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.. - data not available
Source : UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (CIS, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD) official sources.
General note : The UNECE secretariat presents time series ready for immediate analysis. When appropriate, source segments with methodological differences have been linked to build long consistent time series.
Growth rates are calculated over the same period of the previous year. For annual data growth rates are calculated over the previous year.
Annual and Quarterly estimates : are calculated on the basis of the monthly figures.
Information on compilation methods and practices in individual countries can be found in the IMFs Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) available from the (IMF website).
Geographical Coverage: CPI includes temporary reduction of prices in accordance with the EU regulative No.2602/2000.
Geographical Coverage: Data for France do include the overseas departments (DOM).
Geographical Coverage: Data for France do not include the overseas departments (DOM).
Geographical coverage: from 2014, does not includes all territory of Ukraine.