
Couples with both partners aged 25-49 by working pattern and age of youngest child

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.All Couples , Man and woman full-time , Man full-time or woman part-time ,

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.Austria , Belgium , Canada ,

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Поле поиска для нужного значения в списке. Это пример значений для поиска.1980 , 1990 , 1995 ,

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Количество выбранных ячеек данных
(максимально допустимое количество 1,000,000)

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Количество выбранных ячеек превышает допустимый максимум.


.. - data not available

Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources.

Couple: A couple is defined as a man and woman living as a married couple, a registered couple or a couple who lives in a consensual union. Two persons are considered as partners in a consensual union when they have usual residence in the same household, are not married to each other and have a marriage-like relationship to each other.
Data refer to couples where both partners are in the age range 25-49. Data are reported according to the age of the youngest child of the couple. Children living outside the household are not considered.
Part-time/full-time: A part-time worker is an employed person whose normal hours of work are less than those of comparable full-time workers. In most countries, the distinction between part-time and full-time work is based on self-declaration. In a few countries, work is defined as part-time when the hours usually worked are below a fixed threshold.
Not working: Both inactive and unemployed persons are considered as not working.

General note: Data come from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) unless otherwise specified.

Country: Austria

Break in methodlogy (2004): Break in series due to change in data collection procedure.

Country: Austria

Change in definition (1980): Data refer to the livelihood concept

Country: Austria

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1984

Country: Austria

Data below the threshold of 3 000 persons are not published, while caution should be taken in interpreting data below the threshold of 6 000 persons.

Country: Belgium

Break in methodology (2012): From 2012, data explicitely include couples living in a consensual union.

Country: Belgium

Change in definition (2005 - 2015): A child is considered as a person below 17 who lives in the household whatever the relation to the reference person may be.

Country: Canada

Data refer to women aged 25-49 and men aged 15+. Data for No child refers to no child under the age of 16. Child aged more than 6 refers to child aged 6 to 15. Data are annual averages.

Country: Canada

Data do not cover the three northern territories (Yukon, Northwest and Nunavuk)

Country: Croatia

Data given for 2013 onwards are calibrated according to the results of the Census 2011 and are not fully comparable with data given for previous years.

Country: Denmark

Change in definition (1980 - 2006): Data do not cover couples where one or both members are self employed

Country: Denmark

Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1986

Country: Finland

Data do not include children aged 17+. Data for child aged more than 6 refers to child aged more than 7 and child aged up to 6 refers to child aged 0-6 years (including 6).

Country: France

Reference area: Metropolitan France.

Country: Germany

Break in methodlogy (2005): Until 2004, data refer to one reporting week. From 2005 data are annual average figures.

Country: Greece

Data refer to annual averages.

Country: Hungary

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): Data refer to couples where both members are in the age range 15-74. Women not working include also those on maternity leave. Couples with youngest child aged 6 refer to couples with youngest child aged 6-16.

Country: Hungary

Reference period (2000 - 2013): Data refer to 2nd Quarter of each year.

Country: Israel

Break in methodlogy (2000): In 1998: 1) Changes in the weighting method; 2) Transition to the 1995 Population Census estimates; See explanations: http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/publications/saka_change/tch_e.pdf

Country: Israel

Break in methodlogy (2001): Changes in the weighting method. See explanations: http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/saka_y/e_intro_f1_comparison-mimi.f

Country: Israel

Break in methodlogy (2009): 1) Update of the definition of the civilian labour force characteristics; 2) Transition to the 2008 Population Census estimates. See explanations: http://www.cbs.gov.il/publications11/1460/pdf/intro05_e.pdf

Country: Israel

Break in methodlogy (2012): 1) Transitiom from a quarterly to a monthly LFS; 2) Changes in the definitions of labour force characteristics (including compulsory and permanent military service into labour force). See explanations: http://www.cbs.gov.il/publications/labour_survey04/labour_f--orce_survey/answer_question_e_2012.pdf

Country: Israel

Change in definition (1995): 1) Update of the definitions of labour force characteristics; 2) Changes in the Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities; See explanations: http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/publications/saka_change/tch_e.pdf

Country: Israel

Change in definition: from 2000 data for All couples include homosexual couples and couples where one partner is working but with unknown working hours. Child aged up to 6 refers to child under the age of 5. Child aged more than 6 refers to child aged 5 to 17.

Country: Israel

Territorial change (1995 onwards): Data do not cover couples living in kibbutzim, in institutions and living outside localities (Bedouins in the South and others)

Country: Italy

Break in methodlogy (2004): From 2004, there is a break in series due to change in survey and data collection procedure (continuous survey).

Country: Latvia

Change in definition (2010 - 2012): Couples with youngest child aged 6 and above&
39; - youngest child aged 6-16 years.

Country: Luxembourg

Change in definition (2001): Data do not include couples (with or without children) living with other persons. Full-time workers are those who usually work 35 hours or more per week, part-time workers are those who usually work less than 35 hours per week.

Country: Portugal

Data from 2011 onwards are not directly comparable with data for the previous years due to new data collection methods used in the Portuguese Labour Force Survey series. Estimates below 2 250 individuals are not shown due to high coefficients of variation.

Country: Romania

Break in methodology (2002): Due to the revision of the definitions and the coverage, the data series of 2002-2012 are not perfectly comparable with data series of previous years. Break in series starting with year 2013. For years 2014 onward data were estimated using the resident population. For year 2013 data were estimated based on revised population figures (resident population) in accordance to the 2011 Census results.

Country: Romania

Reference period (1995): Data for 1995 refers to March 1995.

Country: Spain

Data refer only to children of the reference person in the household. Data are annual average of the four quarters of the year. Data include persons working abroad as full time workers.

Country: Sweden

Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991.

Country: Switzerland

Break in methodlogy (2010): From 2010, data based on sample survey of the resident permanent population 15 years and older (part of the annual combined census). Before 2000, data based on traditional census (full field enumeration). Data for 2010 and onwards are not fully comparable with those of 2000 and earlier.

Country: Switzerland

From 2010 onwards the sum of the data for the different work patterns of couples does not equal the total of all couples (the sum of the percentage isn’t equal to 100%) because of missing data.

Country: United Kingdom

Change in definition (2000 - 2013): Data refer to &
39;couple families&
39; and not &
39;couple households&

Country: United States

Data refer to married couples aged 16+.
Full-time workers are those who usually work 35 hours or more per week, part-time workers are those who usually work less than 35 hours per week.