
 оличество частных домохоз¤йств по типам домохоз¤йств

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.0. ¬сего частных домохоз¤йств , 1. ƒомохоз¤йства с одним лицом , 2. —емьи с одним родителем ,

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.јвстри¤ , јзербайджан , јлбани¤ ,

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

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»сточник: —татистическа¤ база данных ≈Ё  ќќЌ, сформирована на основе национальных официальных источников.

ќпределение: „астное домохоз¤йство представл¤ет собой либо: (a) домохоз¤йство с одним лицом, состо¤щее из лица, которое проживает одно в отдельной жилищной единице, или которое занимает, в качестве съемщика, отдельную комнату (или комнаты) жилищной единицы, но не объедин¤етс¤ ни с кем из других обитателей жилищной единицы дл¤ образовани¤ части домохоз¤йства, состо¤щего из нескольких человек. (b) ƒомохоз¤йство, состо¤щее из нескольких человек, включает в себ¤ группу из двух или боле лиц, которые объедин¤ютс¤ дл¤ зан¤ти¤ всей или части жилищной единицы и дл¤ обеспечени¤ себ¤ питанием и, возможно, другими предметами жизненной необходимости. √руппа может состо¤ть только из лиц, состо¤щих в родственных отношени¤х, или лиц, не состо¤щих в родственных отношени¤х, или и тех, и других. √руппа может также объедин¤ть свои доходы в общий фонд.
ѕара определ¤етс¤ как: мужчина и женщина проживающие в законном браке, в зарегистрированном партнерстве или в консенсуальном союзе (сожительство). ƒва человека рассматриваютс¤ как партнеры в конценсуальном союзе, когда они проживают в одном и том же домохоз¤йстве, имеют отношени¤ друг с другом аналогичные супружеским, но не состо¤т в браке.
–ебенок - родной ребенок, пасынок (падчерица), приемный ребенок (независимо от возраста и семейного положени¤), которые проживают в домохоз¤йстве одного из родителей, и у которых нет партнера или собственных детей проживающих в том же домохоз¤йстве.

ќбщее замечание: ƒанные из переписи населени¤, микро-переписей и обследований домашних хоз¤йств, если не укaзано иное.

.. - данные отсутствуют

—трана: јлбани¤

Break in methodology (2011): Households with three generations included in Other.

—трана: јвстри¤

Break in methodology (2004): Change in data collection procedure.

—трана: Ѕеларусь

Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999.

—трана: Ѕельги¤

- Change in definition (2003 - 2013): Data for married couples include married same sex couples.
- Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991.
- Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

—трана: Ѕолгари¤

- Reference period (2010): Data refer to 2011.
- Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1992.
- Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1985.

—трана: ’орвати¤

Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Data refer to population with permanent residence irrespective of actual residence and duration.

—трана: ’орвати¤

Change in definition (2001 - 2011): Data refer to usual resident population.

—трана: ’орвати¤

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

—трана: ’орвати¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991

—трана: „ехи¤

Change in definition (1980 - 2013): Data refer to couples with economically inactive dependent children aged 0-25.

—трана: Ёстони¤

Change in definition (2001 - 2007): Data refer to one parent families with children aged under 18.

—трана: Ёстони¤

Change in definition (2008 onward): Data refer to one parent families with children aged 0?17 and persons aged 18-24 who are economically inactive and living with at least one parent.

—трана: ‘ранци¤

Additional information (1990 - 2010): Data cover Metropolitan France and overseas departments (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, French Guiana)

—трана: ‘ранци¤

Break in methodlogy (2006 - 2010): The census is based on annual data collection, successively surveying all the municipal territories over a five-year period.

—трана: ‘ранци¤

Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999.

—трана: √рузи¤

- Primary source (2017-2021): Income and/or Living conditions surveys.
- Definition (2017-2021): ''Households: couples'' includes households with members who are married or in non-registered marriage.
- Definition (2017-2021): ''Households: couples, married'' includes households with members who are married.
- Definition (2017-2021): ''Households: couples cohabiting'' includes households with members who are in non-registered marriage.
- Primary source (2000-2016): Household budget survey.
- Definition (2000-2016): ''Households: couples'' includes households with members who are married or in non-registered marriage.
- Definition (2000-2016): ''Households: couples, married'' includes households with members who are married.
- Definition (2000-2016): ''Households: couples cohabiting'' includes households with members who are in non-registered marriage.
- Sum of households with married couples and households with cohabitating couples may not sum to total households with couples as some households include both married couples and cohabitating couples.
- Territorial coverage (2000 onwards): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

—трана: √ермани¤

- Additional information (2020-2021):German microcensus final results Ц population in families/living arrangements in private main residence households. Impact of the methodological redesign and the Covid-19 crisis on the microcensus 2020 and 2021 results:A completely new IT system was set up for the redesigned microcensus from 2020; its introduction was accompanied by technical problems. Individual technical challenges continued in the 2021 survey year. Together with the partially ongoing effects of the corona pandemic, these led to restrictions in the survey conduct. Taken together, however, the effects were much less strong than in 2020 - analysis limitations may still occur in deep technical or regional breakdowns. The average non-response rate for the final results of the 2021 microcensus is approximately 14% at the federal level (first results approx. 17%). This value is considerably lower than in 2020 (approx. 38%; final result approx. 35%). Thus, there is an improvement in the quality of the annual results in 2021 compared to 2020.
- Primary source (1980-2019): German microcensus.
- Territorial coverage (Until 1990): Former territory of the Federal Republic.
- Sampling information (From 2016): Updated frame for sampling based on the 2011 Census.
- From 2011 the population projection is based on data from the 2011 Census; the results cannot be compared with previous years.
- Survey information (From 2005): The microcensus was changed from a survey with a fixed reference week to a continuous survey with a moving reference week.
- Break in methodology (1980): From 1980 to 2004, data refer to one reporting week.

—трана: ¬енгри¤

Change in definition (1980 - 2011): Data refer to couples with never married children.
Multi-family households are included in category "Other".

—трана: »зраиль

- Data refer to all households except those in kibbutzim, institutions, studentsТ dormitories and persons living outside localities (Bedouins in the South).
- As of 2012, estimates from the monthly labour force survey.
- As of 2001 based on revised weighting groups.

—трана: Ћатви¤

- Change in definition (2021): In 2021 Census in Latvia the household-dwelling concept of household was used instead of the housekeeping concept used in the previous 2011 Census. Child (son/daughter) refers to a blood, step- or adopted son or daughter (regardless of age or marital status) who has usual residence in the household of at least one of the parents, and who has no partner or own children in the same household. Recalculations of the population data are currently being carried out, therefore the data for 2020 could be revised.
- Change in definition (2011): In 2011 Census in Latvia the housekeeping concept of household was used instead of the household-dwelling concept used in the previous 2000 Census.

—трана: Ћихтенштейн

- Definition (2010 - onwards): The clause ''who does not have a partner or own children in the same household'' does not apply.
- Definition (2010 - onwards): Registered partnerships are included in the category ''married''. - Definition (2010 - onwards): ''Three generation households'' is not recorded as a separate category but is already included in the other categories.

—трана: Ћитва

Change in definition (2001 - 2011): Data include stepchildren and adopted children, but exclude wards.

—трана: Ћюксембург

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

—трана: Ћюксембург

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991

—трана: „ерногори¤

Change in definition (2003): Data related to one family household

—трана: Ќидерланды

- Primary source (1980 - onwards): Administrative records.
- Reference period (1980 - onwards): Data as of January 1st.

—трана: Ќорвеги¤

Data refer to one parent families with children aged under 18. See more about definitions: http://www.ssb.no/en/befolkning/statistikker/familie/aar/20--16-04-14?fane=om

—трана: ѕольша

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1978

—трана: ѕольша

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1988

—трана: ѕортугали¤

Change in definition (1990 - 2011): Data on three generation households are included in &
39; households.

—трана: ѕортугали¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991

—трана: –умыни¤

Change in definition (1990): Data do not include cohabiting couples.

—трана: –умыни¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1992

—трана: —ан-ћарино

- Reference period (2001 - onwards): Figures are intended at the ''end of the period'' (31 December of each year).
- Territorial coverage (2001 - onwards): The data cover the entire territory of San Marino.

—трана: —ерби¤

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

—трана: —ерби¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991. With provisional data for Bujanovac and Presevo.

—трана: —ерби¤

Territorial change (1980): Data refer to the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia

—трана: —ерби¤

Territorial change (1990 - 2011): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.

—трана: —ловаки¤

Additional information (1980 - 1990): Detailed data from the 1980 and 1991 census about married and cohabiting couples are not available.

—трана: —ловаки¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991

—трана: —ловени¤

Change in definition (1980 - 1990): Data refer to de jure population and couples with never married children

—трана: —ловени¤

Change in definition (2002): Data refer to de facto population.

—трана: —ловени¤

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981

—трана: —ловени¤

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991

—трана: »спани¤

- Primary source (2013-2020): Continuous Household Survey.
- Change in definition (2001 - 2011): The category ''Three-generation households'' considers those households with exactly three generations inside and no more.
- Change in definition (2001 - 2011): The category ''One-parent family households'' considers only those households with only one parent family inside and no more people living there.
- Change in definition (2001 - 2011): The category ''Couples households'' considers only those households with only one couple (with or without children) and no more people living there.
- Additional information: For 2011 all data are rounded to the closest integer multiple of 5.
- Additional information: From 2013 all data are rounded to the closest integer multiple of 100.

—трана: Ўвеци¤

- 2011-2021: The statistics are based on register-based household statistics, which are based, in turn, on population registration by dwelling unit and an imputation model for people who are not registered in a dwelling. Households with a single parent are based on households that have been classified as single parents with children. Couple households are based on households that have been classified as households with cohabiting adults. There are persons who have been defined as single parents or cohabiting couples in households that have been classified as Other households. These УfamiliesФ are included in other households.
- Information on three-generation households has only been calculated from 2011 and forward. These refer to households that consist of persons from three generations, which, in practice, can be a grandparent that belongs to the same household as a grandchild. Therefore, in a few cases there may be multi-generational households among single-person and cohabiting adult households. However, in this table, only multi-generational households in the other households group have been calculated.
Children are defined based on relationships. In addition to biological and adopted children, children are linked together based on the pregnancy of the guardian and УOther personФ. This means that an older sibling may, in some cases, be classified as a parent to their younger sibling. There is no age limit for children.
- Prior to 2011, the statistics were based on sample surveys.

—трана: Ўвейцари¤

- Break in methodology (2010 - onwards): From 2010 data are based on sample survey of the resident permanent population aged 15 years and over (part of the annual combined census). Same sex couples (in registered partnership or not) are counted as cohabiting couples. About half of the three generation households are also counted under one parent family households or couples with children.
- Additional information (2010 - onwards): Data are based on new census (sample survey).
- Additional information (1980 - 2000): Data are based on traditional census (full field enumeration).

—трана: “урци¤

- Primary source: Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS).
- Additional information: Three generation households data are not available in TurkStat. These data can not be produced from ABPRS.

—трана: ”краина

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): Children in one parent families&
39; include families where children do not have one or both parents.

—трана: ”краина

Territorial change (2000 - 2013): Territorial sample excluded localities (and the population living in them) which were radioactively contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster.

—трана: —оединенное  оролевство

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981 census

—трана: —оединенное  оролевство

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991 census

—трана: —оединенное  оролевство

Territorial change (1980 - 1990): Data cover only Great Britain.

—трана: —оединенное  оролевство

Territorial change (2000 - onwards): Data cover Great Britain and Northern Ireland

—трана: —оединенные Ўтаты јмерики

- Break in methodology (2007 - onwards): Revision of data collection tools. Cohabiting couples include all opposite-sex couples, not just coupled households. Cohabiting couples with children are those with biological children of either partner present. 2021 estimates employ the weights revised based on Census 2020 population controls, except for married couples by presence of children. - 1980 onwards: Couples with children are those with children under age 18 present in the household.
- Change in definition (1980 - 1995): Data on couples do not include unmarried partners.

—трана: ”збекистан

Households consisting of a single couple are included in the category 'Couple households', households consisting of two or more couples are included in the category 'Other private households'.