(Apparent) consumption per head of wood and products derived from wood is calculated according to the formula:
AC per head = [AC(SW)* RWEc + AC(WBP)* RWEc + AC(Paper and board)*RWEc + AC(Fuelwood) + R (Other Industrial Roundwood)] / Total population (in corresponding year)
AC (Apparent consumption) = production + imports – exports
R = Removal
SW = Sawnwood
WBP = Wood-based Panels
RWEc = roundwood equivalent coefficient
The default values of the RWEc are for: SW = 1.89 RWE / m³, WBP = 1.64 RWE / m³, Paper and board = 3.60 RWE / mt
The (apparent) consumption is expressed in m³ roundwood equivalent. A m³ roundwood equivalent expresses the amount of roundwood needed to produce a m³ of a certain wood product. By expressing consumption in m³ roundwood equivalents, volumes of products with different properties such as sawnwood and panels or different measurement units such as m³ (sawnwood) and (metric) tonne (mt) (paper and board) can be summed together. In addition, by expressing the (apparent) consumption in m³ roundwood equivalents the relationship between the volume of roundwood consumed and the removals from the forest can be expressed.