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Bus and coach statistics

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Total , National Transport , Occasional national transport ,

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Albania , Andorra , Armenia ,

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2009 , 2010 , 2011 ,

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Country: Belgium

For vehicle kilometres: National transport = all kms driven in Belgium including the kms from international journeys driven in Belgium, International transport = all the kms driven outside Belgium, Regular national transport = Public Transport and school transport by public transport operators. For total passengers: Touring cars and coaches (occasional services) only, Regular national transport refers to public transport only.

Country: Ireland

Refers to public transport only

Country: Croatia

Passenger kilometres refers to interurban transport only.

Country: Estonia

From 2017, total, national transport and regular national transport vehicle-km, seat-km offered, passenger-km and number of passengers and urban regular national transport seat-km, number of passengers, passenger-km refers to buses and trolley buses only, occasional national transport, regular interurban national transport and international transport, regular international transport seat-km offered refers to buses only.

Country: Hungary

Number of passenger and passenger-kilometres refers to data from enterprises with more than 4 employees and vehicle kilometres refer to data from enterprises with more than 49 employees.

Country: Latvia

Passenger kilometres refers to regular transport only.

Country: Norway

Urban transport data refer to the 13 largest city-areas only.

Country: Poland

International transport outside country includes only enterprises with more than 9 employees. Passenger kilometres includes only enterprises with more than 9 employees and does not include urban transport.

Country: Portugal

Refers to mainland only. Refers to public transport.

Country: Slovenia

Passenger kilometres refer to public transport. Passenger kilometres, international transport refer to domestic operators only.

Country: Switzerland

Vehicle kilometres includes foreign vehicles.

Country: United States

Number of passengers, national transport does not include intercity or school bus transportation. Vehicle kilometres refers to all bus travel in the United States, not only vehicles registered in the country.