Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials), tonnes

Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy.

INDICATOR 12.2.2 (b)
Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials). Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy.
By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
See United Nations Global SDG Database

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials), tonnes

Heat map
Bubble map
INDICATOR 12.2.2 (b)
Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials). Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy.
By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
See United Nations Global SDG Database

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials), tonnes

INDICATOR 12.2.2 (b)
Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials). Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy.
By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
See United Nations Global SDG Database

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Indicator 12.2.2 (b)

Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials), tonnes

Country 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Albania .. 7.0170 7.1490 7.2260 7.9640 7.8510 9.0700 9.9360 7.5690 8.0020 7.8580 6.7950 7.1900 ..
Andorra 13.0199 11.4684 12.4546 7.2258 8.1943 12.3017 13.0309 10.1598 10.5421 40.2883 41.1493 39.3827 41.1681 42.5090
Armenia 14.1494 10.1835 10.9258 12.1798 13.0370 13.8085 14.1566 18.1119 18.5738 16.7153 20.4593 23.1100 23.9752 23.1806
Austria 18.5840 18.6480 19.6970 18.6110 18.0920 18.4010 17.5740 17.7130 17.6330 17.6190 17.7730 17.8810 18.3230 17.6440
Azerbaijan 8.4603 8.3859 8.8341 9.9283 10.9690 10.0685 8.2420 7.8480 8.4725 9.1971 9.3856 8.1044 7.9656 7.4617
Belgium 13.9680 13.8090 14.6160 13.4390 13.2030 13.1150 12.9370 12.8710 13.1150 12.5660 13.0250 11.8790 11.6320 12.9840
Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.8720 11.4320 10.6320 11.2200 11.2480 .. .. ..
Bulgaria 16.4440 16.3270 18.1970 17.5910 17.0790 18.8250 21.3000 18.9230 19.6720 20.3260 20.6320 20.4250 22.7990 25.4820
Canada 50.7240 52.7180 55.4962 55.4854 57.7881 56.5853 56.8412 55.3921 57.5394 55.8246 56.6871 52.0301 52.1859 52.9088
Croatia 12.3000 10.4530 10.4480 9.6390 9.9510 9.1840 9.7650 10.0890 10.0660 10.4200 10.8180 11.0470 11.4000 12.2880
Cyprus 30.6430 27.8090 26.6100 19.2280 13.9120 13.9660 14.1160 15.6290 18.3580 18.0600 19.1910 18.2320 19.5240 18.8510
Czechia 16.9180 16.0220 16.8780 14.9890 14.7520 15.2380 15.8530 15.6090 15.8000 16.0020 16.0850 14.8590 15.8630 16.0030
Denmark 22.7360 21.2190 23.5510 23.5550 22.1520 22.1470 22.8880 23.3820 24.0760 24.0500 24.2150 23.4990 24.3830 26.4450
Estonia 24.3590 24.1090 26.3140 26.7530 28.3130 26.9840 25.9820 25.6210 30.3950 31.5740 28.3240 27.0800 27.8190 27.6720
Finland 32.0290 44.6050 43.5530 43.0130 48.6050 42.1780 40.9700 44.1030 42.5170 47.1330 44.8150 44.9820 44.2600 43.7320
France 12.4030 12.1060 12.3820 12.0380 12.0090 11.7830 11.1170 10.9260 11.7640 11.5590 11.8580 10.6220 11.6930 11.2070
Georgia 6.5944 6.4709 6.5770 8.0936 8.8015 8.4482 9.7485 9.4397 10.8399 11.2175 12.4683 12.1563 12.6016 11.9572
Germany 15.0220 15.1140 16.4610 15.9070 15.8700 15.9400 15.2830 15.3080 15.4940 14.9400 14.4080 13.9510 14.3120 13.8180
Greece 19.2000 16.7520 15.2790 14.1510 13.2840 13.9500 13.3800 12.7080 12.5480 12.1800 11.5840 10.1830 10.5160 11.9600
Hungary 10.7900 9.8970 9.9660 8.7750 10.0780 12.9880 12.7980 12.2890 13.8080 15.8140 16.4270 14.2300 14.1740 13.7610
Iceland 98.2520 66.4140 34.6750 32.1090 61.1060 53.8290 57.6040 48.6320 53.6130 66.7000 51.5800 44.1900 34.8470 41.6380
Ireland 25.6770 22.0800 18.7130 18.7260 20.0690 19.3300 19.9050 21.2000 22.3050 23.5550 23.6700 21.8590 22.1720 22.5330
Israel 14.4950 14.7432 15.0199 14.6669 14.3853 14.3337 21.2095 15.1564 23.0921 22.7502 21.8837 21.3326 21.8111 22.3169
Italy 11.9860 11.5690 11.6840 9.9420 8.3250 8.2020 7.9500 7.9920 7.9560 8.0740 8.3630 7.7220 8.5470 9.0780
Kazakhstan 25.3777 26.1289 28.8657 27.3988 29.5148 28.3572 28.5738 29.0976 30.0794 30.1769 29.8225 30.1244 30.4317 28.8230
Kyrgyzstan 6.3528 6.1203 6.5723 6.4793 7.5938 7.5686 7.3731 7.0207 7.5861 9.4350 7.4302 7.0356 6.9566 6.5047
Latvia 8.1550 9.5200 11.2070 11.4000 12.4480 12.0060 12.9450 11.7210 13.2390 14.5360 14.6970 14.8240 16.1270 16.5180
Liechtenstein 0.8610 0.9136 0.8747 0.9043 0.8584 0.7813 0.6041 0.5998 0.6230 0.6331 0.5816 0.5423 0.5401 0.5399
Lithuania 11.0370 12.4180 13.7790 12.8130 15.6680 14.8350 14.9730 15.7020 17.8270 17.6980 18.9550 20.0430 20.7450 20.9280
Luxembourg 22.6020 22.4740 22.2890 21.5750 21.2400 21.8070 24.4120 24.0730 24.8960 23.0350 23.0840 22.4680 24.6490 22.8980
Malta 8.3170 7.1660 9.4020 10.6120 8.7380 11.8660 13.8060 13.5820 11.3870 13.0070 11.9130 12.7960 12.4160 11.1040
Monaco 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Montenegro 12.4421 13.4580 12.8884 12.5523 12.0519 12.6550 12.2558 11.5421 17.3627 20.3952 20.3896 19.7458 20.6620 21.4491
Netherlands 11.3990 11.3530 11.2310 10.7880 10.2370 10.3990 10.5890 9.6780 10.6630 11.1450 10.7680 9.7310 9.4750 9.9570
North Macedonia .. 8.8810 9.7700 9.3640 9.1080 9.1560 9.1530 8.9060 8.3420 8.4480 9.1720 9.0110 8.8760 ..
Norway 24.8250 25.9580 26.1450 27.3810 27.1110 26.1140 29.9900 24.4610 23.8510 26.1910 25.9020 23.6850 22.3900 ..
Poland 15.6610 16.5000 20.4280 17.5190 16.7170 16.5790 16.4670 16.9170 18.0050 18.4720 17.5860 17.4030 17.8810 19.3530
Portugal 20.6360 19.2110 17.8240 16.4160 14.0390 15.5270 15.6320 14.9850 16.4640 16.4160 16.5870 14.8550 15.8180 15.8030
Republic of Moldova 5.4416 7.2531 7.6901 8.6898 9.3078 10.0854 7.5526 8.3210 9.4771 10.4838 10.4004 8.0223 12.3355 11.0732
Romania 17.3150 13.5760 18.9250 17.9100 17.9030 18.6850 22.4070 22.8110 21.2150 22.9930 27.5250 29.0340 29.7340 28.8110
Russian Federation 13.4610 13.4569 15.3428 15.5564 16.1805 16.4831 16.1595 14.8299 14.9862 15.3323 15.6833 15.6489 13.7061 12.5256
San Marino 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0524 0.0757 0.0594 0.0758 0.7712 0.5205 0.5288 0.5395
Serbia 14.1390 15.0730 15.3250 13.9410 15.1670 14.3750 15.3660 16.8300 16.1630 16.9280 18.1200 19.0420 19.4360 ..
Slovakia 13.5790 13.3100 13.4580 11.8600 11.4070 12.5330 12.4820 12.3960 12.7860 13.5020 12.2810 11.8710 12.0370 11.4560
Slovenia 17.0170 16.0140 14.3900 12.4710 12.2130 13.1240 13.3050 12.8330 13.1060 14.3970 13.5370 13.0930 14.1210 15.3930
Spain 14.2940 12.6380 11.1130 8.8360 8.3230 8.4330 8.8220 8.6040 8.7750 9.5170 9.2530 9.0860 9.3280 8.8170
Sweden 19.4580 21.9230 22.9350 22.6730 23.1360 23.4490 22.9540 23.1690 24.0950 24.6540 25.6170 24.3160 27.0040 27.1210
Switzerland 12.3410 12.5230 12.6730 12.2140 12.3540 12.4500 11.4980 11.7070 11.3340 10.9490 11.0130 10.5430 10.4240 10.3020
Tajikistan 2.1923 2.3435 2.4423 2.6777 2.9283 3.7811 4.0348 4.6988 4.9286 5.1534 5.3602 5.0707 5.1683 4.8058
Türkiye 10.9210 12.9020 13.4470 11.8610 11.7830 12.0760 12.8490 12.8980 13.3780 12.1340 10.6430 11.3940 11.5150 ..
Turkmenistan 8.3933 9.2374 9.8140 10.6648 11.0328 11.1111 10.8072 10.8177 10.5851 10.6679 11.1671 11.2048 10.9912 10.1538
Ukraine 10.2626 10.7081 12.9483 11.1101 12.0101 10.9048 9.8066 10.7903 11.0454 12.5607 11.7766 11.1293 13.5472 14.2398
United Kingdom 9.5000 9.1660 9.0980 8.8140 8.9800 9.1240 8.6810 8.5100 8.6220 8.5680 8.4800 .. .. ..
United States 23.4760 23.5368 23.0916 22.9898 23.1281 23.5301 23.7638 23.8698 23.7499 23.4382 22.9036 22.0263 22.6285 23.0035
Uzbekistan 8.1633 8.0544 8.6308 8.7478 8.8834 9.0287 9.1735 9.6060 8.9774 10.0494 10.0863 10.2286 10.4431 9.8469
Country 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Albania .. 7.0170 7.1490 7.2260 7.9640 7.8510 9.0700 9.9360 7.5690 8.0020 7.8580 6.7950 7.1900 ..
Andorra 13.0199 11.4684 12.4546 7.2258 8.1943 12.3017 13.0309 10.1598 10.5421 40.2883 41.1493 39.3827 41.1681 42.5090
Armenia 14.1494 10.1835 10.9258 12.1798 13.0370 13.8085 14.1566 18.1119 18.5738 16.7153 20.4593 23.1100 23.9752 23.1806
Austria 18.5840 18.6480 19.6970 18.6110 18.0920 18.4010 17.5740 17.7130 17.6330 17.6190 17.7730 17.8810 18.3230 17.6440
Azerbaijan 8.4603 8.3859 8.8341 9.9283 10.9690 10.0685 8.2420 7.8480 8.4725 9.1971 9.3856 8.1044 7.9656 7.4617
Belgium 13.9680 13.8090 14.6160 13.4390 13.2030 13.1150 12.9370 12.8710 13.1150 12.5660 13.0250 11.8790 11.6320 12.9840
Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.8720 11.4320 10.6320 11.2200 11.2480 .. .. ..
Bulgaria 16.4440 16.3270 18.1970 17.5910 17.0790 18.8250 21.3000 18.9230 19.6720 20.3260 20.6320 20.4250 22.7990 25.4820
Canada 50.7240 52.7180 55.4962 55.4854 57.7881 56.5853 56.8412 55.3921 57.5394 55.8246 56.6871 52.0301 52.1859 52.9088
Croatia 12.3000 10.4530 10.4480 9.6390 9.9510 9.1840 9.7650 10.0890 10.0660 10.4200 10.8180 11.0470 11.4000 12.2880
Cyprus 30.6430 27.8090 26.6100 19.2280 13.9120 13.9660 14.1160 15.6290 18.3580 18.0600 19.1910 18.2320 19.5240 18.8510
Czechia 16.9180 16.0220 16.8780 14.9890 14.7520 15.2380 15.8530 15.6090 15.8000 16.0020 16.0850 14.8590 15.8630 16.0030
Denmark 22.7360 21.2190 23.5510 23.5550 22.1520 22.1470 22.8880 23.3820 24.0760 24.0500 24.2150 23.4990 24.3830 26.4450
Estonia 24.3590 24.1090 26.3140 26.7530 28.3130 26.9840 25.9820 25.6210 30.3950 31.5740 28.3240 27.0800 27.8190 27.6720
Finland 32.0290 44.6050 43.5530 43.0130 48.6050 42.1780 40.9700 44.1030 42.5170 47.1330 44.8150 44.9820 44.2600 43.7320
France 12.4030 12.1060 12.3820 12.0380 12.0090 11.7830 11.1170 10.9260 11.7640 11.5590 11.8580 10.6220 11.6930 11.2070
Georgia 6.5944 6.4709 6.5770 8.0936 8.8015 8.4482 9.7485 9.4397 10.8399 11.2175 12.4683 12.1563 12.6016 11.9572
Germany 15.0220 15.1140 16.4610 15.9070 15.8700 15.9400 15.2830 15.3080 15.4940 14.9400 14.4080 13.9510 14.3120 13.8180
Greece 19.2000 16.7520 15.2790 14.1510 13.2840 13.9500 13.3800 12.7080 12.5480 12.1800 11.5840 10.1830 10.5160 11.9600
Hungary 10.7900 9.8970 9.9660 8.7750 10.0780 12.9880 12.7980 12.2890 13.8080 15.8140 16.4270 14.2300 14.1740 13.7610
Iceland 98.2520 66.4140 34.6750 32.1090 61.1060 53.8290 57.6040 48.6320 53.6130 66.7000 51.5800 44.1900 34.8470 41.6380
Ireland 25.6770 22.0800 18.7130 18.7260 20.0690 19.3300 19.9050 21.2000 22.3050 23.5550 23.6700 21.8590 22.1720 22.5330
Israel 14.4950 14.7432 15.0199 14.6669 14.3853 14.3337 21.2095 15.1564 23.0921 22.7502 21.8837 21.3326 21.8111 22.3169
Italy 11.9860 11.5690 11.6840 9.9420 8.3250 8.2020 7.9500 7.9920 7.9560 8.0740 8.3630 7.7220 8.5470 9.0780
Kazakhstan 25.3777 26.1289 28.8657 27.3988 29.5148 28.3572 28.5738 29.0976 30.0794 30.1769 29.8225 30.1244 30.4317 28.8230
Kyrgyzstan 6.3528 6.1203 6.5723 6.4793 7.5938 7.5686 7.3731 7.0207 7.5861 9.4350 7.4302 7.0356 6.9566 6.5047
Latvia 8.1550 9.5200 11.2070 11.4000 12.4480 12.0060 12.9450 11.7210 13.2390 14.5360 14.6970 14.8240 16.1270 16.5180
Liechtenstein 0.8610 0.9136 0.8747 0.9043 0.8584 0.7813 0.6041 0.5998 0.6230 0.6331 0.5816 0.5423 0.5401 0.5399
Lithuania 11.0370 12.4180 13.7790 12.8130 15.6680 14.8350 14.9730 15.7020 17.8270 17.6980 18.9550 20.0430 20.7450 20.9280
Luxembourg 22.6020 22.4740 22.2890 21.5750 21.2400 21.8070 24.4120 24.0730 24.8960 23.0350 23.0840 22.4680 24.6490 22.8980
Malta 8.3170 7.1660 9.4020 10.6120 8.7380 11.8660 13.8060 13.5820 11.3870 13.0070 11.9130 12.7960 12.4160 11.1040
Monaco 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Montenegro 12.4421 13.4580 12.8884 12.5523 12.0519 12.6550 12.2558 11.5421 17.3627 20.3952 20.3896 19.7458 20.6620 21.4491
Netherlands 11.3990 11.3530 11.2310 10.7880 10.2370 10.3990 10.5890 9.6780 10.6630 11.1450 10.7680 9.7310 9.4750 9.9570
North Macedonia .. 8.8810 9.7700 9.3640 9.1080 9.1560 9.1530 8.9060 8.3420 8.4480 9.1720 9.0110 8.8760 ..
Norway 24.8250 25.9580 26.1450 27.3810 27.1110 26.1140 29.9900 24.4610 23.8510 26.1910 25.9020 23.6850 22.3900 ..
Poland 15.6610 16.5000 20.4280 17.5190 16.7170 16.5790 16.4670 16.9170 18.0050 18.4720 17.5860 17.4030 17.8810 19.3530
Portugal 20.6360 19.2110 17.8240 16.4160 14.0390 15.5270 15.6320 14.9850 16.4640 16.4160 16.5870 14.8550 15.8180 15.8030
Republic of Moldova 5.4416 7.2531 7.6901 8.6898 9.3078 10.0854 7.5526 8.3210 9.4771 10.4838 10.4004 8.0223 12.3355 11.0732
Romania 17.3150 13.5760 18.9250 17.9100 17.9030 18.6850 22.4070 22.8110 21.2150 22.9930 27.5250 29.0340 29.7340 28.8110
Russian Federation 13.4610 13.4569 15.3428 15.5564 16.1805 16.4831 16.1595 14.8299 14.9862 15.3323 15.6833 15.6489 13.7061 12.5256
San Marino 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0524 0.0757 0.0594 0.0758 0.7712 0.5205 0.5288 0.5395
Serbia 14.1390 15.0730 15.3250 13.9410 15.1670 14.3750 15.3660 16.8300 16.1630 16.9280 18.1200 19.0420 19.4360 ..
Slovakia 13.5790 13.3100 13.4580 11.8600 11.4070 12.5330 12.4820 12.3960 12.7860 13.5020 12.2810 11.8710 12.0370 11.4560
Slovenia 17.0170 16.0140 14.3900 12.4710 12.2130 13.1240 13.3050 12.8330 13.1060 14.3970 13.5370 13.0930 14.1210 15.3930
Spain 14.2940 12.6380 11.1130 8.8360 8.3230 8.4330 8.8220 8.6040 8.7750 9.5170 9.2530 9.0860 9.3280 8.8170
Sweden 19.4580 21.9230 22.9350 22.6730 23.1360 23.4490 22.9540 23.1690 24.0950 24.6540 25.6170 24.3160 27.0040 27.1210
Switzerland 12.3410 12.5230 12.6730 12.2140 12.3540 12.4500 11.4980 11.7070 11.3340 10.9490 11.0130 10.5430 10.4240 10.3020
Tajikistan 2.1923 2.3435 2.4423 2.6777 2.9283 3.7811 4.0348 4.6988 4.9286 5.1534 5.3602 5.0707 5.1683 4.8058
Türkiye 10.9210 12.9020 13.4470 11.8610 11.7830 12.0760 12.8490 12.8980 13.3780 12.1340 10.6430 11.3940 11.5150 ..
Turkmenistan 8.3933 9.2374 9.8140 10.6648 11.0328 11.1111 10.8072 10.8177 10.5851 10.6679 11.1671 11.2048 10.9912 10.1538
Ukraine 10.2626 10.7081 12.9483 11.1101 12.0101 10.9048 9.8066 10.7903 11.0454 12.5607 11.7766 11.1293 13.5472 14.2398
United Kingdom 9.5000 9.1660 9.0980 8.8140 8.9800 9.1240 8.6810 8.5100 8.6220 8.5680 8.4800 .. .. ..
United States 23.4760 23.5368 23.0916 22.9898 23.1281 23.5301 23.7638 23.8698 23.7499 23.4382 22.9036 22.0263 22.6285 23.0035
Uzbekistan 8.1633 8.0544 8.6308 8.7478 8.8834 9.0287 9.1735 9.6060 8.9774 10.0494 10.0863 10.2286 10.4431 9.8469
INDICATOR 12.2.2 (b)
Domestic material consumption per capita (all materials). Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is a standard material flow accounting (MFA) indicator and reports the apparent consumption of materials in a national economy.
By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
See United Nations Global SDG Database
