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Population Living Below National Poverty Lines (Target 1A): population below $2.50, $4.30, relative, food basket and basic needs based poverty lines

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General note on the UNECE MDG Database:

The database aims to show the official national estimates of MDG-indicators used for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Data is shown alongside official international estimates of MDG-indicators (as published on the official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators: Besides the international MDG-indicators, other indicators and disaggregates that are relevant for the UNECE-region are included.

At present, the tables include data from the latest official MDG-report of each country. Currently, data from official dedicated MDG-websites and previous official national MDG-reports are being added. Additionally, more detailed metadata is being added to the footnotes. Additional indicators might be added if they are used generally across the region.
Please note that some indicators are also available in the Gender Statistics Database of UNECE. Figures might differ due to the use of different sources.

Definition of the indicators: Explanations on the indicators are listed below. Deviations from the standard definitions provided here are specified in the country-specific footnotes.


Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of the population living in households below the international poverty line where the average daily consumption (or income) per person is less than $2.50 (PPP) a day.

Population below unspecified national poverty line (%)

Definition: The percentage of the total population living below the national poverty line of which the exact definition is unkown.

Population below relative national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households where the equivalised income is below the threshold of 60% of the national equivalised median income.

Rural population below relative national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households where the equivalised income is below the threshold of 60% of the national equivalised median income.

Urban population below relative national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households where the equivalised income is below the threshold of 60% of the national equivalised median income.

Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households below the national poverty line where the average daily consumption (or income) per person is less than the cost of local basic needs. This includes food and non-food items necessary for the satisfaction of basic needs.

Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households below the national poverty line where the average daily consumption (or income) per person is less than the cost of local basic needs. This includes food and non-food items necessary for the satisfaction of basic needs.

Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of population living in households below the national poverty line where the average daily consumption (or income) per person is less than the cost of local basic needs. This includes food and non-food items necessary for the satisfaction of basic needs.

Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the precentage of the population living in households below the national food-based poverty line where the average daily consuption (or income) per person is less than the cost of the local food basket that provides the agreed amount of energy of 2,100 kcal.

Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the precentage of the population living in households below the national food-based poverty line where the average daily consuption (or income) per person is less than the cost of the local food basket that provides the agreed amount of energy of 2,100 kcal.

Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the precentage of the population living in households below the national food-based poverty line where the average daily consuption (or income) per person is less than the cost of the local food basket that provides the agreed amount of energy of 2,100 kcal.

Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of the population living in urban households below the international poverty line where the average daily consumption (or income) per person is less than $4.30 (PPP) a day.

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Report 2002; Definition: 1998: $2.00 (PPP); Note: 1998: 1993 PPP; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LCS 1998;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Report 2002; Definition: 1998: Below 60% of median income; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LCS 1998;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Report 2002; Definition: 1998: Below 60% of median income; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LCS 1998;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Report 2002; Definition: 1998: Below 60% of median income; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LCS 1998;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2008: MDG Progress Report 2010; Definition: 2002 to 2008: unknown kcal; Note: 2002 to 2008: Below consumption of 4,891 Albanian Leke per month, 2002 prices; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2002: LSMS 2002; 2005: LSMS 2005; 2008: LSMS/HBS;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Status of Implementation 2001; 2004 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo ( 2012-05-12; 2011 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators ( 06/02/2014; Definition: 1998: $2.00 (PPP); 2004 to 2007: $2.15 (PPP); 2008 to 2012: $2.50 (PPP); Note: 2008: $2.15: 3.9%; Reference period: 1998: 1998-07-01 to 1999-06-30; Source in Reference: 1998: Social Snapshot and Poverty in the Republic of Armenia, NSS, Yerevan 2001; 2004 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LSMS 1998-1999; 2004 to 2012: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2003: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; 2004 to 2007: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2008 to 2009: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 1996 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1996 to 2003: According to 1996 World Bank methodology; 2004 to 2007: According to 2004 World Bank methodology; 2008 to 2009: According to 2009 World Bank methodology; 2008: According to 2004 World Bank methodology: 23.5; 2009: According to 2004 World Bank methodology: 28.7; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2009: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1996 to 2009: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1996: MDG Report 2005; 1999 to 2007: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2008 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators ( 06/02/2014; Definition: 1996: 2,100 kcal; 1999 to 2012: 2,232 kcal; Note: 1999 to 2007: According to 2004 World Bank methodology for extreme poverty; 2008 to 2009: According to 2009 World Bank methodology for extreme poverty; 2008: Level according to previous definition: 3.1; 2009: Level according to previous definition: 5.2; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1996: Household Survey; 1999 to 2012: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1996: MDG Report 2005; 1998: MDG Status of Implementation 2001; 1999 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; 2004 to 2007: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; 2008 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo ( 2012-05-12; 2011 to 2012: Armenia MDGs Indicators ( 06/02/2014; Definition: 1996 to 2003: $4.00 (PPP); 2004 to 2007: $4.30 (PPP); 2008 to 2012: $5.00 (PPP); Note: 2008: $4.30: 47.7%; Reference period: 1998: 1998-07-01 to 1999-06-30; Source in Reference: 1998: Social Snapshot and Poverty in the Republic of Armenia, NSS, Yerevan 2001; 2001 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1998: LSMS 1998-1999; 1999: Integrated Living Conditions Survey; 2004 to 2012: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: Below 70% of median income; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: Below 70% of median income; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: Below 70% of median income; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2001: NSO MDG data; 2002 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; 2005 to 2012: NSO MDG data; Definition: 2001 to 2012: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2004: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Definition: 2003: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; Definition: 2000 to 2009: $2.00 (PPP);

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 2000 to 2011: Below 50% of median income; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 1995 to 1999: MDG Progress 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 1995 to 2011: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2009: Socio-economic status and living standards of population in the Republic of Belarus. - MH., 2010, p.114; Primary Source in Reference: 2010 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 2000 to 2011: Below costs basic needs; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 2000 to 2011: Below costs basic needs; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 2000 to 2011: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2009: Socio-economic status and living standards of population in the Republic of Belarus. - MH., 2010, p.114; Primary Source in Reference: 2010 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: MDG progress 2010; 2010 to 2011: MDG Report 2012; Definition: 2000 to 2011: $4.00 (PPP); Primary Source in Reference: 2010 to 2011: Sample household living standards survey;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2004 to 2007: MDG progress report 2010; 2011: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2004 to 2011: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2004 to 2011: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2004: HBS 2004; 2007: HBS 2007; 2011: LFS;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG progress report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2007: Below costs basic needs; Reference period: 2001: 2000-2001; Source in Reference: 2004 to 2007: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 2001: LSMS 2000-2001; 2004: HBS 2004; 2007: HBS 2007;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG progress report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2007: Below costs basic needs; Reference period: 2001: 2000-2001; Source in Reference: 2004 to 2007: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 2001: LSMS 2000-2001; 2004: HBS 2004; 2007: HBS 2007;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG progress report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2007: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2004 to 2007: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 2001: LSMS 2000-2001; 2004: HBS 2004; 2007: HBS 2007;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2000 to 2007: 235 BAM per month (?120); 2011: $5.00 (PPP); Note: 2000 to 2007: World Bank Calculation; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2007: World Bank; 2011: Min. of Health; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: LSMS 2000-2001; 2007: HBS 2007;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Bulgaria

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2007: Below 60% of median income;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Croatia

National Series Reference: 2001: MDG Report 2004; 2002 to 2008: MDG report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2008: Below 60% of median income; Note: 2001: EUROSTAT methodology; Source in Reference: 2001: Government Bureau of Statistics, Poverty Indicators in the Years 2001 and 2002 (2004); 2002 to 2008: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2002: HBS 2002; 2004: HBS 2004; 2008: HBS 2008;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Croatia

National Series Reference: 1998: MDG Report 2004; Definition: 1998: $4.30 (PPP); Source in Reference: 1998: World Bank (2000);

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Czechia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1996 to 2001: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2001: Eurostat ; Primary Source in Reference: 1996 to 2001: European Community Household Panel;

Indicator: Population below unspecified national poverty line (%) , Country: Georgia

National Series Reference: 1997 to 1999: MDG in Georgia 2004; 2000 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2004-2005; Definition: 1997 to 2004: `Extreme poverty rate`; Note: 1997 to 1999: Extreme poverty, GEL58-63; 2000 to 2004: `Extreme Poverty`; Source in Reference: 1997 to 1999: NSO; 2000 to 2004: Min. of Economic Development, Statistics Department ;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Georgia

National Series Reference: 1997 to 1999: MDG in Georgia 2004; 2000 to 2004: MDG Progress Report 2004-2005; Definition: 1997 to 2004: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1997 to 1999: GEL124-128; Source in Reference: 1997 to 1999: NSO; 2000 to 2004: Min. of Economic Development, Statistics Department ;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Hungary

National Series Reference: 1991 to 2000: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1991 to 2000: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2000: as reference; Primary Source in Reference: 1991 to 1995: Hungarian Household Panel Survey 1992-97; 2000: Household Monitor Survey 2000;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Hungary

National Series Reference: 1991 to 2000: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1991 to 2000: $4.30 (PPP); Source in Reference: 1991 to 2000: as reference; Primary Source in Reference: 1991 to 1996: Hungarian Household Panel Survey 1992-97; 2000: Household Monitor Survey 2000;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Definition: 2001 to 2012: $2.50 (PPP); Source in Reference: 2001 to 2012: NSO;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1996 to 1999: MDG Report 2010; 2000: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; 2010 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Definition: 1996 to 2012: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1996 to 1999: Amounts to $3.5-3.7 (PPP). These poverty lines were not re-estimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodologyeffective from 1 January 2006.; 2000 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2010 to 2012: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2001: 28.4 according to old methodology; 2002: 24.2 according to old methodology; 2003: 19.8 according to old methodology; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2012: NSO;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1997 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1997 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2001 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); Source in Reference: 1997 to 2009: NSO;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1997 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1997 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2001 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); Source in Reference: 1997 to 2009: NSO;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1997 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1997 to 2009: unknown kcal; Note: 2001 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); Source in Reference: 1997 to 2009: NSO;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2009: unknown kcal; Note: 2001 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); Source in Reference: 2001 to 2009: NSO;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2009: unknown kcal; Note: 2001 to 2005: Reestimated in accordance with the new subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); 2006 to 2009: New subsistence minimum methodology (effective from 2006); Source in Reference: 2001 to 2009: NSO;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Definition: 2001 to 2012: $5.00 (PPP); Source in Reference: 2001 to 2012: NSO;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 2011 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 2011 to 2012: unknown kcal; Primary Source in Reference: 2011 to 2012: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 2011 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 2011 to 2012: unknown kcal; Primary Source in Reference: 2011 to 2012: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; 2011 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2000 to 2012: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2002: HBS; 2003 to 2012: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2002: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; 2003 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; 2010: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1996 to 2002: unknown kcal; 2003 to 2009: 2,100 kcal; 2010: unknown kcal; Note: 2003 to 2009: `Extreme poverty`; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2002: HBS; 2003 to 2010: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2010: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1996 to 2010: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2002: HBS; 2003 to 2010: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2010: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1996 to 2010: unknown kcal; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2002: HBS; 2003 to 2010: Integrated Household Survey;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Latvia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Definition: 1996 to 2003: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2003: NSO;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Lithuania

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1996 to 2001: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Lithuania

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1996 to 2001: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Lithuania

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1996 to 2001: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 2011: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2011: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2011: NSO;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 2005 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2005 to 2011: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2011: NSO;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2004; 2005 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2011: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2000 to 2011: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2000: Total expenditure below the expeses of the minimal consumer basket for a standard household (116.2 euro per consumer unit); 2000: Homeless families and individuals without a fixed address are left out not included.; Source in Reference: 2000: DPRS; 2005 to 2011: NSO;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: North Macedonia

National Series Reference: 1997 to 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 1997 to 2008: Below 70% of median income; Source in Reference: 1997 to 2008: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1997 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Population below unspecified national poverty line (%) , Country: Poland

National Series Reference: 1993 to 1999: MDG Report 2002; Definition: 1993 to 1999: Unknown definition; Note: 1993 to 1999: Data from 1993 are not comparable with data drom next years. Poverty line for social assistance in 1999;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2006: MDG Report 2010; 2007 to 2008: DevInfo Moldova 2009; 2009 to 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2000 to 2010: $2.15 (PPP); Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: Min. of Economy and Commerce; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2010: Statbank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova as on 08-08-2012; 2011 to 2012: Moldova Statbank ( 11-11-2013; Definition: 2000 to 2012: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2000 to 2010: Due to changes to the Household Budget Survey, data from after 2006 are not fully comparable with previous years.; 2000 to 2012: Information is presented without the data from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: DevInfo Moldova 2009; 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2000 to 2010: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2004: Min. of Economy and Commerce; 2005 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2009: DevInfo Moldova 2009; 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2000 to 2010: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2004: Min. of Economy and Commerce; 2005 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 1998 to 1999: MDG Report 2005; 2000 to 2010: Statbank of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova as on 08-08-2012; 2011 to 2012: Moldova Statbank ( 11-11-2013; Definition: 1998 to 2012: 2,282 kcal; Note: 2000 to 2010: Due to changes to the Household Budget Survey, data from after 2006 are not fully comparable with previous years.; 2000 to 2012: Information is presented without the data from the left side of the river Nistru and municipality Bender.; Source in Reference: 1998 to 1999: Min. of Economy and Commerce; 2000 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1998 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2006 to 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2006 to 2010: 2,282 kcal; Source in Reference: 2006 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2006 to 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2006 to 2010: 2,282 kcal; Source in Reference: 2006 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 2006: MDG Report 2010; 2007: DevInfo Moldova 2009; 2008 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; 2011 to 2012: Third MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2006 to 2012: $4.30 (PPP); Source in Reference: 2006 to 2012: Min. of Economy and Commerce; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2012: HBS;

Indicator: Population below unspecified national poverty line (%) , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2009: `Absolute poverty rate`; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2009: NSO / Min. of Labour;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2008: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2008: NSO;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2002: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 1995 to 2002: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1995 to 2002: According to 2003 World Bank methodology; Primary Source in Reference: 1995 to 2002: AIG and ABF databases;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2002: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 1995 to 2002: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1995 to 2002: According to 2003 World Bank methodology; Primary Source in Reference: 1995 to 2002: AIG and ABF databases;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2002: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 1995 to 2002: Below costs basic needs; Note: 1995 to 2002: According to 2003 World Bank methodology; Primary Source in Reference: 1995 to 2002: AIG and ABF databases;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Russian Federation

National Series Definition: 2000 to 2009: $2.15 (PPP); Note: 2000 to 2009: Level as decreet by Government; 2000 to 2009: Homeless families and individuals without a fixed address are left out not included.; Reference period: 2000: 2000 Q3; 2001: 2001 Q3; 2002: 2002 Q3; 2003: 2003 Q3; 2004: 2004 Q3; 2005: 2005 Q3; 2006: 2006 Q3; 2007: 2007 Q3; 2008: 2008 Q3; 2009: 2009 Q3; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2009: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat); Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2009: HBS;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Russian Federation

National Series Definition: 2000 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2000 to 2009: Level as decreet by Government; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2009: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat); Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: HBS; 2008 to 2009: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Russian Federation

National Series Definition: 2000 to 2008: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2000 to 2008: Level as decreet by Government; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2008: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat); Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: HBS; 2008: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Russian Federation

National Series Definition: 2000 to 2008: Below costs basic needs; Note: 2000 to 2008: Level as decreet by Government; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2008: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat); Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: HBS; 2008: Integrated Living Conditions Survey;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2007: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2007: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 2007: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2007;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2002 to 2007: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2007: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 2002: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2002; 2007: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2007;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2002 to 2007: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2007: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 2002: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2002; 2007: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2007;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2008: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2002 to 2008: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 2002: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2002; 2006: HBS 2006; 2007: Living Standard Measurement Survey 2007; 2008: HBS 2008;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 1988 to 2001: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2002: MDG report 2006; 2003: MDG Report 2001-2004; Definition: 1988 to 2001: 2,280 kcal; 2002: 2,282 kcal; 2003: 2,280 kcal; Source in Reference: 1988 to 2001: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 1988 to 2001: Household Consumption Survey; 2002 to 2003: LSMS;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 1998 to 2001: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2002: MDG report 2006; Definition: 1998 to 2001: unknown kcal; 2002: 2,282 kcal; Source in Reference: 1998 to 2001: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 1998 to 2001: Household Consumption Survey; 2002: LSMS;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 1998 to 2001: MDG Report 2001-2004; 2002: MDG report 2006; Definition: 1998 to 2001: unknown kcal; 2002: 2,282 kcal; Source in Reference: 1998 to 2001: NSO ; Primary Source in Reference: 1998 to 2001: Household Consumption Survey; 2002: LSMS;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Slovakia

National Series Reference: 1996: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1996: $2.15 (PPP); Source in Reference: 1996: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 1996: Microcensus 1996;

Indicator: Population below unspecified national poverty line (%) , Country: Slovakia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2003: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1996 to 2003: Unknown definition; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2003: INFOSTAT; Primary Source in Reference: 1996: Microcensus 1996; 2003: Microcensus 2003;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Slovakia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2003: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1996 to 2003: Below 60% of median income; Note: 1996 to 2003: After social transfers; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2003: INFOSTAT; Primary Source in Reference: 1996: Microcensus 1996; 2003: Microcensus 2003;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Slovakia

National Series Reference: 1996: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1996: $4.30 (PPP); Source in Reference: 1996: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 1996: Microcensus 1996;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Slovenia

National Series Reference: 1993 to 1998: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1993 to 1998: Below 60% of median income; Reference period: 1998: 1997-1999; Source in Reference: 1993 to 1998: NSO;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2003: MDG needs assessment 2010; Definition: 1999 to 2003: $2.15 (PPP); Source in Reference: 1999 to 2003: World Bank; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: LSS 1999; 2003: LSS 2003;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Definition: 1999 to 2009: Unknown %;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2003: MDG Needs Assessment 2005; Definition: 1999 to 2003: unknown kcal; Primary Source in Reference: 1999 to 2003: LSS 2003;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 2006 to 2012: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 2006 to 2012: Below 60% of median income; Source in Reference: 2006 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006 to 2012: SILC;

Indicator: Urban population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 2002 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2009: Results of 2009 Poverty Study Press Release; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1994 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 1994 to 2008: Below costs basic needs; 2009: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 1994: Joint Poverty Assesment Report 2004; 2002 to 2008: NSO; 2009: Results of 2009 Poverty Study Press Release; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below basic needs based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 2002 to 2009: Below costs basic needs; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2009: Results of 2009 Poverty Study Press Release; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1994 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 1994 to 2009: 2,100 kcal; Source in Reference: 1994: Joint Poverty Assesment Report 2004; 2002 to 2009: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 2002 to 2009: 2,100 kcal; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2009: Results of 2009 Poverty Study Press Release; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: Recent Development in Poverty Measurement in Turkey; Definition: 2002 to 2009: 2,100 kcal; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2009: Results of 2009 Poverty Study Press Release; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Population below $2.5 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2001: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 2000 to 2001: $2.15 (PPP);

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 2000: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 2000: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2003; Definition: 2000: Below 50% of median income;

Indicator: Urban population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1999 to 2008: Below 75% of median income; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2008: Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ; Primary Source in Reference: 1999 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 1999 to 2012: Below 75% of median income; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2008: Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ; 2009 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999 to 2012: HBS;

Indicator: Population below relative national poverty line (%) , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 1999: MDG Report 2005; 2000 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 1999 to 2012: Below 75% of median income; Note: 1999: Gross Household Spending. 1999 poverty line (UAH): 126; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999 to 2012: HBS;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 2001 to 2012: 2,100 kcal; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2001 to 2012: HBS;

Indicator: Population below $4.30 or $5.00 (PPP) per day (%) , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 1999: MDG Report 2005; 2000 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; 2009 to 2012: MDG Report 2013; Definition: 1999 to 2004: $4.30 (PPP); 2005 to 2012: $5.00 (PPP); Note: 2007 to 2012: Consumption Below $5.05 (PPP); 2005: $4.30: 1.3%; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2012: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999 to 2008: HBS;

Indicator: Population below unspecified national poverty line (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2000 to 2010: `Extreme poverty rate (1,500 kcal)`; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2006; 2002 to 2010: UNECE Questionnaire Sept 2011; Definition: 2000 to 2010: 2,100 kcal; Note: 2010: Survey data; Reference period: 2000: 2000-2001; Source in Reference: 2000: Min. of Economy 2004; 2002 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2010: HBS;

Indicator: Rural population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2003: MDG Report 2006; Definition: 2000 to 2003: 2,100 kcal; Reference period: 2000: 2000-2001; 2003: 2002-2003; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2003: World Bank 2003; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2003: HBS;

Indicator: Urban population below the foodbasket based national poverty line (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2003: MDG Report 2006; Definition: 2000 to 2003: 2,100 kcal; Reference period: 2000: 2000-2001; 2003: 2002-2003; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2003: World Bank 2003; Primary Source in Reference: 2000 to 2003: HBS;