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Convictions by age category and sex of offender

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Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources.

Definition: Persons convicted are persons found guilty by any legal body duly authorised to do so under national law, whether the conviction was later upheld or not.

.. - data not available

Country: Austria

Break in methodlogy (2000): Significantly reduced number of convictions between 1999 and 2000: the decline is due to diversion which is now applicable to adults in criminal law.

Country: Austria

Change in definition (1990): Juveniles: data refer to persons aged less than 19.
Persons, who were convicted more than once in the indicated year are multiple-counted.

Country: Austria

Change in definition (1995 - 2001): Juveniles: data refer to persons aged less than 19.

Country: Bulgaria

Break in methodlogy (2000): Until 1997 data are based on the activity of the regional and district courts on penal trials of general, private and administrative character. Since 1998 the information for the activity of military courts is also included.

Country: Bulgaria

Break in methodlogy (2012): Since 2012 data include activities of the Special Criminal Court.

Country: Canada

Found guilty includes guilty of the charged offence, of an included offence, of an attempt of the charged offence, or of an attempt of an included offence. This category also includes cases where an absolute or conditional discharge has been imposed.
Data refer to fiscal year (April 1 through March 31 of following year). 1995-2004: data do not cover all provinces and territories.
Adult is a person of age 18+ at the time of the offence. Juvenile is a person aged 12 to 17 y.o at the time of the offence.

Country: Cyprus

Data refer to the Government controlled area only.

Country: Cyprus

Includes convictions of both serious crimes (in violation of the Penal Code) and minor offences, as well as traffic violations.

Country: Czechia

Change in definition (2000 - 2012): Data include not only imprisonment but also e.g. fines, ban on activity, etc.

Country: Denmark

Break in methodlogy (2007): From 1980 to 2006, data refer to all persons with a decision, incl. acquitted and prosecutor dropped. From 2007, data cover only those who are convicted.

Country: Estonia

Break in methodlogy (1990): Change in laws and methodology.

Country: Finland

Break in methodlogy (2000): Offences against the Road Traffic Act carrying imprisonment as penalty were transferred to the Penal code on 1 October 1999.

Country: France

- Reference period (2018): Provisional figures.
- Reference periods (1995-2018): Ultraperipheric departments (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna) have been excluded (the new geographical area is the French economic territory, including Corsica and overseas departments). Minor offences (contraventions) are excluded.

Country: Georgia

Territorial change (1990 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Country: Germany

- Source: Administrative records: Federal Statistical Office, Criminal Court Prosecution Statistics
- Data since 2007 refer to the current territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Territorial change (1980 - 2006): Data refer to former territory of Germany.

Country: Greece

Change in definition (1990 - 2004): Juveniles: persons aged up to 17

Country: Ireland

Change in definition (2000 - 2002): Headline Incidents only being included. Juveniles: 16 years or younger.

Country: Israel

Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Convicted juvenile offenders are those tried in juvenile courts.

Country: Israel

Change in definition (2000 - 2012): Convicted juvenile offenders are those tried in juvenile courts.
Data on persons charged in criminal trials conducted in courts of first instance, who were sentenced during a given year.
Since 2000 classification as adults or as juveniles was based on the following criteria, 1) The offender`age at the time crime was committed. 2)The offender`s age at time of the indictment 3)The type of court in which the trial was held.A juvenile offender is a person who meets two out of the three criteria . All other cases are considered to be adults.

Country: Israel

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

Country: Israel

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1989

Country: Italy

Break in methodlogy (2000): Change in methodology and source

Country: Italy

Change in definition (1980 - 2011): Data refers to the convicted persons recorded in the Judicial Database

Country: Kazakhstan

Break in methodlogy (2000): Change of source as of 2000

Country: Netherlands

Change in definition (1990 - 2012): Data exclude persons with unknown sex and age.

Country: Poland

Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Juveniles: persons aged up to 16.

Country: Poland

Change in definition (1995 - 2012): Juveniles: persons aged up to 17.

Country: Republic of Moldova

Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Country: Romania

Convictions is equivalent to Persons convicted because there are no data regarding final convictions.

Country: Serbia

Territorial change (2000 onward): Data exclude territory of Kosovo and Metohija.

Country: Slovenia

Break in methodology (1995): Change in law. Break in methodology (2013): New amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act enabled the implementation of criminal proceedings and economized trials. This is reflected in the large increase of the number of convicted persons over the previous year. The number of convicted juveniles did not significantly increase during the same period – around 10%.

Country: Spain

Break in methodlogy (2008): Before 2007: different source and partial coverage.

Country: Spain

Change in definition (1980 - 2013): Juveniles: persons aged between 14 to 17 years.

Country: Spain

Change in definition (2000 - 2006): Juveniles: persons aged between 14 to 17 years.
Convicted persons are partially reported by sex.

Country: Sweden

Change in definition (1980 onwards): Data refer to number of convictions. One person can contribute with more than one conviction during a calendar year.
Includes attempts, assistance, preparation and conspiracy to commit an offence.

Country: Switzerland

Additional information (1990 - 1995): Data are not complete (Juvenile convictions are not available)

Country: Switzerland

Change in definition (1990 - 2012): Only convicted persons for felonies and misdemeanours.

Country: Turkiye

2005: break in series: introduction of changes in laws. 2009: break in series: change in data compilation method. Data refer to the number of sentence decisions rendered for accused persons at criminal courts in accordance with Turkish Criminal Law and special laws for 2009 and later. Total excludes judicial person, foreign national and unknown sex and age for 2009 and later.

Country: Ukraine

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Country: United Kingdom

Change in definition (2008 - onwards): For total convicted persons, male and female may not add up to total because the sex is not always recorded

Country: United Kingdom

Territorial change (1980): Data refer to England and Wales only.

Country: United States

Adults: data represent felony conviction in state and federal courts. 1995: data refer to 1994.