- 8.1.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita:
- Percent
- 8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person:
- Percent
- 8.4.2 - Domestic biomass consumption per unit of GDP:
- kilograms per constant USD
- 8.4.2 - Domestic fossil fuels consumption per unit of GDP:
- kilograms per constant USD
- 8.4.2 - Domestic metal ores consumption per unit of GDP:
- kilograms per constant USD
- 8.4.2 - Domestic non-metallic minerals consumption per unit of GDP:
- kilograms per constant USD
- 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of managers (ISCO-08), both sexes:
- Local currency
- 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of managers (ISCO-08), female:
- Local currency
- 8.5.1 - Average hourly earnings of managers (ISCO-08), male:
- Local currency
- 8.5.2 - Unemployment rate of persons with disability:
- Percent
- 8.5.2 - Unemployment rate of persons without disability:
- Percent
- 8.6.1 - Youth not in education, employment or training, both sexes:
- Percent
- 8.6.1 - Youth not in education, employment or training, female:
- Percent
- 8.6.1 - Youth not in education, employment or training, male:
- Percent
- 8.8.1 - Fatal occupational injuries among employees, per 100k employees:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.1 - Fatal occupational injuries among employees, female:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.1 - Fatal occupational injuries among employees, male:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.1 - Non-fatal occupational injuries among employees, per 100k employees:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.1 - Non-fatal occupational injuries among employees, female:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.1 - Non-fatal occupational injuries among employees, male:
- per 100,000 employees
- 8.8.2 - Level of national compliance with labour rights:
- index (score)
- 8.9.1 - Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP:
- per cent
- 8.10.2 - Adults with account at financial institution or mobile-money service:
- per cent
- 8.10.2 - Adults with account at financial institution..., female:
- per cent
- 8.10.2 - Adults with account at financial institution..., male:
- per cent