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Victims of crime by type of crime and sex

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Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources.

Victimes of crime are persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws within countries, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power. A person may be considered a victim regardless of whether the perpetrator is identified, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted and regardless of the familial relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. The term ''victim'' also includes, where appropriate, the immediate family or dependants of the direct victim and persons who have suffered harm in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization.
A serious assault is an injury whereby life could be endangered, including cases of injury involving the use of dangerous instrument. Cases where instruments are used only to threaten are excluded.
A homicide is intentional or unintentional killing. Intentional homicide is a death deliberately inflicted on a person by another person, including infanticide. Non-intentional homicide is a death not deliberately inflicted on a person by another person. That includes crime of manslaughter but excludes traffic accidents that result in a death of persons. The distinction between intentional and unintentional homicide differs from country to country, as does the definition of attempted murder.

Robbery is the theft of property from a person, overcoming resistance by force or threat of force.

Sexual assault comprise rapes, attempted rapes and indecent and sexual assaults (offensive behaviour excluded).

General note: Data come from administrative data sources unless otherwise specified.In general, the number of victims of crime are as reported by the police, i.e. crimes that are reported to, detected by, or otherwise drawn to the attention of the police.

Country: Belarus

Data refer to reported crimes

Country: Bulgaria

Reference period (2000): Data do not cover whole year.

Country: Canada

1995/2000 – break in series: change in methodology (change in territorial coverage).
Homicide includes Criminal Code offences of murder, manslaughter and infanticide. Serious assault includes assault, assault with a weapon or bodily harm assault and aggravated assaults. Robbery includes robbery and robbery to steal a firearm. Sexual assault includes sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon or bodily harm and sexual assault aggravated.

Country: Croatia

Attempted murders are not included under Homicides.

Country: Cyprus

Data cover only the area controlled by the Republic of Cyprus.
2003: break in series, change in data recording process.

Country: Czechia

Change in definition (2009 - 2012): Data for Victims of sexual assault refer to Sexual abuse and Rape.

Country: Denmark

Additional information (2010 onwards): Victims of reported crimes

Country: Denmark

Change in definition (2010 onwards): Victims of homicide: Do not include unintentional homicide
Change in definition (2001 onwards): Victims of serious assault: Include attempted homicide. Do not include violence against public authority
Change in definition (2001 onwards):Victims of robbery: Include robberies against people in own house and people in the street. Do not include robberies against banks, shops etc.

Country: Estonia

Break in methodlogy (1990): Change in laws and methodology.

Country: Finland

Change in definition (1980 - 2010): Robbery and serious assault : data refer to crimes, not victims.
Sexual assault: data refer to crimes, not victims.

Country: Finland

Data includes intentional homicides only.

Country: France

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): Data include DOM-TOM. From 2015 data are restricted to metropolitan France. Also for 2015 homicides include suicides (149 persons). Data by gender does not sum up to the total for both sex because the sex of some victims is unknown.

Country: Georgia

Additional information (2012 - 2014): There are some cases where the gender is not known

Country: Georgia

Territorial change (2005 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Country: Germany

- Source: Administrative records: Federal Statistical Office, Criminal Court Prosecution Statistics.
- Break in methodology (2009): Transition to delivery of individual PCS data sets and introduction of a six-digit key number system at national level.
- Break in time series (2005-2016): Change in definition on sexual assault. Included are data on offenders of completed and attempted sexual coercion offences and sexual abuse offences. Excluded are victims of rape and sexual coercion as well as exploiting sexual inclinations.
- Due to the recent revision of the German Penal Code with regard to rape and other sexual offences the data for 2017 are not comparable with the former years. Included are data on victims of completed and attempted sexual coercion offences and sexual abuse offences.

Country: Greece

Change in definition:
- Homicide: Data refer only to victims of intentional homicide.
- Victims of sexual assault: Data refer only to victims of rape;

Country: Ireland

Additional information (2003 - 2012): Covers all Garda stations in the Republic of Ireland.

Country: Ireland

Break in methodlogy (2003): The Irish Crime Classification System (ICCS) replaced the previous breakdown of crime into headline/non-headline. Figures based on ICCS are provided since 2003.

Country: Israel

Numbers of victims are based on causes of death files. No data on the type of crime.

Country: Italy

- Break in methodology (2004): change in collection procedures and sources.
- Break in methodology (1990): Change in classification.
- Change in definition (1980): Infanticide is not included.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Italy

Break in methodlogy (2004): change in collection procedures and sources.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Italy

Change in definition (1980): infanticide is not included

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Additional information (1990 - onwards): Data refer to reported crimes (cases).

Country: Norway

1980, 1990, 1995: calculation is based on convictions for crimes. 2000: calculation is based on total convictions (both crimes and misdemeanours)

Country: Republic of Moldova

Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Country: Serbia

Data exclude territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

Country: Slovakia

Change in definition (1990 onwards): Homicides: only intentional killing included.

Country: Spain

For 2012-2013, the total for both sexes is not the sum of male and female because some victims have unknown sex. Due to reform of the penal code in 2015, there are changes in the categorization of crimes and data going forward may not be comparable with data from previous years.

Country: Spain

Territorial change (2009 - 2013): Data exclude Cataluna police region.

Country: Sweden

Data refer to number of crimes reported to the police or the public prosecutor.
Data on victims of homicides includes completed murder, voluntary and involuntary manslaughter, infanticide and assault leading to death. Figures are taken from the elaborated homicide data, whereby police reported homicides that after investigation or court procedure turn out not being homicides have been excluded.

Measurement: Victims of crime , Country: Switzerland

- Break in methodology (2009-2021):
(a) Break in series due to the the revision of the police crime statistics in 2009.
(b) Data exclude cases with unknown sexes.
(c) Homicide: does not include attempted murder (Swiss criminal code art. 111-117).
(d) Serious assault: numbers from 3 different crimes (Swiss criminal code art. 122, 133,134, 140 nb. 4) + attempted murder combined - victims are counted only once.
(e) Robbery: Swiss criminal code art 140.
(f) Sexual assault: Swiss criminal code art. 187-193.
(g) Additional information:Source: Police crime statistics (PCS).;

- Additional information(1980 - 2008): Source: Old federal police statistics (less detailed precursor statistics of the current Swiss police crime statistics with some methodological flaws).

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Switzerland

- Break in methodlogy (2009-2021): Break in series due to the the revision of the police crime statistics in 2009.
-Data exclude cases with unknown sexes.
-Homicide: does not include attempted murder (Swiss criminal code art. 111-117).
-Serious assault: numbers from 3 different crimes (Swiss criminal code art. 122, 133,134, 140 nb. 4) + attempted murder combined - victims are counted only once.
-Robbery: Swiss criminal code art 140.
-Sexual assault: Swiss criminal code art. 187-193.
-Additional information:Source: Police crime statistics (PCS).;

- Additional information(1980 - 2008): Source: Old federal police statistics (less detailed precursor statistics of the current Swiss police crime statistics with some methodological flaws).

Country: Turkiye

Change in definition (2008): Because of administrative recording problem, 2008 robbery figures cover number of crimes not victims. There is no gender breakdown for that year.
There is a difference in the crime classification between 2007 and 2008.Before 2007, only the crimes which were devolved to the justice were included. Starting from 2007 all crimes reported to the police have been counted. In 2014, traffic accidents were included.

Country: Ukraine

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Country: United Kingdom

- Change in definition (2008 - onwards): Serious assaults - change in definition.
- Break in methodology (2003): Change in data recording.
- Break in methodology (2000): Change in coverage.
- Reference period (2000 - onwards): Data refer to financial year.
- Territorial change (1980 - onwards): Data refer to England and Wales.