- Total population, in persons:
- Persons
- Population aged 65+ as percentage of total population:
- Percent
- Total fertility rate:
- children per women
- Life expectancy at birth, in years:
- Years
- Life expectancy at age 65, in years:
- Years
- Mean age at first marriage:
- year
- Economic activity rate:
- Percent
- Proportion of workers in a managerial position:
- Percent
- Gender pay gap as difference in monthly earnings:
- Percent
- Long term unemployment rate:
- Percent
- Proportion among population aged 25-49 with tertiary educational attainment:
- Percent
- Tertiary students, percent of both sexes:
- Percent
- Members of national parliament, percent of both sexes:
- Percent
- Senior civil servants, percent of both sexes:
- Percent
- Time spent by employed persons on free time activities:
- Hours
- Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 with children under 3:
- Percent
- Researchers, percent of both sexes:
- Percent
- Victims of serious assaults, percent of both sexes:
- Percent