (KGS), replaced the Soviet rouble at 1:200 in 1993. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Latvia

Currency: Euro (€), from 1st January 2014, all exchange rate statistics for Latvia (including the historical series) are expressed in euros.

Country: Lithuania

Currency: Euro (€), from 1st January 2015, all exchange rate statistics for Lithuania (including the historical series) are expressed in euros.

Country: Luxembourg

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: Malta

Currency: Euro (€)
From 1st January 2008, Euro has become the legal tender currency in Malta. As a result of this change, all exchange rate statistics for Malta (including the historical series) are expressed in Euro.

Country: Montenegro

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: Netherlands

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: North Macedonia

Currency: Macedonian denar (MKD) replaced the Yugoslav dinar at 1:1 in 1992, redenominated at 1:100 in 1993. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Norway

Currency: Norvegian krone (NOK).

Country: Poland

Currency: Polish zloty (PLZ) redenominated at 1:10000 in 1995. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Portugal

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: Republic of Moldova

Currency: Moldovan leu (MDL), replaced cupon at 1:1000 in 1993. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Romania

Currency: Romanian New Leu (RON), replaced the Romanian Leu at 1:10000 2005. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Russian Federation

Currency: Russian rouble (RUB) redenominated at 1:1000 in 1998. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Serbia

Currency: Serbia new dinar (CSD).

Country: Slovakia

Currency: Euro (€)
From 1st January 2009, euro has become the legal tender currency in Slovakia. As a result of this change, all exchange rate statistics for Slovakia (including the historical series) are expressed in euro.

Country: Slovenia

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: Spain

Currency: Euro (€)

Country: Sweden

Currency: Swedish krona (SEK).

Country: Switzerland

Currency: Swiss franc (CHF).

Country: Tajikistan

Currency: Tajik somoni (TJS) replaced the Tajik rouble at 1:1000 in 2000. The Tajik rouble replaced the Soviet rouble. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Turkiye

Currency: New Turkish lira (TRY); since 1 January 2005, replaced the Turkish Lira (TRL), with one TRY being equivalent to one million TRLs. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Turkmenistan

Currency: Turkmen Manat (TMM) replaced the Soviet rouble at 1:500 in 1993 and after January 2009 denomination New Turkmen Manat (TMN) replaced the old currency at 1:5000. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: Ukraine

Currency: Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) replaced the former karbovanets at 1:100000 in 1996. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.

Country: United Kingdom

Currency: British pound (GBP).

Country: United States

Currency: United States dollar (USD).

Country: Uzbekistan

Currency: Uzbekistani sum (UZS) replaced the Soviet rouble at 1:1000 in 1993. All data are expressed in the latest currency units.