
Население по показателю индекса массы тела и полу

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.Австрия , Азербайджан , Албания ,

Выбран 0 Всего 56

Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

Выбран 0 Всего 26

Количество выбранных ячеек данных
(максимально допустимое количество 1,000,000)

Представление на экране ограничено 100,000 строками и 100 столбцами

Количество выбранных ячеек превышает допустимый максимум.


.. - данные отсутствуют

Источник: Статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН, сформирована на основе национальных официальных источников.

Определение: Международным стандартом для измерения пониженной массы тела, избыточной массы тела и ожирения является Индекс массы тела (ИМТ), определяемый как вес (в кг), разделенный на рост человека в квадрате (в метрах): кг/кв.м.
ИМТ имеет следующие стандартные категории: ИМТ менее 18,5 кг/кв.м. = пониженная масса. ИМТ 25 - < 30 кг/кв.м. = избыточная масса. ИМТ 30кг/кв.м. и более = ожирение.

Общие замечания: Процент.

Страна: Армения

2005: Data refer to population aged 15-49 and age groups: 20-44 refers to 20-29, 45-64 refers to 30-39 and 65+ refers to 40-49.

Страна: Австрия

Reference period (2006 onwards): Data for 2006 onwards come from the Autrian Health Interview Survey. Before 2006 data comes from microcensus module on health. Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999. Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991 and to population aged 20+.

Страна: Беларусь

Data refer to population aged 16+.

Страна: Бельгия

15-19 age group refers to 18-19 years old

Страна: Болгария

- Reference period (2019): Preliminary data. Data source: European health interview survey wave 3 carried out by National Statistical Institute - Bulgaria. Data with small sample size is suppressed due non-reliability.
- Reference period (2014): Data source: European health interview survey wave 2 carried out by National Statistical Institute - Bulgaria. Data with small sample size is suppressed due non-reliability.
- Reference period (2008): Data source: European health interview survey wave 1 carried out by National Statistical Institute - Bulgaria. Data with small sample size is suppressed due non-reliability.
- Reference period (2001): Data from the Demographic and Health survey.

Страна: Канада

Data exclude institutional residents and full-time members of the Canadian Forces. Data exclude residents of Indian Reserves, Crown Lands and certain remote regions. Reference period (2015 onwards): Source: Canadian Community Health Survey, Annual Component. Classification according to BMI excludes women who reported to be pregnant at the time of the survey Data from the CCHS for 2015 to 2019 excludes Canada's Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut).

Страна: Хорватия

Change in definition (2003): Data refer to population aged 18+.

Страна: Кипр

Reference period (2003 onwards): Data comes from European Health Interview Survey. Data cover only government controlled areas.

Страна: Чехия

1990, 1995 and 2000: data refer to 1993, 1996 and 1999.

Страна: Дания

Data refer to population aged 16+ and age group 15-19 refers to 16-19.

Страна: Дания

Data collection mode changed from face-to-face interview to self-administered questionnaires in 2010.

Страна: Дания

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1987.

Страна: Дания

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1994.

Страна: Эстония

Data refer to population aged 16-64.

Страна: Эстония

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996

Страна: Финляндия

Data refer to population aged 15-64. Age group 65+ refers to 65-84 year olds.

Страна: Франция

BMI is calculated on the basis of the declared weight of respondents.

Страна: Франция

Reference area: 2003, 2014 - Metropolitan France; 2008 - Metropolitan France and overseas departments.

Страна: Германия

Data refer to population aged 18+. 2000: data refer to 1999.

Страна: Венгрия

- Reference period (2019): Preliminary data.
- Data refer to population aged 18+.
- Data source from (2009 onwards): DHS (Demographic and Health survey)/European Health Interview Survey.
- Data source from (2000-2003): DHS (Demographic and Health survey)/National Health Interview Survey.

Страна: Исландия

Data refer to population aged 20-80 except in 2007 and 2012 where data refer to population aged 18-79. Data are not published for the age group 18-24 (15-24) as figures are too small.

Страна: Ирландия

- Data source (2019): Healthy Ireland Survey Wave 5.-
- Data refer to population aged 18+.
- Age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. - 2000: data refer to 1998.
- From 2015, data refer to population aged 15 and over and are measured data. Individuals interviewed in the Health Ireland survey 2015 survey were asked to undertake a physical measurement module.

Страна: Израиль

Break in methodlogy (2010): For 2010 data come from the Social Survey while for 2003 data come from the Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) Survey.

Страна: Израиль

Change in definition (2003): Data refer to population aged 21+.

Страна: Израиль

Change in definition (2010): Data refer to population aged 20+.

Страна: Италия

Change in definition (1990 - 2012): Data refer to population aged 18+.

Страна: Италия

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1994.

Страна: Италия

Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999/2000.

Страна: Латвия

Data for 2003 - from the Health Interview Survey. Data cover population 15-75 years old.Data for 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2012 - from Health Behaviour Survey among Latvian Adult population. Data cover population 15-64 years old.Data for 2008 and 2014 - from the European Health iInterview Survey (EHIS). Data cover population 15+, age groups: 15-19 refers to 15-24; 20-44 refers to 25-44.

Страна: Лихтенштейн

Reference period (2017): Values with insufficient number of observations are suppressed.

Страна: Мальта

Data refer to population aged 18+ residing in private households.
2003: data for age group 15 - 24 are not available due to under-representation.

Страна: Нидерланды

Data refer to population aged 20 and over. Overweight: BMI 25 kg/sqm or more. In 2014, interviewing and weighting method was changed, causing a break in the time series.

Страна: Нидерланды

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981.

Страна: Норвегия

Change in definition (1995 onward): Data refer to population 16 years +. Data on height and weight are self-reported.

Страна: Норвегия

Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1998.

Страна: Польша

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996.

Страна: Португалия

Body Mass Index is reported for persons 18+ years. Data for age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. Reference period (2000): Data cover mainland territory (without Autonomous Regions of Acores and Madeira) and refers to 1998-1999. Reference period (2005): Data refers to 2005-2006 (all territory). Reference period (2014 onwards): Data with a coefficient of variation of 20% or more are not disseminated.

Страна: Российская Федерация

Data refer to age groups 14-18 and 19-44 instead of 15-19 and 20-44

Страна: Словакия

Until 2009, data refer to population aged up to 64. In 2009 and 2014 some values are not shown due to low sample sizes.

Страна: Словакия

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1993.

Страна: Словакия

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1998.

Страна: Словакия

Territorial change (1990): Data cover 2 districts (Banska Bystrica and Brezno)

Страна: Словакия

Territorial change (1995): Data cover 3 districts (Banska Bystrica, Brezno and Trebisov)

Страна: Словакия

Territorial change (2003): Data cover 9 districts (Banska Bystrica, Brezno, Trebisov, Dunajska Streda, Dolny Kubin, Nove Zamky, Bratislava II, Kosice II and Roznava).

Страна: Словения

Reference period (2007 onwards): Data comes from the European Health Interview Survey.

Страна: Испания

Break in methodlogy (2003): Proxy were allowed

Страна: Испания

Change in definition (2001): Data refer to Spanish nationals only aged 16+.

Страна: Испания

Change in definition (2006): Age group 15-19 refers to 18-44.

Страна: Испания

Change in definition (2009 onward): Age group 15-24 refers to 16-24. For population aged 16-17 overweight and obesity cut offs are defined according to Cole et al. BMJ 2000;320:1240-3, and underweight cut offs according to Cole et al. BMJ 2007;335:194-7.

Страна: Швеция

Change in definition (1980 - 2001): Obesity: BMI>30 kg/sqm.
Data refer to population aged 16-84; data for age group 65+ refers to 65-84.

Страна: Швеция

Change in definition (2002 - 2010): Obesity: BMI>30 kg/sqm.
Data refer to population aged 16+, data for age group 15-19 refers to 16-19.

Страна: Швеция

Change in definition (2011 - onwards): Data refer to population aged 16+, data for age group 15-19 refers to 16-19.

Страна: Швеция

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1989

Страна: Швеция

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996

Страна: Швейцария

--Reference period (1990-2017): Primary source -- Swiss Health Survey.

Страна: Швейцария

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1992.

Страна: Швейцария

Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1997.

Страна: Украина

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Страна: Украина

Change in definition (2006 onwards): Age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. Age group 65+ refers to 70+.

Страна: Украина

Territorial change (2006 onwards): The territorial sample exclude localities in the territory which was radioactively contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster .

Страна: Соединенное Королевство

- Change in definition (1995 - 2014): Data collected from 16 years of age rather than 15.
- Territorial change (1995 - onwards): Coverage only includes England and therefore excludes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- Data source (2021): English Health Survey 2021

Страна: Соединенные Штаты Америки

For 1980 and 1990 data refer to 1976-1980 and 1988-1994 respectively. Since 2000, data for the reference year refer to the range of this year and the previous one.