Sustainable and inclusive transport is crucial to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Efficient and inclusive transport networks provide access to services, jobs and education, leaving no-one behind, regardless of their age, gender, or social status. And yet, transport is the only major sector in Europe with increasing emissions since 1990.
Recent UNECE research that monitors SDGs show that the UNECE region is not on track to achieve SDGs target.
This microsite aims to raise awareness of the roles of transport to achieve SDGs and share knowledge on available indicators that monitor the transport-related SDGs. It shows progress on the global indicators, the UNECE-specific transport indicators, as well as highlighting transport indicators chosen by countries for monitoring their own circumstances.
The available global indicators that directly measure transport-related SDGs are the following:
- indicator 3.6.1: death rate due to road traffic injuries
- indicator 9.1.1: proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road
- indicator 9.1.2: passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport
- indicator 11.2.1: proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
However, while these indicators provide valuable insights, they do not encompass the entirety of sustainable transport in the UNECE region. While the SDGs were established at the global level, their achievement will occur at the national level. Therefore, countries and regions are encouraged to select additional indicators that are suitable for monitoring sustainable transport in their specific contexts, taking into account data availability.
UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics (
WP.6) regularly discusses the SDGs and has agreed to enhance data collection and analysis to support their achievement. At the WP.6 meeting in 2024, the importance of complementing global indicators with regional and national indicators has been noted. It will maximise country buy-in for monitoring the 2030 Development Agenda. Admittedly, it would be crucial to find the right balance between the benefits of data collection on relevant SDG indicators and the associated costs and reporting burden.
The complementary indicators are organized around the themes of: Health (SDG 3), Infrastructure (SDG 9), Cities (SDG 11), and Climate (SDG 13).
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all, as outlined in SDG 3, are significantly influenced by transport systems.
While SDG Target 3.6, which aims to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, is the only
transport-specific target within this SDG, transport plays a vital role in public health. Click "Read article" below to learn more
about the performance of UNECE countries in this area.
Access to transport means freedom, development and growth for individuals and businesses. It is crucial to ensure rural populations have access to
transport infrastructure that connects them to essential services. Additionally, tracking the relative shares of different modes of transport
provides insights into infrastructure priorities and environmental impacts. Click “Read article” below to learn more.
Transport in cities needs to be more sustainable and accessible. Ensuring better access to public transport for all users is crucial
for fostering connectivity and promoting sustainable urban development. Click "Read article" below to learn more.
Transport is a major polluting sector in Europe, with significant and increasing impacts on climate change. However, this also positions the transport
sector as a key player in the fight against climate change. Consequently, transitioning towards reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector
is essential. Monitoring these emissions is pivotal for assessing progress towards achieving SDG Target 13.2, which is to integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning. Click “Read article” below to learn more.