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Занятость в государственном и частном секторах по полу

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.. - данные отсутствуют

Источник: Статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН, составленная из данных, полученных из национальных и международных (ЕВРОСТАТ и МОТ) официальных источников.

Занятость - включают всех резидентов, старше установленного возраста, которые в течение установленного краткого периода времени – либо одной недели, либо одного дня – входили в одну из следующих категорий:
(a) – оплачиваемая занятость по найму:
(a1) – занятые на работе: лица, которые в течение базового периода выполняли определенную работу по найму за оплату наличными или натурой;
(a2) – имеющие работу, но не занятые: лица, которые, уже проработав на нынешнем месте работы, были временно не заняты на работе в течение базового периода и были формально прикреплены к своему месту работы.
(b) – самостоятельная занятость:
(b1) - занятые на работе: лица, которые в течение базового периода выполняли определенную работу и получали прибыль или выгоду для семьи наличными или натурой;
(b2) – имеющие предприятие, но не занятые: лица, имеющие предприятие, которое может быть торгово-промышленным предприятием, фермой или предприятием сферы обслуживания, которые были временно не заняты на работе в течение базового периода по какой-либо определенной причине.
Частный сектор охватывает частные корпорации (включая контролируемые иностранными компаниями), домохозяйства и некоммерческие учреждения, обслуживающие домашние хозяйства.
Государственный сектор охватывает подсекторы центрального правительства (в основном органы государственной и местной власти вместе с фондами социального обеспечения, учреждаемые и контролируемые такими органами), а также государственные корпорации, т.е. корпорации, которые подлежат контролю со стороны правительственных органов (обычно определяются государством, владеющим контрольным пакетом акций).
Для дополнительной информации смотрите Международная конференция по вопросам статистики занятости .

Общие замечания: Данные из Обследований Рабочей Силы (ОРС), если не указано иное. Данные из ОРС и переписей населения обычно соответствуют определению, изложенному выше.

Просьба иметь в виду, что сноски для страны не всегда даются в алфавитном порядке.

Страна: Армения

- Break in methodology (2014-2019): Since 2014 data are based on the Labour Force Survey. From 2018, the LFS methodology has been revised and the data refer to permanent residence.
- Break in methodology (2008): since 2008 data refer to population aged 15-75.
- Break in methodology (2007): From 2007 to 2013 data are based on the Integrated Survey of the Household Living Standards. The 2007 data refer to population aged 16-75.
- Break in methodology (2001, 2002): For the periods of 1980-2000 and 2002-2006 data on employment are based on integrated data received from various sources. For 2001 data are from Population Census.

Страна: Австрия

Break in methodlogy (2004): Break in series due to change in data collection procedure.

Страна: Азербайджан

Data are based on Population Census, establishment survey and registers

Страна: Беларусь

Data are based on administrative registers. Data for private sector include corporations with mixed ownership.
2010: changes in methodology

Страна: Босния и Герцеговина

Additional information (1990 - 2008): Data are based on administrative records and related sources

Страна: Болгария

Change in definition (2003 - 2019): Annual average data

Страна: Болгария

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1993 (September).

Страна: Болгария

Reference period (1995 - 2002): Data refer to June of the corresponding year

Страна: Канада

Additional information (1980 - 2013): Data for not stated refers to self-employed.

Страна: Хорватия

Data given for 2009 onwards are calibrated according to the results of the Census 2011 and are not fully comparable with data given for previous years.

Страна: Кипр

Change in definition (1980 - 2008): Data refer to full-time equivalent (FTE) employment. Data are based on official estimates

Страна: Кипр

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

Страна: Кипр

Territorial change (1980 - 2008): Data cover the area controlled by the Republic of Cyprus

Страна: Чехия

Break in methodlogy (1990 - 2008): Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers

Страна: Дания

Data are based on administrative records and related sources

Страна: Франция

Reference area: Metropolitan France

Страна: Франция

Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers

Страна: Грузия

Data do not cover Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Tshinvali).

Страна: Германия

Additional information (1995 - 2007): Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers

Страна: Греция

Data refer to annual averages.

Страна: Венгрия

Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers.
Private sector : data include corporations with mixed ownership.

Страна: Ирландия

Data are based on administrative registers.
2008 : break in series due to change in methodology. The series previously published up to 2008 was derived from the Quarterly Public Sector inquiry (QPI). The data from 2008,2009 and 2010 is now generated from the Earnings,Hours and Employment Cost Survey (EHECS)There are different methodologies used in both.They are as follows: The QPI was data generated from one reference period in the quarter.The EHECS survey is an average over the full quarter. The QPI had some whole time equivalents in the data ,EHECS uses a head count. The data from EHECS will therefore be higher

Страна: Израиль

Change in definition (2000 - 2008): Data on public sector refer to General Government only.

Страна: Италия

Additional information (1990 - 2008): Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers

Страна: Кыргызстан

Additional information (1995 - onwards): Data for private sector are obtained by subtracting the number of employed in public sector from the total number of employed.

Страна: Латвия

Change in definition (1995 - 2001): Data refer to the population aged 15+.

Страна: Латвия

Change in definition (2002 - 2012): Data refer to the population aged 15-74.

Страна: Латвия

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996.

Страна: Люксембург

Change in definition (1990 - 2008): There is no sector variable in the LFS. The public sector is defined as the sum of the NACE rev1 sections L and M

Страна: Люксембург

Change in definition (2009 - 2019): There is no sector variable in the LFS. The public sector is defined as the sum of the NACE rev2 sections O and P

Страна: Люксембург

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1983

Страна: Польша

- From Y2021, changes resulting from implementation of the common framework for social statistics, i.e. Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 October 2019 and its implementing acts, have been introduced in the Polish LFS. Due to the introduced changes the results cannot be compared with the previous periods from Y2021 onwards.Since Y2021, the data have concerned population aged 15-89 years (until Y2020, it was aged 15 and more).
- Since the third quarter of Y2012, generalization of the LFS results over the general population has been carried out with the use of the data on the population of Poland aged 15 and more obtained from the balances compiled on the basis of the Population and Housing Census 2011. Moreover, the methodological changes have been taken into account, excluding from the survey persons staying outside households for 12 months or longer (until the second quarter of Y2012, it was over 3 months). In order to maintain comparability of the time series after the introduced changes, the data for the years Y2010-Y2011 are also presented in a version including these changes; the data are not fully comparable with the results of the surveys prior to Y2010.

Страна: Республика Молдова

- Break in methodology (2019): From 2019 LFS is carried out on a new sampling plan.
- Break in methodology (2014-2018): Data for 2014-2018 were recalculated based on usual resident population.
- Reference period (2000-2013): Data were estimated using the number of resident population.

Страна: Румыния

Mixed sector - included in ''private sector'' for years 2007 onward; for year 1995-2006 mixed sector is included in the ''sector not stated'' row. Break in series starting with year 2009. For years 2014 onward data were estimated using the resident population. For years 2009-2013 data were estimated based on revised population figures (resident population) in accordance to the 2011 Census results.

Страна: Сербия

- Persons included in ''Public/private sector not stated'' category are those who work in other forms of ownership.
- Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.

Страна: Словакия

Data are based on Labour Force Survey, enterprise survey and registers.

Страна: Словения

Data come from the Slovenian Statistical Register of Employment and cover persons who hold paid employment, self-empoyed persons who have compulsory social insurance and trainees. Data do not cover persons working abroad.

Страна: Швеция

Break in methodlogy (2004 - 2005): For "Employment Public/private sector not stated" persons working abroad are included in 2005 and forward but seen as outside the labor force in 2004 and before.

Страна: Швейцария

Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Sector not stated : data include trainees.

Страна: Швейцария

Reference period (2000 - 2009): Data refer to 2nd quarter

Страна: Таджикистан

Change in definition (2004): Data include working migrants

Страна: Турция

Break in methodlogy (2004): Data are revised according to the 2008 population projections.

Страна: Украина

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Страна: Украина

For 2000-2011 data compiled according ISIC 3 Rev.1, since 2012 ISIC 4 is in use

Страна: Украина

Data do not cover the area of radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl disaster.