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Share of women among government ministers
Share of women among judges
Share of women among legislators, senior officials and managers
Share of women among members of parliament
Share of women among police staff
Consumer price index (CPI)
Final consumption expenditure
Gross domestic product (GDP) in absolute value
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
Share of agriculture in GDP
Share of construction in GDP
Share of exports in GDP
Share of finance and business services in GDP
Share of imports in GDP
Share of industry in GDP
Share of trade, hospitality, transport and communication in GDP
Unemployment rate
Youth unemployment rate
Education, Science & ICT
Proportion of men who use internet weekly
Proportion of men with tertiary education level
Proportion of women who use internet weekly
Proportion of women with tertiary education level
Share of women among researchers
Share of women among tertiary students
Family & Fertility
Adolescent fertility rate
Mean age of men at first marriage
Mean age of women at birth of first child
Mean age of women at first marriage
Proportion of one person households in all households
Total fertility rate
Employment in forestry
Exports of forest products
Forest area with damage
Forest area
Forest growing stock
Gross value added in forestry
Imports of forest products
Wood consumption
Labour & Work-life Balance
Employment rate of women aged 25-49 with less than 3 year old child
Enrolment rate of children in child care
Gender pay gap in monthly earning
Share of women among employers
Share of women in labour force
Unemployment rate, men
Unemployment rate, women
Population & Health
Life expectancy at 65, men
Life expectancy at 65, women
Life expectancy at birth, men
Life expectancy at birth, women
Population density
Share of women in total population
Total population
Road Safety
Drivers killed in road traffic accidents
Fatalities in road traffic accidents
Fatality rate per inhabitant in road traffic accidents
Fatality rate per passenger car in road traffic accidents
Injuries in road traffic accidents
Injury rate per inhabitant in road traffic accidents
Injury rate per passenger car in road traffic accidents
Injury accidents in road traffic
Pedestrians killed in road traffic accidents
Carriage of goods by inland waterways
Carriage of goods by rail
Carriage of goods by road
Carriage of oil by pipelines
Passenger car rate
Passenger transport by rail
Passenger transport by road
Railway density
Total length of inland waterways
Total length of motorways
Total length of railway lines