
Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами

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Источник: Статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН, сформирована на основе национальных и международных официальных источников.

Определение: Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами определяется как разница между средней заработной платой мужчин и женщин, выраженная как процент от среднего заработка мужчин.Гендерная статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН содержит два индикатора, представляющих два различных аспекта гендерного равенства.

Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в почасовой ставке – разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в средней почасовой оплате. Этот индикатор отражает разницу между позициями мужчин и женщин на рынке труда в целом. Он измеряет разницу в ставках между мужчинами и женщинами, независимо от количества проработанных часов, типа деятельности или типа занятости.

Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в месячном заработке – разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в среднемесячной оплате. Этот индикатор отражает расхождения между заработком мужчин и женщин в отдельно взятом периоде времени. Он учитывает различия в количестве проработанных часов и в типе работы, что отражается на различиях в экономической независимости мужчин и женщин.

Заработок - это вознаграждение в денежной и натуральной (в неденежной) форме, выплачиваемое работнику, как правило, в определенные промежутки за проработанное время или проделанную работу совместно с вознаграждением за время вне работы, как, например, ежегодные отпуска, иные оплачиваемые отпуска или праздники.
Заработок включает прямую заработную плату, вознаграждение за время вне работы, премии и пособия, жилье, семейные пособия, выплачиваемые работодателем непосредственно сотруднику.
Заработок не включает взносы работодателей в отношении своих работников в фонды социальной защиты и пенсионного обеспечения, а также вознаграждения, получаемые работниками в соответствии с этими схемами. Заработок также не включает пособия по сокращению и увольнению.

Валовой заработок - общий заработок до отчисления работодателем налогов, взносов работников в фонды социальной защиты и пенсионного обеспечения, премий по страхованию жизни, профсоюзных взносов и других обязательств работников.
Чистый заработок - зарплата, полученная работником после отчисления работодателем налогов, взносов работников в фонды социальной защиты и пенсионного обеспечения, взносов по страхованию жизни, профсоюзных взносов и других обязательств работников.

Общие замечания: Данные относятся к валовому заработку и охватывают оплачиваемых служащих всех категорий занятости, работающих на полной или частичной занятости. Любые отклонения от этого указаны в сносках для стран.

Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в почасовой ставке: Для стран-членов ЕС и ЕАСТ данные получены из Евростата. Начиная с 2006 года, они базируются на данных о заработке, собранных с помощью Исследования структуры доходов в ЕС и ЕАСТ и национальных оценках. Источниками данных до 2006 года служили данные Европейской панели обследования домохозяйств, Системы статистических данных о доходах и условиях проживания в ЕС (EU-SILC), а также данные национальных источников. Данные охватывают следующие виды экономической деятельности: промышленность, строительство, услуги, за исключением госуправления, обороны, обязательного социального страхования, деятельности домашних хозяйств в качестве работодателей, деятельности экстерриториальных организаций и органов (NACE Rev.2 секции B-S, за исключением О). Для стран, не входящих в ЕС, данные о почасовой оплате взяты из предоставленных странами ответов на вопросник ЕЭК ООН.

Разница в оплате труда между мужчинами и женщинами в месячном заработке: Данные о месячном зароботке взяты из предоставленных странами ответов на вопросник ЕЭК ООН, и официальной статистики по зароботку, доступной в базе данных Евростата и МОТ.

Страна: Албания

Average gross hourly wage rate:
- 2018: Source of information: Structure of Earnings Survey

Average gross monthly earnings:
- 2014- onwards: Source of information: General Directorate of Taxation, social insurance contributors;INSTAT calculation

Страна: Армения

- Y2018-Y2021: Break in series (see Labor Market in Armenia, 2022 https://www.armstat.am/file/article/lab_market_20-2-2_14.pdf )
- Y2000-Y2017: Primary source: Other - Statistical reporting data.
- For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, data cover paid employees.

Страна: Австрия

- Gross monthly earnings refer to the monthly amount in the main job. It includes usual paid overtime, tips and commission but excludes income from investments, assets, savings, stocks and shares.
- ISCED-11 is used from survey year 2014 onwards. Prior to 2014 ISCED-97 was used.
- 2006-2018: For average hourly wages, source is SES.
- 2004- onwards: For average monthly earnings, source is EU-SILC.

Страна: Беларусь

- Y1995-onwards: Primary source: enterprise-based data. Enterprises with less than 100 employees are excluded.
- From Y2016, data are presented taking into account currency change (a reduction by 10,000 times)

Страна: Болгария

Y2000- onwards: Data cover employees under labour contract only and are compiled from enterprise survey. Overtime payments are included in average earnings.

Страна: Канада

Y2000- onwards: For GPG in hourly earnings, data covers employees only, self-employed are excluded. The Labour Force Survey does not produce monthly earning estimates, data provided were instead expressed as the average weekly gross earnings.

Страна: Хорватия

- Y2020-Y2021: Data for monthly earnings exclude employees in craft and trade. Data on monthly gross earnings were gathered by processing data from the Report on Income, Income Tax and Surtax as well as Contributions for Mandatory Insurances (JOPPD form).
- Y2003-Y2019: Data for monthly earnings exclude employees in craft and trade. Data from 2003 to 2018 comes from primary source: Enterprise Survey (NACE Rev 2, A-S)

Страна: Кипр

Data are based on the results of the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) for years 2006 and 2010. Data for 2006 and 2010 have been revised to better reflect the definitions provided by UNECE.Hourly Wage Rate includes normal salary and regular bonuses paid to the employee (including payments for shift work). It excludes overtime payments, irregular bonuses and payments in kind.Monthly earnings include normal salary, regular bonuses paid to the employee (including payments for shift work) and payments for overtime. They exclude irregular bonuses and payments in kind.Coverage: Enterprises in all economic activities, excluding Agriculture, Fishing, Activities of Private Households and Extra-territorial Organisations. All enterprises covered had one or more employees. Self-employed are not covered.Geographical coverage: data refer to Government controlled areas only.

Страна: Чехия

Since 2011 all employees included in the sample surveys,including employees of enterprises with less than ten employees, employees of non-profit organizations, and also own-account workers that had not been measuredbefore.

Страна: Эстония

- Y2004-Y2021: Primary Source: Income and/or Living conditions surveys.
- For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, data exclude self-employed persons. From 2014, breakdown by education is according to ISCED-2011.

Страна: Финляндия

- Y2016- onwards: Source data: yearly Structure of Earnings Statistics, Statistics Finland. Classification of education: ISCED-2011.
- Y2004- onwards: The method of defining part/full-timers changed in 2001. Data do not include irregular bonuses, housing and family allowances. Average monthly earnings data cover only full-time employees. Source data: yearly Structure of Earnings Statistics, Statistics Finland. Classification of education: ISCED-97.

Страна: Франция

For gender pay gap in hourly earnings, data from 2006 are compiled from European Structure of Earnings Surveys. Earlier data are compiled from national sources.
For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, the underlying average earnings data for 2006 are compiled from EU Structure of Earnings Survey and cover employees in enterprises of 10 or more employees only. People working in public sector are not covered in data up to 2009. From 2014 data include overseas departments.

Страна: Грузия

Territorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region

Страна: Германия

- Y2002-2022: Earnings Survey, according to Eurostat-Definition: NACE Ref.: B-S, without O, no enterprises with less than 10 employees; Between 2018 and 2022: Break in time series
- Y2010, Y2014, Y2018: Structure of Earnings survey, NACE Ref. 2: B-S, w/o O.
- Y2006: Structure of Earnings survey, NACE Ref. 1.1: C-O, w/o L.

Страна: Греция

For gender pay gap in hourly earnings, data from 2002 are compiled from European Structure of Earnings Surveys. Earlier data are compiled from national sources.
For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, the underlying average earnings data from 2006 on are compiled from EU Structure of Earnings Survey and cover employees in enterprises of 10 or more employees only. People working in public sector are not covered.

Страна: Венгрия

- Y2019-Y2021: Institutional labour statistics data provision system. As of 2019, average monthly earnings by gender are calculated from the the social security reports of the National tax Authority. Between 2018 and 2019 there is a break in the time series, the comprability of the data are limited.
- Y2017-Y2018: Source: Structure of Earnings Survey (SES). Until 2018 SES survey was carried out by the National Employment Services.

Страна: Исландия

- Y2008- onwards: The figures include both the private and the public sectors.
- Y2000- onwards: The results are based on the dataset of The Icelandic survey on Wages, Earnings, Labour Cost. Data covers around 90% of the labour market of Iceland. From 2018, the economic activity Accommodation and Food Service Activities (I) was added to the dataset. This economic activity is not present in earlier data (2000-2017).
- Y2000-Y2007: Due to lack of available data, the presented figures for the years 2000-2007 comprise the private sector only.

Страна: Ирландия

Y2011-Y2018: Earnings per month = Weekly Earnings * 4.3325 Source: Earnings Analysis Using Administrative Data Sources (CSO Ireland).

Страна: Израиль

- Y1990 - onwards: Primary source: Household budget survey; A change at the survey methodology occurs in 2019.
- Change in definition (2006 - 2012): Data cover both - paid employees and self-employed

Страна: Италия

- Y2019-Y2021: Primary source: Other - Register data: Labour Register (or its available sources) for wages and hours; Business Register for information at economic unit level (NACE); Population Register for individual information (sex, level of education). Monthly earnings, adjusted to fit the SES definition.
- Y2010-Y2018: Primary source: Enterprise survey. Monthly earnings, underlying average earnings data are compiled from SES data from 2010. Additional information: The data of 2010, 2014, 2018 correspond to the SES definition of monthly earnings published on Eurostat database (var. B42 in the SES coding, adjusted for the part-time workers with the Share of a full-timer’s normal hours -B271). The main difference with the definition requested is that the SES definition refers to the month of october and excludes bonuses and other items not payable each month. There is a break in the series between 2009 and 2010.
- Y2006-Y2009: Monthly earnings data are compiled from households surveys (EU-SILC) from 2006 to 2009 and from European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) from 2010 onwards. The main difference with the SES definition is that the SES definition refers to the month of october and excludes bonuses and other items not payable each month. There is a break in the series between 2009 and 2010.

Страна: Казахстан

Average monthly nominal wages per employee is determined by dividing the amount of accrued payroll to the actual number of employees and the number of months in the reporting period.

Страна: Кыргызстан

Figures for hourly earnings are obtained by dividing the average monthly earnings by the average number of monthly working hours.

Страна: Латвия

- Y1995- onwards: From 2004 data covers full- and part-time employees at the main and secondary job recalculated into full time equivalent, before 2004 - only employees at the main job recalculated into full time equivalent. Data excludes remuneration in kind. Additional information: The short-term wage statistics. National GPG indicator.

Страна: Литва

Y1995-onwards: Primary source: Enterprise survey - Administrative sources and data on Quarterly Survey on Wages and Salaries until Y2009, from 2009 data on annual earnings survey. Additional information: Since 1 January 2019 the calculations of state social insurance contributions have changed. The burden of payment of the larger part, i.e. 28.9% of State social insurance contributions paid by the employers will be transferred to the employees. Respectively, the employers will be obliged to recalculate gross wage of the employee by increasing it by 1.289; Currency: From 1995 untill 2007 LTL, from 2008– EUR, ratio 1 EUR=3,4528 LTL

Страна: Люксембург

For gender pay gap in hourly earnings, data from 2006 are compiled from European Structure of Earnings Surveys.
For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, data are compiled from European Structure of Earnings Surveys. Average monthly earnings are based on full-time equivalent employees, reference month is october. NACE B to S exclunding O

Страна: Мальта

For gender pay gap in hourly earnings, data from 2006 are compiled from European Structure of Earnings Surveys. For gender pay gap in monthly earnings, the underlying average earnings data for 2006 are compiled from EU Structure of Earnings Survey and cover employees in enterprises of 10 or more employees only. People working in public sector are not covered.

Страна: Нидерланды

The underlying average earnings refer to employees only and do not include bonuses, gratuities, housing and family allowances.

Страна: Норвегия

- Y2016-onwards: Data refer to full-time equivalent of paid employees only. Reference period: november month each year. Data includes various additional allowances, bonuses, commissions and do not include payment for overtime work.
- Y2015: Data refer to full-time equivalent of paid employees only. Reference period: III quarter of each year. Data includes various additional allowances, bonuses, commissions and do not include payment for overtime work.
- Y1995-Y2014: Data refer to full-time equivalent of paid employees only. Reference period: III quarter of each year. Data includes various additional allowances, bonuses, commissions and do not include payment for overtime work.

Страна: Польша

- Change in definition (2006 - 2020): Data refer to full-time and part-time employees. Family allowances are not included. Structure of Earnings Survey. Poland already compiles ISCED-97 data to 2012. Poland already compiles ISCED-11 data from 2014.
- Change in definition (2001 - 2004): Data refer to full-time employees only. Family allowances are not included. Structure of Earnings Survey. Poland already compiles ISCED-97.
- Since 2001, the methodology of calculating total gross monthly and hourly wages has not changed due to the consistency of definitions and figures. Earnings for the period from 2001 to 2020 are shown as earnings for time paid.

Страна: Румыния

- Y2018-Y2021: The average monthly gross earnings refers to the entire year. According to the national legislation provisions in force (GEO No. 79/2017, as subsequently amended and supplemented), the social security contribution and the social health insurance contribution paid by the employer were transferred to the employee; thus, starting with the reference year 2018, these contributions are borne entirely by the employee, and reflected in the gross amount of the nominal earnings. Consequently, the indicator ''average monthly gross earnings'' produced and disseminated starting with the reference year 2018 is no longer comparable to previous data series.

Страна: Российская Федерация

Change in definition (2005 - 2013): Underlying Earnings data do not include end of year, seniority, bonus payments and other nonrecurrent payments . Data include employees worked whole October; data exclude non-regular, temporary, contractual, absent due to different reasons (maternity, sabbatical, annual leave), part-time workers and others.

Страна: Сербия

- Y2018-onwards: Break in series: Since 2018, the source for collecting data on average wages and salaries has been changed. The data are obtained from the the Tax Administration records. The coverage scope is also extended and covers all business entities and all employees who received earnings. The data refer to September.
- Until Y2017: Primary source: Enterprise survey. The data refer to September.

Страна: Словакия

Y2000-2021: Source: National Structure of Earnings Survey (SES).

Страна: Словения

- Data for 2021 are provisional. Methodological explanations: h--ttps://www.stat.si/statweb/File/DocSysFile/8333
- In 2007 EURO was introduced instead of the national currency SIT.
- Y2003 onwards: Source for the average monthly earnings: Statistical Survey Structure of earnings statistics.
- Y2002: Source: Statistical Survey Earnings by Level of Professional Skills, School Education and Working Hours. Included are all persons in paid employment (permanent or temporary) in enterprises, companies and organisations who worked for all 12 months.
Y2001: Source: Statstical Survey Earnings by Level of Professional Skills. Included are all persons in paid employment (permanent or temporary) in enterprises, companies and organisations who worked for all 12 months
- Y1995: Source: Statstical Survey Earnings of Persons in Paid Employment by Level of Professional Skills Required by Post. Included are all persons in paid employment (permanent or temporary) in enterprises, companies and organisations who worked for all 12 months.

Страна: Испания

- Y2004-onwards: Structure of earnings surveys. There is a four-yearly survey since 2002 regulated by UE and since 2004, those years when the four-yearly survey is not conducted, there is an annual structure of earnings survey that obtains estimates of the gross annual earnings per employee. Data are annual earnings divided by 12 months.The coverage has been extended to all size units. The desing of this survey is equal to the four-yearly one (for years 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018) so the results are completely comparable for totals but there are less classification variables in the annual survey like the education level . Therefore, the breakdown on education level is only available each 4 years since 2002.
- ISCED-97 is used in 2002-2010 and ISCED-11 since 2014.
- Y2002 only: The results have been obtained as annual average of quarterly data form a wage survey. The coverage are local units wit 5 or more employees.
- Y2000-onwards: The results came from a four-yearly structure of earnings survey following the requirements of the European Union. The coverage are local units with 10 or more employees.

Страна: Швеция

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): The Data cover only employees and exlude irregular bonuses and gratuities.

Страна: Швейцария

- Additional information (2020): The data concern only the private sector - monthly earnings.
- Up to 2010 the data on earnings cover employees in private and public federal sectors. Since 2012, the data concern only the private sector.
- The underlying average earnings data exclude overtime pay and family allowances and refer to full-time equivalents.
- GPG figures computed from median earnings instead of averages.
- Source: ESS Swiss Earnings Structure Survey.

Страна: Украина

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Страна: Украина

- Up to 2009, the data do not cover small businesses, since 2010 the data include enterprises, institutions and organizations with 10 and more employees.
- The data are based on the results of a survey of enterprises on labor statistics.
- Hourly wages are calculated by dividing the wage fund of full-time employees by the hours they work.

Страна: Соединенное Королевство

Monthly earnings are from the UK Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) and defined as average gross weekly earnings for the reference period (Gpay), multiplied by 4.348. Earnings are of those over 15 only.