
Judges by sex

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Выбран 1 Всего 2


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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.Albania , Andorra , Armenia ,

Выбран 0 Всего 51

Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

Выбран 0 Всего 26

Количество выбранных ячеек данных
(максимально допустимое количество 1,000,000)

Представление на экране ограничено 100,000 строками и 100 столбцами

Количество выбранных ячеек превышает допустимый максимум.


.. - data not available

Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources.

Definition: Judges are justice officers who hear and judge cases in courts of justice, instruct the jury on points of law, or pronounce judgement. Judges are defined according to ISCO-08,code 2612. Examples of the occupations classified are chief justice, judge, and magistrate.

Measurement: Judges , Country: Belgium

- Data source: Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ)

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Belgium

- Data source: Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ)

Measurement: Judges , Country: Bulgaria

- Data coverage (2021): Data cover judges in Supreme courts, Higher-level and Lower-level courts.
- Data coverage (2015-2019): Data cover both full-time and part-time officials as at 31 December authorized to hear specifically criminal cases, including in appeal courts, and to make dispositions in a court of law.
- Data source: High Judicial Council.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Bulgaria

- Data coverage (2021): Data cover judges in Supreme courts, Higher-level and Lower-level courts.
- Data coverage (2015-2019): Data cover both full-time and part-time officials as at 31 December authorized to hear specifically criminal cases, including in appeal courts, and to make dispositions in a court of law.
- Data source: High Judicial Council.

Country: Canada

Data based on National Occupational Classification 2006.

Country: Canada

Data exclude the 3 northern territories.

Country: Cyprus

Government controlled area only.

Country: Czechia

Reference period (1980): data refer to 1981.

Country: Czechia

Reference period (1990): data refer to 1991.

Country: Estonia

Reference period (1980 - 2011): Data refer to 31 December of preceding year. 2015: Data as of August 30, 2016.

Country: France

All judges at juridical courts.

Country: France

Geographic coverage: French Republic, including the overseas departments DOM (except Mayotte). Overseas collectivities (COM) are excluded.

Country: Georgia

Territorial change (1995 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Country: Germany

1990/1995 break in series: 1980, 1990: former territory of Federal Republic of Germany.

Country: Greece

Change in definition (2005 - 2009): Data include authorized associate judges and magistrates. Professional Judges or Magistrates means both full-time and part-time officials. Data for 2010 onwards: Magistrates are not included as figures are not available by sex.

Country: Iceland

Change in definition (1995 onward): Data refers to judges in District courts and the Supreme Court.

Country: Latvia

Change in definition (1995 - 2012): Data include the total number of judges of the Supreme Court, Regional Courts, and District (city) Courts.

Country: Latvia

Reference period (2003): data refer to 1st April 2004.

Country: Lithuania

Reference period (1990 - 2012): Reference period: selected day of the year ? at the end of the year (December 31).

Country: Norway

ISCO-code 2611-2619 combined.

Country: Republic of Moldova

Additional information (1995 onward): Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Country: Russian Federation

Reference period (2000 - 2013): Data refer to the situation as of 1st of January of the following year.

Measurement: Judges , Country: Switzerland

- Break in methodology (2010): From 2010 data refer to ISCO-08 classification, before 2010 data refer to ISCO-88 classification.
- Data are rounded by multiple of 1000.
- Additional information (2010-2018): New census (sample survey)
- Additional information (1990-2000): Traditional census (full field enumeration)
- Additional information: Data on judges by sex are based on an extrapolation based on 49 observations or fewer.The results must be interpreted with great caution and will therefore not be published in international databases.

Measurement: Percent of total for both sexes , Country: Switzerland

- Break in methodology (2010): From 2010 data refer to ISCO-08 classification, before 2010 data refer to ISCO-88 classification.
- Data are rounded by multiple of 1000.
- Additional information (2010-2018): New census (sample survey)
- Additional information (1990-2000): Traditional census (full field enumeration)
- Additional information: Data on judges by sex are based on an extrapolation based on 49 observations or fewer.The results must be interpreted with great caution and will therefore not be published in international databases.

Country: Turkiye

Change in definition: Up to 2008 data cover total judges. Since 2009, data cover only judges at judicial and administrative courts.

Country: United Kingdom

Territorial change (2000 - onwards): Data refer to England and Wales.

Country: United Kingdom

Change in definition (2001 - onwards): Includes Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, Heads of Division, Lord Justices of Appeal, High Court Judges, Circuit Judges (including judges of the Court of Technology & Construction), District Judges (including Family Division), Deputy District Judges (including Family Division), District Judges (Magistrates Courts), Deputy District Judges (Magistrates Courts).