Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Passenger volume (rail), passenger kilometres (millions)

Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.

INDICATOR 9.1.2 (e)
Passenger volume (rail). Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of passenger journeys by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Passenger volume (rail), passenger kilometres (millions)

Heat map
Bubble map
INDICATOR 9.1.2 (e)
Passenger volume (rail). Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of passenger journeys by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Passenger volume (rail), passenger kilometres (millions)

INDICATOR 9.1.2 (e)
Passenger volume (rail). Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of passenger journeys by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Indicator 9.1.2 (e)

Passenger volume (rail), passenger kilometres (millions)

Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Albania 19 18 16 12 8 7 3 2 3 2 1 1 0 0
Armenia .. .. 53 55 52 44 50 55 .. .. 27 .. .. ..
Austria 10737 10876 11323 11914 12092 12208 12578 12657 13205 13350 7417 8433 12993 14583
Azerbaijan 917 660 591 609 612 495 448 .. 466 544 .. 104 .. ..
Belarus .. .. 8977 8998 7796 7117 6428 6295 6215 6274 3741 4486 .. ..
Belgium 10565 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Bosnia and Herzegovina 58 55 59 40 34 34 23 29 40 55 14 18 31 34
Bulgaria 2100 2067 1876 1826 1702 1186 1458 1438 1479 1524 1119 1205 1603 1596
Canada 1404 1428 1402 1386 1343 1380 1409 1561 2055 1729 235 542 1229 ..
Croatia 1742 1486 1104 948 927 951 836 745 756 734 449 540 815 1145
Czechia 6591 6714 7265 7601 7797 8298 8843 9498 10286 10931 6665 6820 9517 10144
Denmark 6586 7076 7026 6332 6291 6282 6119 6061 5939 5913 3755 3965 5546 5760
Estonia 247 243 235 223 280 286 316 366 417 392 263 290 382 408
Finland 3959 3882 4035 4053 3874 4113 3868 4271 4535 4924 2820 2903 4572 5198
France 87231 91304 91205 90485 89499 91377 91832 95024 91818 96540 56606 75854 102814 101316
Georgia 654 641 625 585 550 465 545 .. .. 677 247 273 483 687
Germany 82830 84628 88794 89451 90827 91603 94197 95530 98161 102026 58822 56020 .. ..
Greece .. 958 832 1056 1072 1263 1192 1112 1104 1253 640 653 1117 673
Hungary 7692 7806 7806 7843 7738 7609 7653 7731 7770 7752 4854 .. .. 10403
Ireland 1809 1776 1722 1718 1663 2096 2173 2306 2598 2399 877 870 1731 2235
Israel 1986 1927 2133 .. .. .. .. 2765 3032 3580 1253 .. .. ..
Italy 43349 39368 45753 47707 48881 51120 52178 53231 55493 56586 22269 27693 46498 54791
Kazakhstan 16056 16575 19256 20625 18999 17012 17914 18222 18562 17721 9163 12750 16691 16460
Kyrgyzstan 99 83 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Latvia 741 733 717 721 644 591 584 596 624 643 413 361 541 612
Lithuania 244 269 278 278 270 262 280 315 354 359 237 287 382 392
Luxembourg 347 349 373 385 409 418 417 438 443 463 269 304 389 505
Montenegro 91 65 62 73 76 81 84 60 67 66 28 37 52 68
Netherlands 16968 16582 16842 18730 17961 18338 18531 18438 18895 19353 9164 10852 17105 19195
North Macedonia 155 145 99 80 80 177 83 59 63 62 25 25 46 32
Norway 3134 3076 3092 3260 3440 3555 3695 3584 3722 3715 1804 1780 3079 3513
Poland 17921 18177 17826 16797 16015 17367 19175 20318 20911 21922 12487 15844 23728 25697
Portugal 4111 4143 3803 3649 3852 3957 4146 4391 4487 4964 2552 2912 4419 4812
Republic of Moldova 399 363 347 330 257 181 122 99 95 74 29 23 32 60
Romania 5437 5073 4571 4411 4976 5149 4988 5664 5577 5906 3720 4271 5795 6151
Russian Federation 138885 139842 144612 138517 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Serbia 522 541 540 613 453 509 .. 377 .. 347 157 191 426 528
Slovakia 2309 2431 2459 2485 2583 3411 3595 3873 3915 4093 2180 2052 3354 3706
Slovenia 813 773 742 760 697 709 680 650 656 698 397 542 835 990
Spain 22343 22936 22447 23755 25033 26108 26532 27381 28442 28847 12060 17002 27490 34385
Sweden 11155 11378 11792 11842 12121 12650 12800 13331 13547 14617 8129 8027 12879 13308
Switzerland 19177 19471 19262 19447 20010 20389 20812 20865 20613 21737 13334 14308 19341 22290
Tajikistan 33 .. 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Türkiye 5491 5882 4598 3775 4393 4828 4325 4567 5560 14259 8297 .. .. 6037
Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ukraine 50248 50594 49329 48981 35865 35367 36839 28075 28685 28413 10696 .. .. ..
United Kingdom 55831 56381 58709 61950 64711 66400 68010 68912 67657 70959 24814 31018 51921 59973
United States 31872 32580 34126 36041 36393 35897 35828 33259 31963 32483 .. .. .. ..
Uzbekistan .. .. 3438 3673 3760 3758 3934 4294 4329 4385 1795 3130 .. ..
Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Albania 19 18 16 12 8 7 3 2 3 2 1 1 0 0
Armenia .. .. 53 55 52 44 50 55 .. .. 27 .. .. ..
Austria 10737 10876 11323 11914 12092 12208 12578 12657 13205 13350 7417 8433 12993 14583
Azerbaijan 917 660 591 609 612 495 448 .. 466 544 .. 104 .. ..
Belarus .. .. 8977 8998 7796 7117 6428 6295 6215 6274 3741 4486 .. ..
Belgium 10565 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Bosnia and Herzegovina 58 55 59 40 34 34 23 29 40 55 14 18 31 34
Bulgaria 2100 2067 1876 1826 1702 1186 1458 1438 1479 1524 1119 1205 1603 1596
Canada 1404 1428 1402 1386 1343 1380 1409 1561 2055 1729 235 542 1229 ..
Croatia 1742 1486 1104 948 927 951 836 745 756 734 449 540 815 1145
Czechia 6591 6714 7265 7601 7797 8298 8843 9498 10286 10931 6665 6820 9517 10144
Denmark 6586 7076 7026 6332 6291 6282 6119 6061 5939 5913 3755 3965 5546 5760
Estonia 247 243 235 223 280 286 316 366 417 392 263 290 382 408
Finland 3959 3882 4035 4053 3874 4113 3868 4271 4535 4924 2820 2903 4572 5198
France 87231 91304 91205 90485 89499 91377 91832 95024 91818 96540 56606 75854 102814 101316
Georgia 654 641 625 585 550 465 545 .. .. 677 247 273 483 687
Germany 82830 84628 88794 89451 90827 91603 94197 95530 98161 102026 58822 56020 .. ..
Greece .. 958 832 1056 1072 1263 1192 1112 1104 1253 640 653 1117 673
Hungary 7692 7806 7806 7843 7738 7609 7653 7731 7770 7752 4854 .. .. 10403
Ireland 1809 1776 1722 1718 1663 2096 2173 2306 2598 2399 877 870 1731 2235
Israel 1986 1927 2133 .. .. .. .. 2765 3032 3580 1253 .. .. ..
Italy 43349 39368 45753 47707 48881 51120 52178 53231 55493 56586 22269 27693 46498 54791
Kazakhstan 16056 16575 19256 20625 18999 17012 17914 18222 18562 17721 9163 12750 16691 16460
Kyrgyzstan 99 83 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Latvia 741 733 717 721 644 591 584 596 624 643 413 361 541 612
Lithuania 244 269 278 278 270 262 280 315 354 359 237 287 382 392
Luxembourg 347 349 373 385 409 418 417 438 443 463 269 304 389 505
Montenegro 91 65 62 73 76 81 84 60 67 66 28 37 52 68
Netherlands 16968 16582 16842 18730 17961 18338 18531 18438 18895 19353 9164 10852 17105 19195
North Macedonia 155 145 99 80 80 177 83 59 63 62 25 25 46 32
Norway 3134 3076 3092 3260 3440 3555 3695 3584 3722 3715 1804 1780 3079 3513
Poland 17921 18177 17826 16797 16015 17367 19175 20318 20911 21922 12487 15844 23728 25697
Portugal 4111 4143 3803 3649 3852 3957 4146 4391 4487 4964 2552 2912 4419 4812
Republic of Moldova 399 363 347 330 257 181 122 99 95 74 29 23 32 60
Romania 5437 5073 4571 4411 4976 5149 4988 5664 5577 5906 3720 4271 5795 6151
Russian Federation 138885 139842 144612 138517 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Serbia 522 541 540 613 453 509 .. 377 .. 347 157 191 426 528
Slovakia 2309 2431 2459 2485 2583 3411 3595 3873 3915 4093 2180 2052 3354 3706
Slovenia 813 773 742 760 697 709 680 650 656 698 397 542 835 990
Spain 22343 22936 22447 23755 25033 26108 26532 27381 28442 28847 12060 17002 27490 34385
Sweden 11155 11378 11792 11842 12121 12650 12800 13331 13547 14617 8129 8027 12879 13308
Switzerland 19177 19471 19262 19447 20010 20389 20812 20865 20613 21737 13334 14308 19341 22290
Tajikistan 33 .. 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Türkiye 5491 5882 4598 3775 4393 4828 4325 4567 5560 14259 8297 .. .. 6037
Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Ukraine 50248 50594 49329 48981 35865 35367 36839 28075 28685 28413 10696 .. .. ..
United Kingdom 55831 56381 58709 61950 64711 66400 68010 68912 67657 70959 24814 31018 51921 59973
United States 31872 32580 34126 36041 36393 35897 35828 33259 31963 32483 .. .. .. ..
Uzbekistan .. .. 3438 3673 3760 3758 3934 4294 4329 4385 1795 3130 .. ..
INDICATOR 9.1.2 (e)
Passenger volume (rail). Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport. The quantity of passenger journeys by rail gives an indication of the transport modal split in a country, and provides insights into the sustainability of a country’s transport system. Passenger transport on national territory by rail, regardless of the nationality of the rail vehicle. Passenger-km by rail: Unit of measure of passenger transport which represents the transport of one passenger by rail over one kilometre. Data as reported in the UNECE Transport Division Database.For further definition details, consult the Glossary for Transport Statistics.
