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Mean age at first marriage by sex

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Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (UNICEF TransMONEE) official sources.

Definition: The mean age at first marriage is the weighted average of the different ages (limited at age 50), using as weights the age-specific marriage rates for first marriages only.

General note: Data come from registers, unless otherwise specified.

.. - data not available

Country: Albania

Change of definition: Figures is calculated based on the weighted average of the different ages, using the age-specific marriage rates for total marriages instead of first marriages.

Country: Austria

As of 2018, data includes same sex marriages.

Country: Belarus

Data are based on events and include all ages.

Country: Belgium

Change in definition (2000-2015): both spouses are single before the marriage. In the preceding table, each spouse was selected separetely.

Country: Belgium

Since 2003, marriages between persons of the same sex are included.

Country: Belgium

Change in definition (1980 - 2015): Data are based on events. The ages taken into account are not limited to 50.

Country: Canada

- Definition: Data are based on events and include all ages. Computed after the imputation of unknown ages.
- Breaks in time series: Starting in 2003, same-sex couples are included. Also starting in 2003, data are not available by gender in some provinces and territories and therefore for Canada as a whole. For this reason, mean ages at first marriage are provided for all genders combined.

Country: Croatia

Data are based on events.

Country: Cyprus

- Data cover only government controlled area.
- Reference periods (2020-2021): Data for the years 2020-2021 are provisional.
- Reference periods (2004-2021): Data refer to marriages of residents of Cyprus only.
- Reference periods (1990-2003): Data refer to all marriages conducted in Cyprus (residents & non-residents).

Country: Denmark

Data are based on events.

Country: France

Data do not cover overseas territories. 2007, 2008: Preliminary data.

Country: Georgia

- Territorial change (1995 onwards): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region

Country: Germany

- Change in definition (1980 onwards): Data are based on events and include all ages.
- Territorial change (1980 - 1990): Data refer to the former territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Country: Greece

Before 1991: data were based on the de facto population. From 1991: data are based on the de jure population. Break in time series in 2000. Before 2000 mean age was calculated on the basis of events. From 2000 onwards calculations are based on rates.

Country: Hungary

The mean age at first marriage is based on events, and limited at age 80.

Country: Iceland

Data are based on events and include all ages.

Country: Ireland

Data are based on events and include all ages. Data refer to year of registration which can include data from previous years.

Country: Ireland

Data cover Republic of Ireland only.

Country: Israel

Change in definition (1980 - 1995): Data are based on events

Country: Italy

Data related to 2002-2011 are calculated using intercensal register population estimates. From 1980 to 2003 the mean age at first marriage is based on events, not on rates.

Country: Malta

Data refer to the average of the different ages.

Country: Norway

Break in methodology (1995): Calculation of per cent unmarried at age 50.

Country: Portugal

Data are based on events by age groups, using as weights the middle point of each age group, from 16 until 75 and over. From 2010 figures include same-sex civil marriages.

Country: Serbia

Data are based on events and include all ages. From 1997: data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.

Country: Spain

- Change in definition (1980-2013): Data are limited to age 60.
- Change in definition (2005 onwards): Since 2005, this indicator includes marriages between people of the same sex. On July 3, 2005, Law 13/2005 came into force, which establishes legal marriages between people of the same sex in Spain.

Country: Sweden

Break in methodology (2009): Includes same -sex marriages.

Country: United Kingdom

- Figures are for England and Wales only.
- Reference periods (2014-2017): Figures are not directly comparable with figures for earlier years in the table which are for the United Kingdom. Figures relate to opposite-sex marriages only. They exclude marriages of same-sex couples which have been possible in England and Wales from 29 March 2014. Mean age at first marriage based on events.
- Additional information (1980 - 2010): Data are not standardised and take no account of the structure of the population by age or marital status.

Country: United States

From 1980 onwards: Estimates of the median age at first marriage.