Tertiary students are those enrolled in levels 5-8 of the ISCED 2011 (previously in levels 5A, 5B and 6 of the ISCED 1997) for the academic year concerned. Levels 5, 6, 7 in ISCED 2011 together correspond to level 5 in ISCED 1997. ISCED 2011 level 5, or short-cycle tertiary education, corresponds to ISCED 1997 level 5B and captures the lowest level of tertiary education. Programmes at this level are practically based, occupationally specific and are mainly designed for participants to acquire practical skills. Programmes at ISCED 2011 level 6, or Bachelor’s or equivalent, are often designed to provide participants with intermediate academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies, leading to a first degree or equivalent qualification. Programmes at ISCED 2011 level 7, or Master’s or equivalent, are designed to provide participants with advanced academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies, leading to a second degree or equivalent qualification. They may have a substantial research component but do not yet lead to the award of a doctoral qualification. Programmes at ISCED 1997 level 5A are largely theoretically based and intended to provide sufficient qualifications for gaining entry into advanced research programmes and professions with high skill requirements, but do not necessarily distinguish between a first and second university degree. ISCED2011 level 8, or doctoral or equivalent, is reserved for tertiary programmes leading to the award of an advanced research qualification and corresponds to ISCED 1997 level 6. Fields of study are given based on ISCED 1997. The reference year corresponds to the beginning of the school/academic year. For example, 2012 stands for school/academic year 2012/2013.
For female tertiary students footnotes click here. The reference year corresponds to the beginning of the school/academic year.
For example, 2012 stands for school/academic year 2012/2013.