- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in reading, both sexes:
- Percent
- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in reading, female:
- Percent
- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in reading, male:
- Percent
- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in mathematics, both sexes:
- Percent
- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in mathematics, female:
- Percent
- 4.1.1 - Students achieving minimum proficiency level in mathematics, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with connecting and installing new devices skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with connecting and installing new devices, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with connecting and installing new devices, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with copying or moving a file or folder skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with copying or moving a file or folder skills, female:
- percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with copying or moving a file or folder skills, male:
- percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with creating electronic presentations skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with creating electronic presentations skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with creating electronic presentations skills, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with installing and configuring software skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with installing and configuring software skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with installing and configuring software skills, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with sending e-mails with attached files skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with sending e-mails with attached files skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with sending e-mails with attached files skills, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with transferring files skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with transferring files skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with transferring files skills, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using basic arithmetic formula skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using basic arithmetic formula skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using basic arithmetic formula skills, male:
- percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using copy and paste tools skills:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using copy and paste tools skills, female:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with using copy and paste tools skills, male:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Young people and adults with skills to use specialized program. language:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with skills to use specialized program. language, fem.:
- Percent
- 4.4.1 - Youth and adults with skills to use specialized program. language, male:
- Percent
- 4.5.1 - Adjusted GPI for participation rate in education & training (age 15-64):
- Percent