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Reproductive Health (Target 5B): contraceptive use, antenatal care coverage, unmet need for family planning

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General note on the UNECE MDG Database:

The database aims to show the official national estimates of MDG-indicators used for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Data is shown alongside official international estimates of MDG-indicators (as published on the official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators: Besides the international MDG-indicators, other indicators and disaggregates that are relevant for the UNECE-region are included.

At present, the tables include data from the latest official MDG-report of each country. Currently, data from official dedicated MDG-websites and previous official national MDG-reports are being added. Additionally, more detailed metadata is being added to the footnotes. Additional indicators might be added if they are used generally across the region.
Please note that some indicators are also available in the Gender Statistics Database of UNECE. Figures might differ due to the use of different sources.

Definition of the indicators: Explanations on the indicators are listed below. Deviations from the standard definitions provided here are specified in the country-specific footnotes.


Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%)

Definition: The contraceptive prevalence rate is the percentage of women of reproductive age who are currently using, or whose sexual partner is currently using, at least one contraceptive method, regardless of the method used.

Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%)

Definition: The contraceptive prevalence rate is the percentage of women of reproductive age who are currently using, or whose sexual partner is currently using, at least one mondern contraceptive method.

Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%)

Definition: Contraceptive prevalence, condom use is the percentage of women married or in-union aged 15 to 49, whose sexual partner is currently using a male condom for contraceptive purposes.

Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women

Definition: The adolescent birth rate is the annual number of live births to adolescent women per 1,000 adolescent women.

Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%)

Definition: Antenatal care coverage (at least one visit) is the percentage of women aged 15–49 with a live birth in a given time period that received antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel at least once during their pregnancy.

Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%)

Definition: Antenatal care coverage (at least four visits) is the percentage of women aged 15–49 with a live birth in a given time period that received antenatal care by any provider four or more times during their pregnancy.

Unmet need for family planning, total (%)

Definition: This indicator is defined as the percentage of women of reproductive age, either married or in a consensual union, who have an unmet need for family planning (for either spacing or limiting of births).

Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%)

Definition: The percentage of women of reproductive age, either married or in a consensual union, who have an unmet need for family planning regarding spacing births.

Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%)

Definition: The percentage of women of reproductive age, either married or in a consensual union, who have an unmet need for family planning regarding limiting births.

Abortion rate of women at fertile ages

Definition: The number of (induced) abortions per 1,000 live births. Induced abortion is the induced termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. This indicator is not monitored in The official United Nations site for the MDG Indicators.

Abortion rate per 1,000 life births

Definition: The number of (induced) abortions per 1,000 live births among females at fertile ages (15-44). Induced abortion is the induced termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death.

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1993 to 2000: MDG Report 2002; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2000: Min. of Education and Science;
International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2005: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2005: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2005: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Source: Registration National Statistics & WPP2012.; 1990 to 2000, 2003 to 2007: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2007: MDG Report 2007; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2007: Min. of Health;
International Series: 2005: MICS 2005.; 2002: Other NS 2002.; 2009: DHS 2008-2009.; 2000: MICS 2000.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: MDG Progress Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: Min. of Health; 2009: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2002 to 2008: Administrative data; 2009: DHS 2008-2009;
International Series: 2002: Other NS 2002.; 2009: DHS 2008-2009.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2002: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2002: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Albania

International Series: 2002: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2009: Year of the survey: 2008 - 2009.; 2002: Source: 2002 RHS.; 2009: Source: 2008-2009 DHS.; 2002: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Albania

National Series Reference: 1990 to 1998: MDG Report 2002; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1998: Public Health Institute and Min. of Health;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Andorra

International Series: 2002 to 2004, 2006 to 2010: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1996 to 2009: ArmeniaInfo at: (accessed: 15 June 2011); 2010: ArmeniaInfo ( 2012-05-12; Source in Reference: 1996 to 2009: Min. of Health; 2010: NSO / Min. of Health;
International Series: 1991: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 1991: Data are not nationally-representative.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 1991: Source: Armenia 1991 Study on Contraceptive Prevalence and Use in Yerevan.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Armenia

International Series: 1991: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 1991: Data are not nationally-representative.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 1991: Source: Armenia 1991 Study on Contraceptive Prevalence and Use in Yerevan.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2005: ArmeniaInfo at: (accessed: 15 June 2011); Reference period: 2000: 1996-2000; 2005: 2001-2005; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2005: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: DHS 2000; 2005: DHS 2005;
International Series: 1991: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 1991: Data are not nationally-representative.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 1991: Source: Armenia 1991 Study on Contraceptive Prevalence and Use in Yerevan.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2007: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2007: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1990 to 2007: Administrative data;
International Series: 2005, 2010: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 2000, 2002 to 2004, 2006 to 2009: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Armenia

International Series: 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 2005: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Primary Source in Reference: 2005: DHS 2005;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Armenia

International Series: 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2005: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2005: United Nations; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: DHS 2000; 2005: DHS 2005;
International Series: 2010: Source: 2010 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2005: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Reference period: 1999: 1996-2000; 2005: 2001-2005; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2005: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: DHS 2000; 2005: DHS 2005;
International Series: 2000: DHS 2000.; 2005: DHS 2005.; 2010: DHS 2010.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Armenia

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2005: MDG Progress Report 2005-2009; Reference period: 1999: 1996-2000; 2005: 2001-2005; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2005: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: DHS 2000; 2005: DHS 2005;
International Series: 2000: DHS 2000.; 2005: DHS 2005.; 2010: DHS 2010.; 1997: Other NS 1997.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2001: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; 2006: NSO MDG data; Note: 2001: 15-44 year old; Source in Reference: 2001: Centers for Disease Control; 2006: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2001: RHS 1996-2000; 2006: DHS 2006;
International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 2006: NSO MDG data; Source in Reference: 2006: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 2006: DHS 2006;
International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2005, 2006: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 2004, 2007 to 2010: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2006: DHS 2006.; 2001: Other NS 2003.; 1997: MoH 1997.; 2000: MICS 2000.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2006: DHS 2006.; 2001: Other NS 2003.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Azerbaijan

International Series: 2001: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Source: 2006 DHS.; 2001: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2001: Source: 2001 RHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Azerbaijan

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2003: MDG Progress Report 2003/2004; Note: 1999: Females 15-44; 2001 to 2003: Females 15-49; Source in Reference: 1999: Centers for Disease Control; 2001 to 2003: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: RHS 1996-2000; 2001 to 2003: Administrative data;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 34.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1995: Source: Belarus 1995 World Bank Survey of Married Women 18-34.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2004: MDG Progress 2005; 2009: MDG progress 2010; Definition: 1990 to 2004: IUD and hormonal contraception. Including unmarried women.;
International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 34.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1995: Source: Belarus 1995 World Bank Survey of Married Women 18-34.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2009: MDG progress 2010;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2009: MDG progress 2010; Definition: 2009: At least three times; Note: 2009: The percentage of pregnant women registered within 12 weeks of pregnancy that received antenatal care by any provider three times during their pregnancy. ;
International Series: 2012: MICS 2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2005: MICS 2005.; 1999: Other NS 1999.; 2012: MICS 2012.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Belarus

National Series Reference: 2002 to 2009: MDG progress 2010;
International Series: 2000, 2001, 2009, 2010: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 1999, 2002 to 2004, 2006, 2008: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Belarus

International Series: 2012: Preliminary data.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 34.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1995: Source: Belarus 1995 World Bank Survey of Married Women 18-34.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2006: MDG progress report 2010; 2011: MDG Report 2013; Reference period: 2011: 2011/12; Source in Reference: 2001: BiH Common Country Assessment 2002; 2006: UNICEF; Primary Source in Reference: 2006: MICS 2006; 2011: MICS 2011-12;
International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 1990, 1991, 1996 to 2010: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: Year of the survey: 2011 - 2012.; 2012: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2012: Source: 2011-2012 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: MICS 2011-2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Series: 2012: MICS 2011-2012.; 2006: MICS 2006.; 2000: Other NS 2009.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2007: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005, 2007: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 2005, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Bulgaria 1995 Women in the Transition Survey.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 44.; 2007: Source: 2007 GGS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2007: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005, 2007: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 2005, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Bulgaria 1995 Women in the Transition Survey.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 44.; 2007: Source: 2007 GGS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2007: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005, 2007: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 2005, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Bulgaria 1995 Women in the Transition Survey.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 44.; 2007: Source: 2007 GGS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1990, 1992 to 1995, 1997, 2000 to 2003, 2005 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 40.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 40.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Bulgaria

International Series: 1998: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1998: Year of the survey: 1997 - 1998.; 1998: Source: 1997-1998 FFS.; 1998: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1998: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 40.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Bulgaria

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2006: MDG report 2010; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2006: National Health Information Center / NSO;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Bulgaria

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2006: MDG report 2010; Definition: 1990 to 2006: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2006: National Health Information Center / NSO;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Croatia

International Series: 1990 to 1998, 2000 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Croatia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG Report 2004;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Croatia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG Report 2004; Definition: 1990 to 2002: Women at fertile ages;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Cyprus

International Series: 1990 to 2011: Data refer to government controlled areas.; 1990 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Cyprus

International Series: 2007: Other NS 2007.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Czechia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004;
International Series: 1991, 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1991, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2005, 2008: May include emergency contraception, female condom and modern methods not reported separately.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.; 1991: Source: Czech Republic 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1991, 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1991, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2005, 2008: May include emergency contraception, female condom and modern methods not reported separately.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.; 1991: Source: Czech Republic 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1993: Other NS 1993.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Czechia

International Series: 2002: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1991 to 2001, 2003 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1991, 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1991, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2005, 2008: May include emergency contraception, female condom and modern methods not reported separately.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.; 1991: Source: Czech Republic 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Czechia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Czechia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1990 to 2002: Women at fertile ages;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1997: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1997, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1993: Other NS 1993.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1997: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1997, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Czechia

International Series: 1993, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005, 2008: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1997: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 2008: Source: 2008 GGS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1997, 2005, 2008: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.; 1997: Source: 1997 FFS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Estonia

International Series: 1994: Adjusted.; 1994: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 1994, 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1994: Source: 1994 FFS.; 1994: Data pertain to a specified time period for current use of contraception.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Estonia

International Series: 1994: Adjusted.; 1994: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 1994, 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1994: Source: 1994 FFS.; 1994: Data pertain to a specified time period for current use of contraception.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Estonia

International Series: 1990 to 1997, 2000 to 2003, 2005 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Estonia

International Series: 1994: Adjusted.; 1994: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Year of the survey: 2004 - 2005.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Source: 2004-2005 GGS.; 1994, 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1994: Source: 1994 FFS.; 1994: Data pertain to a specified time period for current use of contraception.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006, 2009: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2009: Source: 2009 GGS.; 2006, 2009: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2009: Data pertain to women aged 21 to 49.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006, 2009: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2009: Source: 2009 GGS.; 2006, 2009: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2009: Data pertain to women aged 21 to 49.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2010: RHS 2010.; 2005: Other NS 2005.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2000, 2005, 2010: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006, 2009: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2009: Source: 2009 GGS.; 2006, 2009: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2000: Year of the survey: 1999 - 2000.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.; 2005: Source: 2005 RHS.; 2010: Source: 2010 RHS.; 2009: Data pertain to women aged 21 to 49.; 2000: Source: 1999-2000 RHS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Georgia

International Series: 1990, 1995 to 2008, 2011: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1992, 1994, 2009, 2010, 2012: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Georgia

International Series: 2005: MICS 2005.; 1999: MICS 1999.; 2010: RHS 2010.; 1997: MoH 1997.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Adjusted.; 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Adjusted.; 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1990 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Adjusted.; 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Hungary

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 41.; 1993: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1993: Source: 1992-1993 FFS.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Hungary

National Series Reference: 2002: MDG report 2004; Definition: 2002: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 2002: NSO, Demographic Yearbook 2002;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Hungary

National Series Reference: 2002: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 2002: NSO, Demographic Yearbook 2002;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Note: 2006: MICS 2006: 50.7; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2012: DHS/MICS/Min. of Health;
International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

International Series: 2011: MICS 2010-2011.; 1995: DHS 1995.; 1999: DHS 1999.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1999 to 2010: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Reference period: 1999: 1995-1999; Source in Reference: 1999 to 2010: NSO; Primary Source in Reference: 1999: DHS 1999; 2010: MICS 2010;
International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1990 to 1998: MDG in Kazakhstan 2002; 1999 to 2004: MDG in Kazakhstan 2005; Definition: 1990 to 1998: per 1,000 live and still births; 1999 to 2004: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1998: Min. of Healthcare; 1999 to 2004: NSO;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 2006: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 2006: 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, final report; Primary Source in Reference: 2006: MICS 2006;
International Series: 1995: Source: 1995 DHS.; 2011: Year of the survey: 2010 - 2011.; 2011: Source: 2010-2011 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1999: MDG Report 2010; 2000 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Note: 2006: MICS 2006: 99.9; 2010: MICS 2010: 99.2; Source in Reference: 1999: Min. of Healthcare; 2000 to 2012: Min. of Health;
International Series: 2006: MICS 2006.; 2011: MICS 2010-2011.; 1995: DHS 1995.; 1999: DHS 1999.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Kazakhstan

National Series Reference: 1999: MDG Report 2010; 2000 to 2012: Poverty assessment in Kazakhstan: current status and prospects for development; Source in Reference: 1999: Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan: Statistics Digest, Astana; 2000 to 2012: NSO;
International Series: 1990 to 2008: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2011: MDG Report 2013;
International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 1997: DHS 1997.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Kyrgyzstan

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2012: NSO MDG database as on 2014-07-08; Definition: 1995 to 2012: adolesents aged 15-17; Source in Reference: 1995 to 2010: NSO;
International Series: 1990 to 2009, 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.; 2010: Source: Survey 2012 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2006: MICS 2005-2006.; 2012: DHS(Prelim) 2012.; 1997: DHS 1997.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Kyrgyzstan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 1997: Source: 1997 DHS.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2008.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Latvia

International Series: 2008, 2009: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 2002, 2004 to 2007, 2010, 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Latvia

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Source: 1995 FFS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Latvia

National Series Reference: 1991 to 2003: MDG Report 2005; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2003: Agency of Health Statistics and Medical Technologies;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Liechtenstein

International Series: 1999, 2005, 2006: Source: Registration National Statistics & WPP2012.; 1993 to 1997, 2000 to 2004: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995, 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 2006: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995, 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 2006: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1990 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2008.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995, 2006: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2006: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 2006: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 2006: Source: 2006 GGS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Lithuania

National Series Reference: 1994 to 2001: MDG Assessment 2002; Definition: 1994 to 2001: Women aged 15-49;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Lithuania

International Series: 1995: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Malta

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 45.; 1993: Source: Malta 1993 Survey of Family Planning.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1993: Figures by method do not add up to the total.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Malta

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 45.; 1993: Source: Malta 1993 Survey of Family Planning.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1993: Figures by method do not add up to the total.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Malta

International Series: 1990, 1992 to 2011: Data pertain to nationals of the country.; 1990, 1992 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Malta

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2008.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Malta

International Series: 1993: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 45.; 1993: Source: Malta 1993 Survey of Family Planning.; 1993: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1993: Figures by method do not add up to the total.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2005: MDG Report 2004; Note: 2005: Estimate;
International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Montenegro

International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Montenegro

International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2006: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Montenegro

International Series: 2001, 2002: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990, 2000, 2003 to 2009, 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Montenegro

International Series: 2006: MICS 2005-2006.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Montenegro

National Series Reference: 2004 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2004 to 2008: In public health institutions; Source in Reference: 2004 to 2008: NSO;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 1990 to 1997, 1999 to 2002, 2004 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: North Macedonia

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2006: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 1995 to 2006: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 1995 to 2006: Republic Institute for Health Protection;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: North Macedonia

National Series Reference: 1995 to 2006: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 1995 to 2006: Republic Institute for Health Protection;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2011: Source: 2011 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2006: MICS 2005-2006.; 2011: MICS 2011.; 2000: Other NS 2000.; 1997: Other NS 1997.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: North Macedonia

International Series: 2011: MICS 2011.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Poland

International Series: 1991: Adjusted.; 1991: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 1991: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1991: Source: 1991 FFS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Poland

International Series: 1991: Adjusted.; 1991: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 1991: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1991: Source: 1991 FFS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Poland

International Series: 1991: Adjusted.; 1991: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 1991: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1991: Source: 1991 FFS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Poland

National Series Reference: 1990 to 1999: MDG Report 2002; Source in Reference: 1990 to 1999: Statistical Yearbooks of Demography 1996-1998 & 1999-2000;
International Series: 1990 to 1999, 2001 to 2006, 2008 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 2005: DHS 2005.; 1997: Other NS 1997.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Figures for spacing and limiting do not add up to the total.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Republic of Moldova

National Series Reference: 1997 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1997 to 2008: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 2008: Min. of Health;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 2005: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 1992, 1995, 1996, 1998 to 2004, 2006, 2008 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 2005: DHS 2005.; 1997: Other NS 1997.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Republic of Moldova

International Series: 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1997: Source: 1997 RHS.; 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2005: Source: 2005 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Data pertain to women aged 18 to 49.; 2005: Including some cases of sterilization for non-contraceptive reasons.; 2005: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 GGS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Romania

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 2001 to 2009: adolesents aged 15-18; Source in Reference: 2001 to 2009: NSO;
International Series: 1990 to 1998, 2000 to 2003, 2005 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2004: Source: Romania 2004 Reproductive and Health Survey.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 RHS.; 1993, 1999, 2004: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 1999: Other NS 1999.; 2004: Other NS 2004.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Romania

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2004.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1993 to 1996: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to women aged less than 50.; 1996: Source: Russian Federation 1996 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VII.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Russian Federation 1995 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VI.; 2004: Source: Russia 2004 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.; 2007: Source: Russia 2007 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Source: Russian Federation 1992-1993 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round II.; 2004, 2007, 2011: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 1994: Source: Russian Federation 1994 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round V.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1993 to 1996: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to women aged less than 50.; 1996: Source: Russian Federation 1996 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VII.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Russian Federation 1995 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VI.; 2004: Source: Russia 2004 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.; 2007: Source: Russia 2007 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Source: Russian Federation 1992-1993 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round II.; 2004, 2007, 2011: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 1994: Source: Russian Federation 1994 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round V.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1993 to 1996: Data pertain to women aged 20 to 49.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to women aged less than 50.; 1996: Source: Russian Federation 1996 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VII.; 2004, 2007: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1995: Source: Russian Federation 1995 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round VI.; 2004: Source: Russia 2004 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Year of the survey: 1992 - 1993.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.; 2007: Source: Russia 2007 Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society.; 1993: Source: Russian Federation 1992-1993 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round II.; 2004, 2007, 2011: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 1994: Source: Russian Federation 1994 Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Round V.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2005: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1990 to 2004, 2006 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Russian Federation

International Series: 2011: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2011: Source: Russian Federation 2011 Reproductive Health Survey.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: San Marino

International Series: 1992 to 1995, 1997 to 1999, 2003, 2004, 2012: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2000: MDG Report 2001-2004; Source in Reference: 2000: NSO;
International Series: 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.; 2000: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2006: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 2000: UNICEF; 2006: Min. of Health; Primary Source in Reference: 2000: MICS 2000; 2006: National Health Survey 2006;
International Series: 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.; 2000: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Serbia

International Series: 2006: Year of the survey: 2005 - 2006.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.; 2000: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2006: Source: 2005-2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2002: MDG Report 2001-2004; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2002: NSO;
International Series: 1991 to 1997, 2002, 2004 to 2010, 2012: Excluding the province of Kosovo and Metohija.; 1991 to 1997, 2002, 2004 to 2010, 2012: Source: Registration National Statistics.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Serbia

International Series: 2010: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Definition: 2000 to 2007: Women aged 15-49; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2007: Yearbook of health statistics, NIPH 2007;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Serbia

International Series: 2010: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Serbia

International Series: 2010: Infecundity measured, in part, with question on current use of contraception instead of ever use of contraception.; 2010: Source: 2010 MICS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Serbia

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2007: MDG progress report 2009; Source in Reference: 2000 to 2007: National Institute of Public Health Database;
International Series: 2006: MICS 2005-2006.; 2010: MICS 2010.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Serbia

International Series: 2010: MICS 2010.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovakia

International Series: 1991, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1991, 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1997: Source: Slovakia 1997 Reproductive Practices of Slovak Women.; 1991: Source: Slovakia 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovakia

International Series: 1991, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1991, 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1997: Source: Slovakia 1997 Reproductive Practices of Slovak Women.; 1991: Source: Slovakia 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovakia

International Series: 1991, 1997: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1991, 1997: Data pertain to a non-standard age or marital status group.; 1997: Source: Slovakia 1997 Reproductive Practices of Slovak Women.; 1991: Source: Slovakia 1991 Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice with Regard to Contraceptive Use.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Slovakia

International Series: 1990 to 1995, 1997 to 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Slovakia

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2008.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Adjusted.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1990 to 1996, 1998 to 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 2004: Other NS 2008.; 1992: Other NS 1992.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 45.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 45.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Slovenia

National Series Reference: 1991 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2001: European Health for All Database, WHO 2003;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Slovenia

National Series Reference: 1991 to 2001: MDG report 2004; Definition: 1991 to 2001: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 1991 to 2001: European Health for All Database, WHO 2003;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Slovenia

International Series: 1995: Source: 1994-1995 FFS.; 1995: Data pertain to unmet need for limiting only.; 1995: Year of the survey: 1994 - 1995.; 1995: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 1995: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 45.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 2001 to 2003: NSO MDG data;
International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2012: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: Tajikistan 2007 Living Standards Measurement Survey.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2012: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: Tajikistan 2007 Living Standards Measurement Survey.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 2012: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: Tajikistan 2007 Living Standards Measurement Survey.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2000: Source: Survey 2000 MICS.; 1990 to 1994, 1999: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.; 2005: Source: Survey 2005 MICS.; 2010: Source: Survey 2012 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 1999: MDG Progress Report 2003;
International Series: 2005: MICS 2005.; 2012: DHS (Prelim) 2012.; 2007: Other NS 2007.; 2000: MICS 2000.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2007: Other NS 2007.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Tajikistan

International Series: 2012: Source: 2012 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Tajikistan

National Series Reference: 2003: MDG Needs Assessment 2005; Source in Reference: 2003: Min. of Health ;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1988 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1988 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1988: DHS 1988; 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008;
International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1988 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1988 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1988: DHS 1988; 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008;
International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkiye

International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Turkiye

International Series: 2006: Source: Survey Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2008.; 1996: Source: Survey 1998 DHS.; 2001: Source: Survey Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2003.; 2009, 2010: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.; 1991: Source: Survey 1993 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Turkiye

International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Turkiye

International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1993 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008;
International Series: 1998: Source: 1998 DHS.; 1993: Source: 1993 DHS.; 2008: Source: Turkey 2008 Demographic and Health Survey.; 2003: Source: 2003 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Turkiye

International Series: 2008: DHS 2008.; 1998: DHS 1998.; 2003: DHS 2003.; 1993: DHS 1993.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Turkiye

National Series Reference: 1993 to 2008: MDG Report 2010; Source in Reference: 1993 to 2008: Hacettepe University; Primary Source in Reference: 1993: DHS 1993; 1998: DHS 1998; 2003: DHS 2003; 2008: DHS 2008;
International Series: 2008: DHS 2008.; 1998: DHS 1998.; 2003: DHS 2003.; 1993: DHS 1993.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

National Series Reference: 2000 to 2002: MDG Report 2003;
International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: Adjusted.; 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2003 to 2006: Source: Registration TransMONEE2011.; 1998: Source: Survey 2000 DHS.; 1990, 1991: Source: Registration National Statistics.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: DHS 2000.; 2006: MICS 2006.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: DHS 2000.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Turkmenistan

International Series: 2000: Source: 2000 DHS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 2007: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 2007: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 2005: Source: 2005 MICS.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 2007: Figures by method do not add up to the total.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 2005: Source: Survey 2007 DHS.; 2002 to 2004: Age classification based on year of birth rather than on completed years of age.; 1990 to 1996, 1998, 2001 to 2004, 2006, 2007, 2011: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 1999: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 1999: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 2007: DHS 2007.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 2005: MICS 2005.; 2007: DHS 2007.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Ukraine

International Series: 1999: Data pertain to women aged 15 to 44.; 1999: Source: 1999 RHS.; 2012: Source: 2012 MICS.; 1999: Data pertain to a non-standard definition of unmet need for family planning.; 2007: Source: 2007 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Ukraine

National Series Reference: 1990: MDG Report 2005; 2000 to 2009: MDG Report 2010; Definition: 1990: Women at fertile ages;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, any method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 2002: Source: 2002 DHS.; 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, modern method, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 2002: Source: 2002 DHS.; 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Contraceptive use, condom, among married women 15-49 years old, (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 2002: Source: 2002 DHS.; 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.; 2006: Source: 2006 MICS.; 2000: Source: 2000 MICS.;

Indicator: Adolescent birth rate, per 1,000 women , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 2006: Source: Survey 2006 MICS.; 1990: Source: Registration National Statistics.; 1993 to 1997, 1999, 2000: Source: Registration UNSD & WPP2012.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, total (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, spacing (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.;

Indicator: Unmet need for family planning, limiting (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 1996: Source: 1996 DHS.;

Indicator: Abortion rate per 1,000 life births , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2003: MDG Report 2006; Definition: 1990 to 2003: Women at fertile ages; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2003: European Health for All Database, WHO 2004;

Indicator: Abortion rate of women at fertile ages , Country: Uzbekistan

National Series Reference: 1990 to 2003: MDG Report 2006; Source in Reference: 1990 to 2003: European Health for All Database, WHO; Primary Source in Reference: 1990 to 2003: Administrative data;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least one visit (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 2006: MICS 2006.; 1996: DHS 1996.; 2000: MICS 2000.;

Indicator: Antenatal care coverage, at least four visits (%) , Country: Uzbekistan

International Series: 1996: DHS 1996.;