- 6.1.1 - Population using safely managed drinking water services, all area:
- Percent
- 6.1.1 - Population using safely managed drinking water services, urban area:
- Percent
- 6.1.1 - Population using safely managed drinking water services, rural area:
- Percent
- 6.2.1 - Population using safely managed sanitation service, all area:
- Percent
- 6.2.1 - Population using safely managed sanitation services, urban:
- Percent
- 6.2.1 - Population using safely managed sanitation services, rural area:
- Percent
- 6.3.1 - Proportion of safely treated domestic wastewater flows:
- Percent
- 6.3.2 - Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality:
- Percent
- 6.3.2 - Proportion of groundwater bodies with good ambient water quality:
- Percent
- 6.3.2 - Proportion of open water bodies with good ambient water quality:
- Percent
- 6.3.2 - Proportion of river water bodies with good ambient water quality:
- Percent
- 6.4.2 - Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal:
- Percent
- 6.5.1 - Degree of integrated water resources management implementation:
- Percent
- 6.5.2 - Percent transboundary basins w. operational arrangement for water cooper:
- Percent