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Population, 5-year age groups, by marital status and sex

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Never married , Married , Persons in registered partnership ,

Selected 0 of total 8

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.All ages , Under 15 , 15 ,

Selected 0 of total 24


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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Albania , Andorra , Armenia ,

Selected 0 of total 56

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

Selected 0 of total 27

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Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (Eurostat) official sources.

Marital status is defined as the legal conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country. The basic classification of the population by marital status includes: never married, married, widowed and not remarried, divorced and not remarried. Categories of registered/legal partnerships and legally separated persons are also shown for the countries where the legislation includes provisions for these statuses.

In this table the category ''Never married'' includes persons who have never been married or in a registered partnership. Category ''Persons whose legal union was legally dissolved'' includes all the persons whose marriage ended with a divorce procedure and all the persons whose registered partnership ended with a legal procedure. Category ''Persons whose legal union ended with the death of the partner'' includes all the persons whose marriage or registered partnership ended with the death of the partner.

General note: Data refer to 1st January of each year.
Age groups: For categories of the marital status for the EU and EFTA member states age group 95+ refers to the population of 95-99 y.o. unless otherwise specified in Country Footnotes. For other countries see Country Footnotes.

.. - data not available

Country: Armenia

- Change in definition (2011): Divorced with registration and without registration.
- Additional information (2011): Data on married included the registered, non-registered and church marriages.
- Reference period (2002 - 2010): Data are based on the 2001 year Census.
- Change in definition (2001): Age 15 refers to age group 15-19; age group 50-54 refers to 50+.
- Break in methodology (1990 - 2000): Re-estimated on the base of the 2001 year Census.
- Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Age group 70-74 refers to 70+.

Country: Belarus

Change in definition (1980,1990,2000): age group 70-74 refers to 70+.

Country: Belarus

Change in definition (1995, 2001 - onwards): age group 85-89 refers to 85+ unless otherwise explicitly shown.

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Data for single marital status categories refer to the population 15+ only. Data for 2013 are from the population census and refer to 30/09/2013.

Country: Bulgaria

1980, 1990, 2001, 2010: data refer to Censuses 1985 (4 December), 1992 (4 December), 2001 (1 March) and 2011 (1 February).

Country: Canada

Data for married category do not include married couples separated.
Data refer to 1 July of each year.

Country: Canada

Data for age group 95+ refer to 90+

Country: Croatia

1980, 1990, 2001 : data refer to Censuses 1981, 1991 and 2001 and all three censuses taken on 31 March.
Before 2001 : data refer to population with permanent residence irrespective of where and for how long the person lived.
From 2001 : data refer to usual resident population.
All Marital Status 1980 and 1990 : age 15 refers to age group 15-19; 2002-2008 : age group 85-89 refers to 85+.
Never Married, Married, Widowed and Divorced 1990 : age 15 refers to age group 15-19; age group 85-89 refers to 85+.

Country: Cyprus

Data cover only government controlled area.
1980 : data refer to 1 October 1982. 1990 : data refer to 1 October 1992.

Country: Czechia

1990 and 1995 : data refer to 31 December.

Country: Denmark

Data for married category include separated partners. Up to 2006 data on married persons include registered partners and data for widowed category include surviving partners. From 2007 data on registered partnerships reported separately.

Country: Denmark

2007: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Finland

2007: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Iceland

2007: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Netherlands

2007: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Sweden

2007: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Estonia

1980 : data refer to 17 January 1979. 1990 : data refer to 12 January 1989.
2000 : All marital status data refer to 1 January; Never Married, Married, Widowed and Divorced data refer to 31 March.

Country: France

For 1990-2010 data do not cover the overseas departments (DOM).

Country: Georgia

Territorial change (2002 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Country: Georgia

Figures for breakdown by marital status are based on Population Census of 2014, which was conducted in November. As a result sum of population by marital status does not add up to total.

Country: Georgia

The decrease of population between 2014 and 2015 is related to results of Census 2014.

Country: Germany

From 3 October 1990: data refer to the Federal Republic within its frontiers.

Country: Germany

2014: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Greece

Before 1995 : data refer to de facto population. From 1995 : data refer to de jure population.

Country: Hungary

2010: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Ireland

1980 : data refer to 5 April 1981. 1990 : data refer to 21 April 1991. 1995 : data refer to 28 April 1996.
Reference period: April to June.

Country: Israel

Change in definition (2000 - 2011): Data refer to the average annual population aged 15+. Age 15 refers to age group 15-19; age group 65-69 refers to 65+.

Country: Kazakhstan

Change in definition (2000, 2010): data for single marital status groups refer to the population aged 15+. Age group 70-74 refers to 70+.

Country: Kazakhstan

Reference period (2000): data refer to 1999

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Change in definition (1980): Data for age group 70-74 include data for age group 70 +

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Change in definition (1990 - 2000): Data for age group 85-89 include data for age group 85 +

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1979 Census (17 January)

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1989 Census (12 January)

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999 Census (24 March)

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Reference period (2009): Data refer to 2009 Census (24 March)

Country: Malta

Data for other categories of marital status do not add up to all marital status because data are from different sources and reference periods.
All marital status: From 1980 to 2000: data refer only to the Maltese population excluding foreign residents. From 2001: data refer to total population.
Never Married, Married, Widowed and Divorced 2008: data is estimated from 2005 census. 2005, 2008: data on never married refer to single or annulled marriages. 1995: data on divorces include annulled marriages. 2008: data refer to 31 December. 1995, 2005: data are from 1995 census as of 26 November, and 2005 census as of 27 November. For 1995: data refer only to Maltese population.

Country: Montenegro

All Marital Status refer to all persons 15 and over including persons with no answers about marital status.

Country: Norway

2009: Divorced and Widowed - break in time series, see data on legal unions in the categories of marital status

Country: Republic of Moldova

From 2000 data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender. Data for all marital status also includes persons with undeclared marital status.

Country: Russian Federation

Change in definition (2002 - 2013): Age group 70-74 refers to 70+.

Country: Serbia

Break in methodlogy (2002 - 2011): All marital status includes "unknown" status

Country: Serbia

Change in definition (2002 - 2011): Data refer to population aged 15+ only.

Country: Serbia

Territorial change (2002 - 2011): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.

Country: Slovakia

1980 and 1990 : data refer to 31 December.

Country: Slovenia

1990 and 1995 : data refer to 31 December.

Country: Spain

All marital status 1980 : data refer to 1981; 1990 : data refer to 1991.

Country: Switzerland

The total population does not correspond to the sum of the four individual marital statuses (never married/married/widowed/divorced) as there are other officially recognized marital statuses in Switzerland, eg. ''in registered (same-sex) partnership, ''dissolved (same- sex) partnership'', ''unmarried''.

Country: Tajikistan

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): Data refer to the population aged 15+. Age group 70-74 refers to 70+. 2010: age 19 refers to age group 15-19.

Country: Turkiye

1980, 1990, 2000: data refer to 12 October, 21 October and 22 October respectively.
All Marital Status 1980: age group 85-89 refers to 85+.
Never Married, Married, Widowed and Divorced 1980 : age 15 refers to age group 15-19; age group 65-69 refers to 65+.
2008 : data refer to legal marital status and do not cover foreign population.

Country: Ukraine

Change in definition (1980): age group 70-74 refers to 70+.
Data include divorced and separated.

Country: Ukraine

Change in definition (1990 - 2002): age group 70-74 refers to 70+.
data refer to population aged 15+.

Country: Ukraine

Change in definition (1990): age group 70-74 refers to 70+.
Refer to population aged 15+.
Data include divorced and separated.

Country: Ukraine

Change in definition (2002): age group 70-74 refers to 70+.
Refer to population aged 15+.
Data include divorced people.

Country: Ukraine

Reference period (1980): data refer to Censuse 1979 (17 January).

Country: Ukraine

Reference period (1990): data refer to Censuse 1989 (12 January).

Country: Ukraine

Reference period (2002): data refer to Censuse 2001 (5 December).

Country: United States

- Change in Definition (1980): Age group 75-79 refers to 75+
- Change in definition (1980-1995): Age group 45-49 refers to 45-54; Age group 55-59 refers to 55-64; Age group 65-69 refers to 65-74
- Change in definition (1980 onwards): Data refer to 1 March and are for the civilian, non-institutionalized popilation aged 15+. Age 15 refers to age group 15-17; age 18 refers to age group 18-19.
- Change in definition (1990-1995): Age group 75-79 refers to 75-84; Age group 85-89 refers to 85+.
- Change in definition (2000): Age group 75-79 refers to 75+.
- Change in definition (2001 onwards): Age group 55-59 refers to 55-64; Age group 65-69 refers to 65-74; Age group 75-79 refers to 75-84; Age group 85-89 refers to 85+.
- Change in definition (2001-2002): Age group 45-49 refers to 45-54.