Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Freight volume (Road transport), tonne-kilometres

Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.

INDICATOR 9.1.2 (b)
Freight volume (Road transport). Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of goods moved by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database. For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Freight volume (Road transport), tonne-kilometres

Heat map
Bubble map
INDICATOR 9.1.2 (b)
Freight volume (Road transport). Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of goods moved by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database. For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Freight volume (Road transport), tonne-kilometres

INDICATOR 9.1.2 (b)
Freight volume (Road transport). Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of goods moved by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database. For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Indicator 9.1.2 (b)

Freight volume (Road transport), tonne-kilometres

Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Albania .. .. .. .. 3500 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Armenia 236 287 513 641 726 479 676 1104 .. .. 1505 .. .. ..
Austria 16539 16997 16143 15524 16605 17161 18091 18400 18594 18905 18732 19564 19184 18733
Azerbaijan 11325 12356 13307 14140 14516 15532 .. .. 16857 17531 .. 9425 .. ..
Belarus 16023 19436 22031 25603 26587 24523 25239 26987 28082 28516 28778 29594 .. ..
Belgium 35001 33107 32105 32795 31808 36077 35579 34219 32684 34829 34506 36199 33585 ..
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2039 2309 2301 2658 3216 3405 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Bulgaria 19454 21212 24387 27237 27922 32350 35402 35185 27002 20614 32566 35161 35134 33118
Canada 221766 224325 241495 251387 268568 277396 294716 299858 269285 .. .. .. .. ..
Croatia 8780 8926 8649 9133 9381 10439 11337 11833 12635 12477 12254 13629 13659 14329
Cyprus 1087 941 896 635 538 563 703 828 892 858 709 1035 949 1023
Czechia 51832 54830 51228 54893 54092 58714 50315 44274 41073 39059 56090 63756 65794 64806
Denmark 15018 12025 16679 16077 16194 15338 15956 15515 14989 14991 14685 15354 15161 16413
Estonia 5611 5912 5793 5987 6306 6259 6717 6189 5783 4794 4281 5237 4540 4194
Finland 29777 26916 25458 24427 23400 24485 26852 27977 28413 28847 29705 29618 30589 28267
France 182189 185671 172419 171709 165172 153575 157894 167185 169002 172926 167247 173732 173986 169222
Georgia 569 628 637 646 655 664 674 .. .. 712 712 721 730 738
Germany 313097 323848 307106 305781 310142 314816 315769 313143 316766 311869 304610 307277 303943 ..
Greece 29815 20597 20839 18970 19223 19764 20903 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Hungary 33721 34528 33735 35814 37517 38352 40006 39687 37948 36951 32223 37101 37443 33353
Iceland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ireland 10924 9941 9895 9138 9772 9844 11564 11759 11537 12403 11383 12485 12384 12596
Israel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Italy 175775 142885 124016 127241 117813 116820 112639 112949 124915 137986 133255 144986 151100 145173
Kazakhstan 80261 121074 132297 145347 155666 161865 163263 166146 185197 .. .. .. .. ..
Kyrgyzstan 1071 1095 1143 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Latvia 10590 12131 12178 12816 13670 14690 14227 14972 14997 14965 13705 15103 14581 13204
Liechtenstein 305 312 281 318 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Lithuania 19398 21512 23449 26338 28067 26485 30974 39099 43590 53117 55292 57755 53773 63101
Luxembourg 8657 8837 6550 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7511 7125
Montenegro 167 102 76 67 122 140 121 103 78 81 91 117 112 123
Netherlands 78803 76837 71980 72080 72335 68899 67785 67532 68906 68922 67592 69557 65463 62570
North Macedonia 4235 8933 8965 7466 10623 10192 10589 10901 10622 10266 10644 11444 14627 12009
Norway 19746 19185 20166 21313 21535 23144 20951 21386 21347 21466 21407 22557 24429 24429
Poland 202308 207651 222332 247594 250930 260713 290749 335220 315874 348952 354926 379820 385089 377873
Portugal 34640 37472 29767 36576 33857 32525 34684 34073 32676 31087 24402 32075 31556 27170
Republic of Moldova 3232 3597 3955 4423 4307 4217 4693 4884 5290 5567 5551 6346 6648 6910
Romania 25883 26347 29662 34026 35135 39022 48175 54704 58761 61041 55026 61848 64352 65248
Russian Federation 199341 222823 248862 250054 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Serbia 1689 1907 2474 2824 2959 .. .. .. .. .. 7741 .. .. ..
Slovakia 27411 29045 29504 30005 31304 33525 36106 35362 35590 33888 31591 30138 31428 26316
Slovenia 15931 16439 15888 15905 16273 17912 18714 20814 22225 24012 22662 24968 24308 22528
Spain 210064 206840 199205 192594 195763 209387 216993 231105 238991 249555 242265 270172 266720 263378
Sweden 36273 36946 33478 33521 41956 41498 42685 41848 43474 42601 43183 42685 47870 42373
Switzerland 13236 13564 12963 12815 13065 12439 12132 11945 12498 12397 12484 12707 12987 11888
Tajikistan 5005 .. 5783 .. 5783 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Türkiye 190365 203072 216123 224048 234492 244329 253139 262739 .. .. 272913 311818 323512 335126
Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ukraine 53918 57308 57453 58683 55963 53293 58030 62297 72068 64953 65177 .. .. ..
United Kingdom 150903 153000 155286 143700 139282 154459 159555 158410 163764 165499 145520 .. 185591 176222
United States .. .. 3656580 2878900 2941800 2990200 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Uzbekistan .. .. .. 29182 31464 33916 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Albania .. .. .. .. 3500 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Armenia 236 287 513 641 726 479 676 1104 .. .. 1505 .. .. ..
Austria 16539 16997 16143 15524 16605 17161 18091 18400 18594 18905 18732 19564 19184 18733
Azerbaijan 11325 12356 13307 14140 14516 15532 .. .. 16857 17531 .. 9425 .. ..
Belarus 16023 19436 22031 25603 26587 24523 25239 26987 28082 28516 28778 29594 .. ..
Belgium 35001 33107 32105 32795 31808 36077 35579 34219 32684 34829 34506 36199 33585 ..
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2039 2309 2301 2658 3216 3405 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Bulgaria 19454 21212 24387 27237 27922 32350 35402 35185 27002 20614 32566 35161 35134 33118
Canada 221766 224325 241495 251387 268568 277396 294716 299858 269285 .. .. .. .. ..
Croatia 8780 8926 8649 9133 9381 10439 11337 11833 12635 12477 12254 13629 13659 14329
Cyprus 1087 941 896 635 538 563 703 828 892 858 709 1035 949 1023
Czechia 51832 54830 51228 54893 54092 58714 50315 44274 41073 39059 56090 63756 65794 64806
Denmark 15018 12025 16679 16077 16194 15338 15956 15515 14989 14991 14685 15354 15161 16413
Estonia 5611 5912 5793 5987 6306 6259 6717 6189 5783 4794 4281 5237 4540 4194
Finland 29777 26916 25458 24427 23400 24485 26852 27977 28413 28847 29705 29618 30589 28267
France 182189 185671 172419 171709 165172 153575 157894 167185 169002 172926 167247 173732 173986 169222
Georgia 569 628 637 646 655 664 674 .. .. 712 712 721 730 738
Germany 313097 323848 307106 305781 310142 314816 315769 313143 316766 311869 304610 307277 303943 ..
Greece 29815 20597 20839 18970 19223 19764 20903 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Hungary 33721 34528 33735 35814 37517 38352 40006 39687 37948 36951 32223 37101 37443 33353
Iceland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ireland 10924 9941 9895 9138 9772 9844 11564 11759 11537 12403 11383 12485 12384 12596
Israel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Italy 175775 142885 124016 127241 117813 116820 112639 112949 124915 137986 133255 144986 151100 145173
Kazakhstan 80261 121074 132297 145347 155666 161865 163263 166146 185197 .. .. .. .. ..
Kyrgyzstan 1071 1095 1143 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Latvia 10590 12131 12178 12816 13670 14690 14227 14972 14997 14965 13705 15103 14581 13204
Liechtenstein 305 312 281 318 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Lithuania 19398 21512 23449 26338 28067 26485 30974 39099 43590 53117 55292 57755 53773 63101
Luxembourg 8657 8837 6550 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7511 7125
Montenegro 167 102 76 67 122 140 121 103 78 81 91 117 112 123
Netherlands 78803 76837 71980 72080 72335 68899 67785 67532 68906 68922 67592 69557 65463 62570
North Macedonia 4235 8933 8965 7466 10623 10192 10589 10901 10622 10266 10644 11444 14627 12009
Norway 19746 19185 20166 21313 21535 23144 20951 21386 21347 21466 21407 22557 24429 24429
Poland 202308 207651 222332 247594 250930 260713 290749 335220 315874 348952 354926 379820 385089 377873
Portugal 34640 37472 29767 36576 33857 32525 34684 34073 32676 31087 24402 32075 31556 27170
Republic of Moldova 3232 3597 3955 4423 4307 4217 4693 4884 5290 5567 5551 6346 6648 6910
Romania 25883 26347 29662 34026 35135 39022 48175 54704 58761 61041 55026 61848 64352 65248
Russian Federation 199341 222823 248862 250054 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Serbia 1689 1907 2474 2824 2959 .. .. .. .. .. 7741 .. .. ..
Slovakia 27411 29045 29504 30005 31304 33525 36106 35362 35590 33888 31591 30138 31428 26316
Slovenia 15931 16439 15888 15905 16273 17912 18714 20814 22225 24012 22662 24968 24308 22528
Spain 210064 206840 199205 192594 195763 209387 216993 231105 238991 249555 242265 270172 266720 263378
Sweden 36273 36946 33478 33521 41956 41498 42685 41848 43474 42601 43183 42685 47870 42373
Switzerland 13236 13564 12963 12815 13065 12439 12132 11945 12498 12397 12484 12707 12987 11888
Tajikistan 5005 .. 5783 .. 5783 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Türkiye 190365 203072 216123 224048 234492 244329 253139 262739 .. .. 272913 311818 323512 335126
Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ukraine 53918 57308 57453 58683 55963 53293 58030 62297 72068 64953 65177 .. .. ..
United Kingdom 150903 153000 155286 143700 139282 154459 159555 158410 163764 165499 145520 .. 185591 176222
United States .. .. 3656580 2878900 2941800 2990200 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Uzbekistan .. .. .. 29182 31464 33916 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
INDICATOR 9.1.2 (b)
Freight volume (Road transport). Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of goods moved by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Carriage of goods by road goods vehicles, registered in the reporting country, regardless of where the transport takes place. Tonne-kilometre by road: Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods by road over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database. For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.
