
Заключенные по гражданству и полу

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.Австрия , Албания , Андорра ,

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

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Количество выбранных ячеек данных
(максимально допустимое количество 1,000,000)

Представление на экране ограничено 100,000 строками и 100 столбцами

Количество выбранных ячеек превышает допустимый максимум.


.. - данные отсутствуют

Источник: Статистическая база данных ЕЭК ООН, сформирована на основе национальных официальных источников.

Тюрьмы представляют собой учреждения, финансируемые из государственных или частных источников, в которых лица лишены своей свободы. Они включают в себя пенитенциарные, исправительные и психиатрические учреждения. Центры для содержания под стражей несовершеннолетних/малолетних преступников не включаются в это определение.
Заключенные/число заключенных представляют собой всех заключенных, включая тех, кто ожидает решения суда или объявления приговора, за исключением тех, кто находится в центрах для содержания под стражей несовершеннолетних/ малолетних преступников.
Иностранец определяется как личность не имеющая гражданства страны.
Гражданин страны, личность имеющая гражданство страны.

Общие замечания: Базисный период - определенный дeнь в году.

Страна: Албания

1995-2004: data not not include pre-trial detention centers. From 2007: data include all pre-trial centers.

Страна: Бельгия

Data refer to yearly mean.

Измерение: Заключенные , Страна: Болгария

- Data source: Ministry of Justice/ DG Execution of Sentences.
- Provided data are in full compliance with the definitions given and are related to the entire territory of the country.
- Reference period - calendar year.

Страна: Канада

- Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics (CCJCSS), Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults: (1) Statistics Canada. Table 35-10-0155-01 Average counts of offenders in federal programs, Canada and regions (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.-a-ction?pid=3510015501); and (2) Table 35-10-0154-01 Average counts of adults in provincial and territorial correctional programs (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.-a-ction?pid=3510015401); and Table 35-10-175 Monthly average counts of adults in federal and provincial/territorial custody (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.-a-ction?pid=3510017501).
- Data represent the average count of offenders in provincial/territorial and federal correctional facilities for the fiscal year (April 1 through March 31). There may be small differences in figures among tables due to rounding.
- Data for Prince Edward Island are not available for 2005/2006, data for Alberta are not available for 2013/2014 and data for Newfoundland and Labrador are not available for 2021/2022, therefore, the total for those years excludes those jurisdictions. CCJCSS began reporting the breakdown of this indicator by sex in 2020/2021. The total includes cases where the sex of the individual is not stated.

Страна: Кипр

- Data source: the Prison Institution.
- Data refers to the Government-controlled area of Cyprus.

Страна: Чехия

Data till 2008 include not only imprisonment but also e.g. fines, ban on activity, etc.

Измерение: Заключенные , Страна: Дания

- The reference period is 1 September of the given year.

Страна: Эстония

- Foreigners include permanent residents without determined citizenship.

Страна: Финляндия

- 2006-2021: Data include prisoners placed in probationary liberty under supervision.

Страна: Франция

Figures prior to 2015 include convicted people placed under electronic surveillance and people hosted in non-custodial facilities.

Страна: Грузия

Territorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region.

Страна: Германия

- 2019-2021: 2019 Methodologicial changes, provisional data. Source: Prison Stock Statistics StV1; Total persons held as at 30 November; Includes non-criminal prisoners held for administrative purposes. Data are consistent to UN-CTS as provided by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany based on the changed Prison Stock Statistics STV1
- Reference period (2019): Change in methodology. Provisional data. Source: Prison Stock Statistics StV1. Total persons held as at 30 November. Includes non-criminal prisoners held for administrative purposes. Data are consistent to UN-CTS as provided by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany based on the changed Prison Stock Statistics STV1
- Reference period (1980-2018): Federal Statistical Office of Germany: Prison Stock Statistics St1; Total persons held as at 30 November; Includes non-criminal prisoners held for administrative purposes. Data are not completely consistent to UN-CTS as the subdivion of convictions into certain offences follows national legal codes instead of ICCS codes.

Страна: Греция

- Differences in definition: Youth/Juveniles imprisoned are included. Prisoners are unsentenced and sentenced persons held in Penal Institutions.
- Data from 2015 onwards are administrative data.

Страна: Ирландия

- 2010-2021: Reference date is 30 November.
- 2009: Reference date is 4 December.
- 2008: Reference date is 5 December.

Измерение: Процент обоих полов , Страна: Ирландия

Change in definition (2004 - 2010): Data for prisoners in custody under sentence only.

Измерение: Процент общего количества гражданств , Страна: Ирландия

Change in definition (2004 - 2010): Data for prisoners in custody under sentence only.

Страна: Латвия

Data exclude persons awaiting trial or sentence.

Страна: Нидерланды

- 2020-2021: Figures exclude aliens detention.
- to 2019: Figures include aliens detention (https://www.government.nl/topi-c-s/return-of-foreign-nationals/aliens-detention)

Страна: Польша

Data exclude psychiatric facilities.

Страна: Республика Молдова

- Data refer to all persons held in detention including unsenteced detainees. Data include also minors from penitenciary institutions.
- Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender.

Измерение: Процент обоих полов , Страна: Республика Молдова

Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Измерение: Процент общего количества гражданств , Страна: Республика Молдова

Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender

Страна: Румыния

- Source: National Administration of Penitentiaries within the Ministry of Justice.
- Data include persons in penitentiaries, detention centers and educational centers.

Страна: Сербия

Данные не включают территорию Косово и Метохию.

Страна: Швеция

- The numbers refer to cross-sectional data. The number of persons who were enrolled in prison the 1 October each year.

Страна: Швейцария

- Reference date (2019 - onwards): The new reference date from 2019 onwards is the 31st January.
- Break in time series (2018): In 2018, only minimal data (mean) were collected and published due to a change of the reference day. This led to a break in time series. No data regarding the sex and the nationality of prisoners were collected this year.
- Reference date ( - until 2018): The reference date until 2018 was the first Wednesday of September.
- Change in definition (2000 - onwards): Data refer to publicly financed institution only. Some of the considered institutions contain juvenile detention departments, but they are designated as adult facilities and not as juveniles detention centers. Data exclude persons awaiting expulsion. Penal institutions of the cantonal departments of justice and police.

Страна: Турция

Change in definition (1980 - onwards): Juvenile prison and reformatories were included.
9 persons whose nationality is unknown is included in total in 2012.

Страна: Украина

From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control.

Страна: Соединенное Королевство

Change in definition (1980 - onwards): Detailed data may not add up to total because the breakdown variable is not always recorded.

Страна: Соединенное Королевство

Territorial change (1980 - onwards): Data do not cover Northern Ireland.

Страна: Соединенные Штаты Америки

Data refer to prisoners in custody of state or federal prisons. Data do not include community correction centers and local jail inmates.